
The liver around you is the "detoxification king", eat some every day to nourish the liver and make the blood vessels healthier

author:99 Health Net

The liver is a vital organ in the human body and is responsible for a variety of metabolic, detoxifying, and immune functions. Our body can only stay healthy if the liver is working properly. In addition to maintaining a regular lifestyle and a good attitude, diet also plays a vital role in maintaining liver health.

Therefore, it is recommended that you consume more of the following six detoxifying foods that are beneficial to the liver in your daily diet.

The liver around you is the "detoxification king", eat some every day to nourish the liver and make the blood vessels healthier


6 detoxifying foods that the liver loves

Leafy greens

Spinach, kale, and kale are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help remove free radicals from the body and promote liver detoxification.

Nuts and seeds

Walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which help liver lipid metabolism and reduce liver inflammation.


Green tea and oolong tea are rich in catechins, which are antioxidants that can help detoxify the liver and reduce liver fat.


Fruits such as lemons, grapes, blueberries and oranges are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to boost the liver's ability to detoxify.


Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, help reduce liver inflammation and improve liver lipid levels.


The sulfur compounds in garlic help activate enzymes in the liver, which helps the liver detoxify and reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body.

The liver around you is the "detoxification king", eat some every day to nourish the liver and make the blood vessels healthier


What are the main functions of the liver

Metabolic function

The liver is involved in the metabolism of nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins. It is able to synthesize and break down these substances to maintain homeostasis.


The liver is the body's main detoxification organ, capable of filtering toxins and waste products from the blood, converting them into harmless substances through a series of chemical reactions, which are then excreted from the body.

Storage function

The liver stores vitamins and minerals such as iron and vitamins A, D, E, K, etc., for the body to use when needed.

Regulates circulating blood volume

The liver is able to regulate circulating blood volume, participates in the blood clotting process by synthesizing and releasing coagulation factors, and is also involved in maintaining plasma protein levels.

Hormone balance

The liver is involved in the metabolism and balance of hormones, including sex hormones and thyroid hormones.

Production of bile

The liver produces bile, a digestive fluid that helps the body digest and absorb fats.

The liver around you is the "detoxification king", eat some every day to nourish the liver and make the blood vessels healthier


Stick to five actions to nourish the liver

Push the liver meridian

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver meridian is located on both sides of the body, extending from the feet to the head. By pushing the palms of your hands up from the outer thighs to the armpits, you can help promote the flow of qi and blood through the liver meridian.

Beat the gallbladder meridian

The bile meridian and the liver meridian are interconnected, and tapping the bile meridian helps regulate liver qi. You can make an empty fist and gently tap it along the outside of your thighs from top to bottom.

Massage the liver area

The liver area is located in the upper right side of the abdomen, and gently massaging the liver area with the palm of your hand helps to promote blood circulation in the liver and relieve liver discomfort.

deep breath

Deep breathing can increase the uptake of oxygen in the lungs, which helps the blood circulation throughout the body, which in turn improves the blood supply and oxygen supply to the liver and promotes the recovery of liver function.

Eye movements

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the liver opens up to the eyes", and the health of the eyes is closely related to the function of the liver. Through eye movements such as eye movement and alternating gaze, eye fatigue can be relieved and liver health can be indirectly promoted.

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