
Lung lesions, face prophet? If there are no of these 5 abnormalities on the face, it means that the lungs are still healthy

author:99 Health Net

The lungs, as the key respiratory organs of the human body, are located in the chest cavity and protect the internal organs. However, it is also one of the most vulnerable organs in the human body, and due to the connection between the mouth and nose, it is often the first to be affected by diseases and external harmful factors.

To understand the condition of your lungs, looking at your face is a great way to do so. If the following five signs aren't present on your face, your lungs may be in good shape:

Lung lesions, face prophet? If there are no of these 5 abnormalities on the face, it means that the lungs are still healthy


There are no of these 5 abnormalities on the face

It means that the lungs are healthy

His face was pale

The main node of the lungs participates in the blood movement of the human body. When lung function is poor, it can lead to poor blood flow and facial skin may appear pale, blue, or dull.

Redness of the nose

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs open to the nose, and if the lung function is not good, it may lead to symptoms such as increased nasal secretions, nasal congestion, etc., and frequent redness of the nose tip may be a sign of lung fire.

The color between the eyebrows is abnormal

The reflex area of the lungs is between the eyebrows, and the part below 1/3 of the forehead is the Yintang position. Redness may be a sign of an upper respiratory tract infection, and a dark or dark glow may indicate a lung lesion.

Rough, acne-prone skin

The lungs are mainly fur, and the lack of lung qi may lead to poor blood circulation in the skin, resulting in rough and dull skin, enlarged pores, and easy allergies.

Purple lips

The lungs are an important place for gas exchange, and when the oxygen supply is insufficient, purple lips may appear, which can be a sign of chronic hypoxia or respiratory failure.

If you don't have any of these abnormalities on your face, it may mean that your lungs are functioning normally. However, it is important to note that these external manifestations are not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis. If you have any concerns or symptoms mentioned above, you should seek medical attention promptly for a check-up.

Lung lesions, face prophet? If there are no of these 5 abnormalities on the face, it means that the lungs are still healthy


How to go through the daily diet

to protect lung health

Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as β-carotene and selenium, which help reduce free radical damage and protect the lungs from pollutants.

Eat enough antioxidant foods

For example, berries, green tea, nuts and dark vegetables can help reduce oxidative stress and protect lung cells.

Increase your intake of legumes and whole grains

These foods are rich in dietary fiber, which helps maintain gut health, which may help reduce inflammation and improve lung health.

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in moderation

Such as fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, these fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and help reduce inflammation in the lungs.

Drink warm water in moderation

Staying hydrated helps keep the airways moist and reduces irritation and inflammation.

Avoid or reduce smoking and alcohol consumption

Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung disease, and alcohol may impair lung function.

Lung lesions, face prophet? If there are no of these 5 abnormalities on the face, it means that the lungs are still healthy


5 ways to nourish your lungs Do it every day

Hydrate and nourish your lungs

Maintaining adequate hydration intake is essential for lung health. Because water is lost in the lungs with respiration, especially in dry climates, hydration can keep the lung mucosa and respiratory tract moist and reduce damage.

Smile more to nourish your lungs

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that laughter can promote the expansion of the lungs. When laughing, people unconsciously take deep breaths, which helps to clear the airways, make breathing easier, and increase the body's oxygen supply.

Inhale to nourish your lungs

The lungs are the organs responsible for breathing, and the quality of the inhaled gas has a significant impact on lung function. Smoking should be stopped, long periods of time in places with dirty air should be avoided, and indoor air should be kept fresh.

Diet nourishes the lungs

Increase your intake of foods that nourish your lungs, especially white foods such as yams, lotus seeds, and pears, which are traditionally believed to be beneficial for lung health. At the same time, smoking, alcohol consumption, and spicy and irritating foods should be avoided.

Exercise to nourish your lungs

Moderate exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve lung ventilation and oxygen transport capacity. You can choose an exercise that suits you, such as tai chi, jogging, hiking, etc., to enhance your lung capacity.