
It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles?Doctor: Actually, the real junk food is these 5 kinds!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Little Happiness 32699651

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In my career as a doctor, I have come across a variety of health myths, one of which is the myth of instant noodles. Once, a patient asked me, half-jokingly, half-seriously, "Doctor, I heard that eating a pack of instant noodles takes 32 days to detoxify, is it true?" and it made me realize that the misconceptions about food safety and healthy eating are more widespread than I thought.

It reminds me of Mr. Lee's story. Mr. Li is a programmer who often works overtime late into the night, and his eating habits are mainly instant noodles and fast food. Once, he came to the hospital with stomach pain, and after examination, it was found that gastritis was caused by long-term irregular diet and excessive dependence on so-called "fast food". After talking to him at length, I found that Mr. Li's definition of "junk food" was very vague, and he thought that as long as he avoided instant noodles, he could live a "healthy" life.

It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles?Doctor: Actually, the real junk food is these 5 kinds!

This case illustrates a common phenomenon in which many people lack an accurate understanding of what real junk food is. Therefore, I decided to write this article in the hope that by sharing my clinical experience and scientific food knowledge, I will help you uncover the truth about those mislabeled foods, and at the same time point out the "invisible killers" that are really bad for our health.

Together, we'll explore which foods are junk foods to avoid and how to make healthier eating choices. I hope that through this article, you will be able to gain practical knowledge, improve your eating habits, and enjoy a healthier life.

It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles?Doctor: Actually, the real junk food is these 5 kinds!

1. Cracking the myth: analysis of the composition of instant noodles

In this fast-paced era, instant noodles have become a lifesaver in many people's busy lives. Recently, the saying that "it takes 32 days to detoxify after eating a pack of instant noodles" has become popular on the Internet, which has made many instant noodle lovers nervous. But let's press the pause button first and get to the bottom of what the hell instant noodles are.

The main ingredients of instant noodles are actually quite simple: wheat flour, palm oil, salt, and some additives used to adjust the texture of the noodles. Sounds pretty simple, right? In fact, the main point of contention regarding the health effects of instant noodles is the additives and their salt content.

From a scientific point of view, it is convenient to consume in moderation and safe for most people. But the problem is that the word "moderate". Instant noodles do contain a certain amount of additives, such as preservatives, and high levels of salt, which may not be very cardiovascular. But that doesn't mean they're an immediate threat to your health, it's all about your overall diet and lifestyle.

It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles?Doctor: Actually, the real junk food is these 5 kinds!

2. List of real junk food

Since instant noodles are not a "big evil", what is real junk food? Let's find out.

Processed meats: Think sausages and bacon that look bright and flavorful. They can be stored for a long time thanks to various preservatives and added coloring. Long-term ingestion of these ingredients may increase the risk of cancer.

Sugar-sweetened drinks: A bottle of Coke or juice drink may sound like a good choice to quench your thirst, but they are actually a "hidden source" of sugar. Excessive sugar intake can not only lead to weight gain, but may also increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes.

Puffed foods: Although puffed foods such as potato chips and popcorn have a crispy taste, their nutritional value is pitifully low. These foods usually contain a lot of oils and additives, and long-term consumption is not good for the body.

Overly processed snacks: The ingredient lists on these food labels are often intimidatingly long and full of hard-to-pronounce chemical ingredients. They are high in salt, sugar, and trans fats, which are the enemies of health.

Fast food: Fast food is popular for its convenience and delicious taste. However, fast food is often nutritionally unbalanced, high in calories and fat, and long-term consumption may lead to various chronic diseases.

It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles?Doctor: Actually, the real junk food is these 5 kinds!

3. Basic principles of a healthy diet

Healthy eating may sound like a heavy nutrition manual, but it's much easier than you think. We don't need to calculate every gram of intake precisely, and we don't have to completely prohibit ourselves from enjoying our food. The secret to a healthy diet is balance and choice.

First and foremost, diversity is key. Different colors of vegetables and fruits not only make the plate more colorful, but also ensure that we get the full range of nutrients from our food. Second, whole grains, lean meats, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds, which are all sources of high-quality protein and healthy fats, should be a regular part of our diet.

In addition, reduce your intake of processed foods and choose natural foods that are not overly processed whenever possible. Doing so will not only help us control our intake of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, but also increase our intake of dietary fiber, which is beneficial for gut health.

It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles?Doctor: Actually, the real junk food is these 5 kinds!

4. Practice: How to make healthy food choices

Practicing healthy eating is easier than you think. The next time you visit the supermarket, try walking along the edge of the supermarket, as this is usually where fresh food is placed. Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and dairy products are all things we should focus on.

When it comes to snack options, let's think differently: use nuts instead of chips, choose unsweetened dried fruits instead of sweets, and make homemade juice or water instead of sugary drinks. These simple alternatives not only satisfy our cravings, but also provide more nutritional value.

In your daily diet, try more cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and roasting rather than frying. This not only preserves the original taste and nutrients of the food, but also reduces the intake of unhealthy fats. At the same time, increasing the proportion of vegetables and reducing the amount of staple foods can help us achieve a better balance in our diet.

Finally, don't forget to listen to your body's voice. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full. It sounds natural, but a lot of times we ignore our body's signals. Eat in moderation and enjoy food while also paying attention to health.

With these simple and practical tips, we can gradually make the transition to healthier eating habits. You don't need drastic changes, just run in small steps and gradually develop a good eating pattern. Remember, healthy eating is not a sprint, it's a marathon, take your time and be consistent.

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