
To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

author:Polar GDgames

Introduction: Released on October 27, "Super Mario: Odyssey" is the orthodox sequel of "Box Court Exploration 3D Mario" that inherits the high freedom bloodline of "Super Mario 64" (2004) and "Sunshine Mario 64" (2002) after more than a decade. After its release, it was rated 10 points by ING. Deep players know the meaning of the 10-point evaluation, but for most ordinary players, the rating is relatively dry, not as attractive as the actual content, it is not very clear about the fun of this game, here is for everyone to choose some of the more interesting places, for your reference whether to start this game.

Plot: Expected, but a little surprise.

As the sequel to the orthodox Mario series on Nintendo consoles, the game is divided into three single-two modes, where a single player can control Mario and his Hat Cappy (Cappi of the Hat Kingdom) at the same time. The storyline is the player's familiar rescue of Princess Peach (Peach). A slight difference is that after Kuba kidnapped the princess this time, he also plundered all kinds of wedding supplies throughout the world, and even the dress and wedding ring were ready (robbed), and it was clear that he wanted to forcibly marry the princess. And our protagonist Mario needs to follow in Kuba's footsteps, restore the order of one kingdom after another by defeating Kuba's younger brothers, and finally defeat Kuba to embrace the beauty.

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Originally, the plot should be like this, but in the Odyssey, Lao Ren will tell you that fairy tales are all lies.

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Feeling that Kuba and Mario are true love, the two finally merge in this game and complete the great harmony of life.

In the end, there was a big reversal, and Lao Ren seemed to finally think of characterizing the relationship between these three people (Tan90°). To avoid spoilers, I won't go into detail here. The story of this game is indeed not strong, if you are very fond of telling stories like "Rainstorm", then this game is not very suitable for you, because the core of Odyssey is in the gameplay and level design.

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Different perspectives switch The hat is the body

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

The hat in the game, which is mostly just an ornament in other works, becomes the core of the entire system, not only as a weapon, But also as a weapon, Mario himself can also use the hat to attach to various objects and transform into different perspectives to survive various difficulties. It can be said that Mario in the game "hat is the body". The emergence of this game has made many players gradually realize that the red hat on Mario's head has long become its inseparable symbol, and it is also fortunate that the protagonist of this work is not Luigi.

In the game, from frogs to dinosaurs, from missile assassins to hammer-throwing hammer turtles, as long as you see something that can move, you can "possess" with a hat.

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

There is a stacked chestnut boy courtship scene in the game that is very interesting, and the important thing is that it is successful!

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

The conversion of 2D and 3D perspectives in the game

Addicted to mini-games can not help themselves

There are many small games hidden in the game, such as jump rope competitions, among which the urban state "Choku Ku Ku Race" was originally just a small game in the game, but some netizens developed them into world records (uncertified), the race did not divide the track, as long as it is not the air wall part is theoretically possible to walk. But to be fair, are we really playing the same game, Super Mario: Odyssey?

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

It's not a running race, it's a trapeze race!

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

At present, the racing speed of the video, including the waterfall country and the cooking country, the running record is around 16 or 17 seconds, which is not the designer's intention, so that each country's race can find such a fast route, and the time difference is not much. The operation is simple to say, jump up and press y and then press zr + y forward to pounce, release when you pounce on the hat, use the front swoop to step on the hat during the jump, but this look is good, for my jump rope has not jumped enough to 100.

Needless to say, I'm going to report a wave, and the referee is coming to the game again.

Screenshot of a brain-hole snapshot of The Skyline

Super Mario: Odyssey provides players with a fairly quick screenshot taking function, which can be taken at any time in the game. The official also launched the first 7-day snapshot screenshot contest, the theme of which is "Joy".

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

However, there are some strange screenshots on the Internet, which cannot escape the fate of netizens' spoofs. But now I finally know why Mario broke up with his ex-girlfriend (the current idol mayor). Sure enough, there is a picture and a truth!

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know
To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Seemingly useless but very interesting details

Nintendo's games are very detail-oriented, and if you explore slowly, you will find some very interesting things. If we don't control Mario for a long time, he will slowly fall into a deep sleep, at which point there will be a bird landing on his nose. It would all land on his big nose. Every time I see it, I wonder when these birds will look down and peck his nose. Can't help but fall into contemplation (in a daze...) )

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Reason why can a pigeon be so big!

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

No need to save the world (princess) leisure time

I can't help but think that if Asleep in the last world, a very large bird appears that can catch Mario on the mysterious map, then it will be more interesting.

In the game, you can walk the dog, throw the hat out, and the dog will chase the hat.

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Don't have 10,000 coins, just 9,999 coins and you can take the skeleton skin home

It can also tease frogs, which can be found in the novice level, and after stepping on them, you will get gold coins, and if Mario does not come down, it will always jump on the frog's head. That picture is quite "beautiful".

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Mario bouncing on the frog's head

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Mario and Kapi are ready to possess the frog and gain super bouncing power

· Attached to the telescope, staring at the sun for a long time, Kaipi will remind you that this is very bad for the eyes, and suddenly remember that your eyes are bad when you look at the sun for a long time when you were a child, that is, if someone reminds me, now maybe I don't have to wear such thick glasses.

· Crashing into different objects with a material hat will make different sounds, and the next point of the ghost beast masters seems to be about to appear

· Near the waterfall or when it rains, the screen will appear water mist, water droplets, the closer you lean, the more water droplets.

· The paintings on the walls and posters are hidden Easter eggs that can be knocked off or hit with hats, and gold coins and other mysterious things will appear inside

· Princess Peach Blossom's castle will have an ordinary-looking scarecrow that can be turned into a flagpole, but there is also a very interesting Easter egg in the game.

There are really a lot of Easter eggs in the game, as long as you slowly look for them, you can find them.

The moon is everywhere

The general collection game routine is to put the collection elements in the most conspicuous place (gouyin) the player, worried that the player can not see, and then will design a variety of traps on the road to the material, hindering the player from collecting. However, the Odyssey is the opposite, and all the moon positions are very hidden.

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

The moon that needs to be vigorously stepped on the floor will appear

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

The moon hidden in a coconut tree

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

Circle to win the race to get the moon (PS: the blue path will disappear, the circle is all by the feel)

To buy or not to buy Super Mario: Odyssey? After reading this, you will know

The moon hidden in the secret chamber at the bottom of the Quicksand River

"Super Mario: Odyssey" also has a lot of interesting settings, the length of an article is impossible to introduce one by one, you need to experience it yourself, after all, watching others play games and playing games by yourself are two very different experiences.

Small talk: Which settings in the game do you think are more interesting?

Polar Editor: Bart Jun

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