
With a good attitude, gold will always shine

author:Shallow silence
With a good attitude, gold will always shine

A new supervisor was brought in from the unit, and most of the colleagues were excited, and it was said that he was a capable person who was specially sent to rectify the business.

But as the days passed, the new supervisor did nothing, and every day he entered the office politely, hiding inside and making it difficult to get out, and those bad elements who were originally nervous to death were now more rampant. "Where is he a capable man!" It's a good old guy at all, and it's easier to bluff than the previous supervisor! ”。

Four months passed, and just when people were disappointed by the new supervisor, the new supervisor threatened: all the bad guys were fired, and the capable people were promoted. The speed of the start, the accuracy of the decision, and the conservative performance of the past four months, it is almost like a change of person.

At the year-end dinner, the new supervisor told everyone a story: "I have a friend who bought a house with a compound, and as soon as he moved in, he completely rectified the yard, removed all weeds and dead trees, and planted his newly purchased flowers." ”

"One day, the original owner of the house came to visit, and when he entered the door, he was surprised and asked, 'Where is the most precious peony?' My friend found out that he had actually shoveled the peony as grass. ”

At the year-end dinner, the new supervisor told everyone a story: "I have a friend who bought a house with a compound, and as soon as he moved in, he completely rectified the yard, removed all weeds and dead trees, and planted his newly purchased flowers." "One day, the original owner of the house came to visit, and when he entered the door, he was surprised and asked: 'Where is the most precious peony?' My friend found out that he had actually shoveled the peony as grass. ”

Later, he bought a house again, although the yard was even more chaotic, but he did not move, and sure enough, in the winter, the plants that thought they were miscellaneous trees bloomed in the spring; in the spring they thought they were weeds, and in the summer they became brocade; the small trees that did not move for half a year actually had red leaves in the autumn.

It was not until late autumn that he truly recognized which were useless plants, and vigorously eradicated and preserved all the precious plants and trees. ”

At this point, the supervisor raised his glass, "Let me pay homage to everyone here, because if this office is a garden, you are all precious wood in between, and the precious wood cannot blossom and bear fruit all year round, and only after long-term observation can you recognize it!" ”

In fact, we live in this world, no matter what we do, there will always be someone watching you! He will never judge you based on your momentary failure, nor will he misjudge you for your occasional success. The more difficult the environment, the more at ease we must be; the more unfavorable the situation, the more we must keep our duties. Gold shines wherever it is, because it is gold itself. It does not change or deteriorate depending on the environment in which it is located.

Being a human attitude is very important, a positive attitude has a positive impact, and a negative attitude brings negative emotions and has an impact on yourself and others. There is a saying: Therefore, no matter what you want, you will treat others as you would like to treat you. This is actually causality. We all understand the truth, then it depends on how we do it...

Of course, sometimes our good deeds do not necessarily bring good rewards, and our kindness may not be appreciated by everyone. But I still want to say that goodness always has to be done. How else could this world be beautiful? I recommend that you watch a film based on a true story: "The Grace of Amish". Finally, I would like to exhort one another: Do not slander, do not compete, always be peaceful, and show gentleness to all.

With a good attitude, gold will always shine

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