
The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

author:Poisonous tongue movie

I've heard of her

Female version of Yang Yongxin.

Also known as, the unplugged version of Yang Yongxin.

It is claimed to be a "home visit by a famous teacher", but it is actually a door-to-door smashing and robbery.

It's not that education has turned into a business.

It's education, which is creating patients.


In Jiangsu, a boy in the second year of junior high school just got up and played with figurines for 20 minutes.

Hey, that's a big deal.

I didn't think about it for a while

The room has long been equipped with a camera, and he is being watched by a woman named Zhao Juying.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Who is Zhao Juying?

She claims to be a 33-year veteran education expert, and has a matrix number on the short video platform, in which many cases of her "one-on-one guided learning" are posted.

Jiangsu, a second-year junior high school boy who likes figurines, is one of her tutors.

So how did Zhao Juying tutor?

She burst into the boy's room, gave him a hammer, and asked him to smash his GUNPLA himself.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

I saw that the boy was not firm enough.

Zhao Juying humiliated very skillfully:

"Is the figure your father? Can playing this improve grades? I got up in the morning to play with figurines, and my brain was kicked by a donkey? ”

After smashing the figure, I didn't forget to let the boy read all the "dreams" on the wall

Kunshan Middle School→ University of Political Science and Law→ Harvard University

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Another case is from Sichuan.

This girl is also in the second year of junior high school, she is a heavy comic book fan, and her desk is full of collected cards, peripherals, and blind boxes.

Zhao Juying picked up a copy casually

Demon Slayer? Naughty bag horse jump?

In her opinion, they are all comics, and there is no difference.

In the second year of junior high school, I was still reading villain books.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Soon, everything that had nothing to do with learning was thrown into the trash.

But Zhao Juying is not enough.

She followed the parents and watched the child go downstairs, making sure that she had thrown it all away, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Think about someone suddenly bursting into your house and throwing away all your favorite collections, and the whole person is going to have high blood pressure.

This Zhao Juying claims "genius education":

Her son "knew more than 2,000 Chinese characters at the age of 2, memorized 150 world classics in English at the age of 3, skipped a grade at the age of 8 to read the fourth grade, and taught himself Spanish, French and ......"

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

But it is

"Extinction Education".

Desperate to extinguish desire, not tempted by all pop culture such as figures, comics, idols, etc.

Advocate that "everyone is a genius".

If you're not, you must not be pushing hard enough.

Compared with Yang Yongxin, Zhao Juying is soft, without electric shock and captivity.

But the first element that coerced her to "teach".

Zhao Juying used the plaque of "Famous Teacher", and the staff of the institution accompanied the video, and her parents sat in the whole process.

In the end, he was forced to smash his toys with his own hands.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Behind Zhao Juying, there is a huge market.

The business she does is an extension of her schooling.

Just like after the "double reduction", the amount of learning tasks and homework for students is reduced, and parents should start to find tutoring classes and tutors for their children.

This is because burden reduction does not actually reduce competitive pressures.

This is a shift in the location of make-up classes, from on-campus to off-campus, and also increases the financial burden on parents.

In the past, in the era of desperate involution and intensity, grasping learning and grasping style were two-pronged.

On one side, the teacher crammed for teaching, and on the other side, the head teacher and school leaders began to catch early love, confiscate mobile phones, shave bangs, and pay extracurricular books......

At the same time of double reduction, the "lying flat" school is too loose in the eyes of parents.

They need to buy additional services, like hiring tutors, to take on the "militarized management" functions of the schools of the past.

As a result, Zhao Juying came into being.

"Making patients", Sir is not exaggerating.

Sir can't imagine what kind of psychological trauma these children will endure, what kind of rifts will appear in the relationship with their parents, and even more far, and even less cared about

Children are not only losing their joy.

The ability to be happy may also be lost.

They were only told to study, to take exams, to go to university, but they never knew or felt what they were fighting for, because the things that made them happy were all destroyed and treated as meaningless.

Maybe in the future, they will really be admitted to a prestigious school.

But all the success doesn't seem to be able to be exchanged for happiness.

Diligent and miserable, excellent but depressed

It seems to be an issue that East Asian children will face for the rest of their lives.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers
The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers


Zhao Juying turned red.

Authorities said they would investigate.

But in reality, it doesn't require much investigation

Judging from the video, most of her audience comes from second- and third-tier cities where educational resources are not so abundant, and the parents who ask her for help are not as authoritarian as we imagined.

After all, they are also willing to give their children the space and freedom to read idle books and buy toys.

It is enough to show that:

It's not that they don't want to respect their children, but the anxiety of survival makes them completely lose their direction in today's load reduction.

Compared with authoritarianism and rudeness, Sir feels that Zhao Juying's believers have a bigger core label of blind obedience.

Many people say that Zhao Juying is the "female version of Yang Yongxin".

But in fact, even the parents who send their children to Yuzhang Academy are really so indifferent?

Sir feels that the most in their hearts is "love" and self-touching.

It's like the father of "The Sun Shines".

He has a son who excels in his studies, and he credits it all.

From time to time, he will instill in his son his success lessons:

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

He will be given a notebook with motivational words:

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

But son, I don't want to use a single one.

The stack of notebooks was empty.

In the dead of night, the sensible child made his bed and quietly jumped off the balcony......

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Until after the death of his son.

The father couldn't figure out why his obedient son jumped off the building, and he obviously paved a road to success for his son......

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

It's not so much that Zhao Juying is a female version of Yang Yongxin.

It's better to say that the world is a huge Yang Yongxin.

From society, schools, and parents, they are all keen on "transformation" and claim to be "for your good".

The involution has long been pre-empted.

In the past, when Sir was in college, there was also a saying that no matter how tired you are, it will be easy to survive the college entrance examination.

What now?

After the college entrance examination, you have to stare at Zhang Xuefeng's live broadcast, because you have made the wrong choice, the wrong major, and the wrong city, and your whole life may be wrong;

When you go to college, you have to plan which path you want to take in advance, and if you want to take the public exam, you have to prepare for the beginning of your freshman year; If you want to go to graduate school, you must choose a good school and track; If you want to get a job, then work hard to save credits, finish classes as soon as possible, and go out for internships early......

The life of the Chinese is a life alienated by time, a life of only delay and no satisfaction, a life of not daring to think about a gap year, or even a gap day.

After Zhao Juying became popular.

Young netizens quickly occupied the comment area

They posted their models and certificates, proving that even if they indulge in figurines, comics, and two-dimensional hobbies, it will not affect their studies and work, let alone prevent them from becoming excellent people.

"211 Bachelor's and Master's Consecutive Readings".

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

"High school mathematics has always been the first education".

Special statement: Zhejiang IP.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Since childhood, I like to play with knives and draw, and accidentally became an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Playing with models from childhood to adulthood, I accidentally became a rocket engineer.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

There are also industrial designers who play with a small goal.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

The rebellion of netizens is not just facing a Zhao Juying.

Rather, it comes from what we know best

In the name of sacrifice, the practice of control of the Chinese education.

Judge your hobbies.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Blow your self-confidence.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Devalue your future.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers


The more incompetent the parents, the more they will go to the doctor.

They don't have any network resources, or even a pattern and vision, to plan a reliable path, so they can only turn to such a "famous teacher" for help.

The more teachers who can't teach the real thing, they will use the way of suppression and belittlement.

Those who can learn can also play, this sentence is true.

But Sir still has to say

Netizens have also fallen into a kind of premise of "you can only play if you learn well".

When they refuted it, the evidence they came up with was also, you see, I also play, but I am very good, and I can succeed.

This is still the logic of taking success as the first legitimacy, as if only by proving that he has succeeded can he refute Zhao Juying.

There are two kinds of cruelty hidden behind this.


Those who play well and learn well are likely to enjoy better educational resources.

For example, students in Beijing and Shanghai can afford to hire a good tutor and spend money to cultivate hobbies, or students in Beijing and Shanghai can study without delaying while playing compared to students in the "four provinces".


Being able to easily balance learning and playing is already talented enough in itself.

So what we want to ask is, those students who do not have excellent educational resources and are generally talented, will they only have "Zhao Juying" left in their lives?

This is the biggest net hanging over our heads

In addition to excellence, mainstream values never seem to give us a second way to live.



Zhao Juying may just be a role-play to meet the needs of parents.

But what do parents who believe in Zhao Juying believe in essence?

In Zhao Juying's video, there is an example that was repeatedly beaten by netizens

When talking about "Demon Slayer", she labeled people as "uneducated trash", and then began to recommend books that she thought would be beneficial

"Daughter of the Sea", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Starry Spring".

So far, it seems to be all right.

Until, she said "Harry Potter".

The post-90s generation laughed.

When we were in school, "Harry Potter" was not a recommended book, it was just an "idle book" that would be confiscated by teachers and parents.

When parents hand over their children to Zhao Juying, they not only trust Zhao Juying, but also hope that Zhao Juying will copy all the school education at home.

It's not good to read extracurricular books.

As long as you read what is recommended by the school and requested by the teacher, then it is good.

The criterion of good and bad is whether it is useful or not, and this usefulness must be recognized by the school and the official.

As for the child's own favorite?

These adults are simply too lazy to understand.

Because what they fear most is that their children are different from other people.

But these parents can't explain it either

Why are you so afraid that children have personalities?

Perhaps, it starts with our whole environment, the most conservative, stubborn, narrow-minded forces, who are more and more fond of judging "different".

Two-dimensional enthusiasts.

If you wear a cosplay costume to ride the subway, you will be refused by the staff.

Someone will even yell at you:

You wear the clothes of Japanese devils, are you Chinese?

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Attend music festivals.

The national flag was raised and the national anthem was sung, but some people still said:

If you shake your head, you must have been brainwashed by the Illuminati.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers
The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

All right.

What if you don't do anything out of the ordinary, just quietly buy tickets and enjoy a show?


Looking at Yang Liping?

Then another group of people came out and discussed:

The scale is large, and the erotic performance is recommended to be blocked.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers
The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers
The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Someone may argue with this.

These are abnormal sounds, nothing to care about.

But here's the problem

These sounds are so abnormal.

But he can always be rampant and domineering and occupy the upper hand in the field of public opinion.

It's like Zhao Juying's education.

Obviously, most netizens can see the problem, but there are parents who pay for it, firmly believing that this is for the good of their children.

The parents who believe in Zhao Juying, not Zhao Juying, not bullying education.

It's the atmosphere of shooting the first bird.

in the mainstream context.

Subcultures, niche people, controversial new things...... Is there still a status?

In a society where the fault tolerance rate is getting lower and lower.

Personality, creativity, speaking and most different opinions......

Or is it a quality that is promoted, protected, and valued?

Compared with the superstition of Zhao Juying.

Sir felt even more sad about the children's reactions.

They hardly resist and don't even dare to introduce their hobbies.

Look at their obedient silence.

Sir remembered the movie "Looks Beautiful".

Wang Shuo, who is not stingy, is a representative of the rebellion of the previous generation.

And his emergence also represents the degree of freedom and tolerance we used to have when popular culture was at its most open.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

in the movie.

The square gun has pigtails that don't fit in with other children.

The teacher used small red flowers to lure him, but he still didn't want to cut it.

Until one day.

The teacher didn't say a word, so the meter was cut off.

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers
The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

Fang Gun began to use mischievous mischief, inciting other children not to cooperate, to fight against the violent rule of the kindergarten.

As a result.

The "uprising" of Fang Gun was not successful, but was alienated and boycotted by other children.

Thirty years ago, Wang Shuo compared kindergarten to the entire Chinese society, braided hair to personality trimming, and small red flowers to glory in line with mainstream values.

But what would today's creators do if they were to write "Looks Beautiful" again?

looked at the children in Zhao Juying's video.

Looking at the public opinion field, we are becoming more and more powerless and silent.


We will no longer believe that in kindergartens, there can be square guns, and square guns can have pigtails.

Because before entering kindergarten, parents should self-examine and cut out all the "risk factors" in their children.

Look at the current society

When a square gun is controlled, will we in front of the screen still question Mr. Tang?

Or rather.

Will we choose to understand Mr. Tang and become Mr. Tang?

The sorrow of the East Asian family! "Wild" experts are sought after by parents, bullying education causes depressed teenagers

The picture in this article comes from the Internet

Editor's Assistant: The hostess has no holidays

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