
Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

In today's review, Mario is going to challenge the balancing game, the rules are very simple, put Mario and his companions up, take Mario and his companions down, don't fall. Also because the rules are too simple, children's careful thinking is more, come and see how our evaluators play it!

Toy Name: Epoch Mario Balance Game

Playable age: 4+

Parent-child evaluator: Luffina

Write on the front

Before I started, I had been planting grass for a long time on one of EPOCH's earlier Mario balance towers. This time, I got the new Mario balance game Jr, and immediately tried it out with the little Mario fans at home. Compared with the design of the balance tower, this evaluation of the balance game Jr, because of the reduction of the placement direction and the number of characters, the difficulty is greatly reduced, more friendly to young children, and in terms of volume, it also has better portability, which is fully suitable for use in scenarios such as carrying out trips, or waiting in restaurants.

Out-of-the-box impressions

The game contains base part *3, character *4, dice *1, and a copy of the instruction manual.

The outer packaging is accompanied by a two-dimensional code of the gameplay video, but it is a balance tower demonstration video, but fortunately there is no essential difference in the gameplay between the two.

The base socket is friendly and the children are fully capable of assembling themselves. After the parts are disassembled, they can be put into a small sealed bag, which is easy to carry out.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

The quality of the 4 genuinely licensed characters is still relatively good, although there is a loss of wear and tear at the Mario hat when received,

However, compared with the role of Taobao purchase at home, the quality is still immediately superior.

Basic gameplay

1. The official recommendation is that the number of players is 1-4 people, but it is still slightly lonely when playing alone, and it is recommended to fight as many people as possible. First assemble the stand according to your favorite style. Depending on the assembly shape of the bracket, the difficulty of the game will vary.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

Different assembly methods have different difficulties

2. The player throws the dice in order. The six sides of the dice are 0, 1, and 2. The player places the number of throws of the character onto the bracket. If the roles are all placed, remove the corresponding number of roles.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

3. If the character falls during the process of placing or removing, the player will lose.

Tu Weiwa found a cheating technique, as long as the character is placed under the shelf to hold up, it will not fall.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

Expand the game

1. Balance the challenge

If the first child feels that the strength control is not good, it is more likely to be frustrated in the battle (3-6 children in this age group seem to be quite common :), and we can further make some adjustments to the game. For example, if you become a single player game, it is stipulated that only 4 characters need to be placed on the balance bar to consider the challenge successful. This process can help children gradually form a perception of the weight of the character and the placement position, so that they can play better in the game later.

2. Replace the placement

Of course, we can also look for some small snacks in life, nuts, or LEGO particles to replace existing characters and increase the difficulty of the game. When there are more options, compared with the original game configuration, the volume and center of gravity of the placed objects become different, and the selection of the item that is suitable for placement also becomes a test for the player.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

3、Role play

Those who care about Mario toys must know that in the past two years, Lego has released Mario's small particle set, as well as several different scene supporting components and character packs. And now we have completely saved this money, taking out the small particles of the family, and building our own game levels with this game character.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

The picture below shows Wa using Lego to build a new balance bracket for herself.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

Friends who have played the craft world of the switch game Yaoxi can also create by hand with their children and build richer scenes for them to link. The contemptible man also mutilated his hand.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

Additional notes

It is worth noting that epoch's balance game Jr and balance tower characters can be universal. The balanced game Jr for this review has a total of 3 styles: aboveground, underground and castle.

According to the packaging instructions, if you set three models, you can form several larger balance brackets, which improves the fun of the game to a certain extent.

Mario, who escaped from the balance game, can also experience a scene [Wonderful Report]

However, since the total price of the three models is not much different from the balance tower, I will still recommend choosing the balance tower for older babies with a better sense of balance, because the visual effect when it collapses looks more joyful.

Playing in the game is our general nature

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