
Is cabbage the "king of lungs"? Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing

author:Starfire Life

Xiaoyu is usually busy with work, often working overtime until late at night, eating irregularly, and her living habits are quite chaotic. Recently, she has caught a cold.

In order to improve her health, Xiaoyu decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.

At the hospital, the doctor told her, "Xiaoyu, your lifestyle is crucial for the health of your lungs. Do you know? There are some foods in your daily life that can help you nourish your lungs. ”

Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Then what kind of food can help me nourish my lungs?" ”

Is cabbage the "king of lungs"? Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing

The doctor explained: "Many people think that cabbage is the 'king of lungs', but in fact, if you want to raise your lungs, it is more effective to eat these three things: pear, honey and white fungus. ”

After listening to the doctor's advice, Xiaoyu began to actively adjust her lifestyle and added pears, honey and white fungus to her daily diet.

After a few months, Xiaoyu found that her physical condition had improved significantly, her cough had significantly reduced, and her strength had gradually recovered.

"The changes have really worked, and I feel like my body is much stronger than before," she says. ”

01 Cabbage is the "king of lungs"?

The reason why cabbage is known as the "king of lungs" is mainly because of its rich nutrients and the characteristics of clearing heat and detoxifying.

First of all, cabbage is rich in vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, as well as minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Among them, vitamin C is an important antioxidant that can help scavenge free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative damage, and protect lung cells from damage. Vitamin K helps blood clot and maintains the health of blood vessels in the lungs. In addition, cabbage is rich in fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis, eliminate toxins from the body, and thus reduce the burden on the lungs.

Is cabbage the "king of lungs"? Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing

Secondly, cabbage also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals that help remove damp heat toxins from the body, promote intestinal detoxification, and help maintain the normal function of the lungs.

In addition, cabbage is also rich in water, which can moisturize the mucous membrane of the lungs, maintain a moist environment in the lungs, and help relieve lung symptoms such as dry cough.

Therefore, regular consumption of cabbage can not only supplement nutrition and enhance immunity, but also clear away heat and detoxification, promote intestinal health, and achieve the effect of nourishing the lungs. As a common vegetable, cabbage is one of the ideal choices for nourishing the lungs.

Is cabbage the "king of lungs"? Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing

02 Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing


Ingredients: Pears are rich in water, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Efficacy: Pears are considered to be the "king of fruits" that moisten the lungs, and have the characteristics of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, and quenching thirst. It is able to soften and protect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reduce inflammation, relieve cough and throat discomfort.

Suitable for: Suitable for people who are often troubled by inflammation, cough or throat discomfort, especially suitable for people in dry or hot weather.

Is cabbage the "king of lungs"? Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing


Ingredients: Honey is rich in a variety of amino acids, enzymes, and vitamins, such as B vitamins and vitamin C.

Efficacy: Honey is regarded as a "holy product" to moisten the lungs, and has the functions of moisturizing yin and dryness, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, detoxification and antibacterial. It relieves cough and sore throat caused by inflammation of the lungs and promotes lung health.

Suitable for: Suitable for people with cough, sore throat or lung inflammation, especially suitable for people in dry or cold weather to drink honey water.


Ingredients: Tremella fuciformis is rich in plant gums, proteins, and trace elements such as iron, zinc, and selenium.

Is cabbage the "king of lungs"? Advice: If you want to nourish your lungs, eat these 3 things often to clear away heat, detoxify and stop coughing

Efficacy: Tremella fuciformis is known as the "crown of bacteria", which has the effect of moistening the lungs and nourishing yin, clearing heat and detoxifying. Regular consumption of white fungus soup can improve lung dryness, improve immunity, and promote lung health.

Applicable people: suitable for people with dry lungs or people who need to enhance immunity, especially suitable for the elderly or frail people.

In summary, pears, honey and white fungus are all foods that have the effect of moisturizing the lungs, clearing heat and detoxifying, helping to improve lung health, relieve cough and throat discomfort, and boost immunity. It is recommended to consume these foods in moderation in your daily diet to maintain lung health.

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