
Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

author:Rich Mishan 9J


Chapter 1 The Causes of the "Carcinogenic" Conspiracy

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

One night in 2022, a post appeared on the Internet titled "A Surprising Investigation into the Causes of Cancer from Genetically Modified Foods". Here's how the post begins:

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

"Dear friends, recently my elderly man was suddenly diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the whole family fell into despair...... After some investigation, we found that it was caused by eating genetically modified foods for many years! Genetically modified food hides deadly killers, and we are all victims......" caused a thousand waves with one stone, and this post quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Some point fingers at GMOs, some criticize the government's lack of regulation, and some express skepticism.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Just as the ripples of this rumor were about to spread, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences formed a team of experts to intervene in the investigation......

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter 2: The Shadow of Séralini's Experiment

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

The root cause of "genetically modified food causing cancer" can be traced back to 2012. That year, French molecular biologist Serralini published an article in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, claiming that rat experiments had confirmed that genetically modified corn would cause tumors to grow.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

When the experiment was published, it immediately caused an uproar around the world. Although some experts soon believed that there were serious problems with the experimental design and methods, the mystery of "genetically modified foods causing cancer" has been lifted.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In 2013, the magazine retracted Séralini's paper. But it was too late, and the shadow of his "carcinogenic" argument had already taken root. Some opponents began to promote the theory that "genetically modified = carcinogenic" everywhere, and kept conducting new so-called "experiments" to support it.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

(Upon inquiry, the conclusion of the Séralini experiment has been widely questioned by the mainstream scientific community due to its significant flaws, such as the small number of animals and the improper statistical methods.) Large-scale long-term experiments funded by the European Union have also not found that genetically modified foods pose a carcinogenic risk. )

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter 3 The Intimidation of "Infertility".

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

At the same time that the "carcinogenic rumors" were refuted, another "infertility" threat was also widely circulated on the Internet.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In 2010, a rumor suddenly appeared on the Internet that "half of the semen of the boys in Guangxi sampling was abnormal, and it was rumored to be related to the long-term consumption of genetically modified corn". Soon, this statement turned into a lie that "genetically modified foods cause infertility" under the play of some gossip and false reports. This was followed by similar rumors of "sow abortion" and "decrease in the number of rats" in Shanxi, Jilin and other places. Despite the fact that genetically modified crops have never been grown in these areas at all, the intimidation of "infertility" has planted seeds of doubt in the minds of the public.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

(After inquiry, the above-mentioned incidents such as "Guangxi boys" and "sow abortions" are all rumors and rumors that lack scientific basis and distort facts.) Through a large number of animal experiments and clinical observations, experts have not found any association between genetically modified foods and infertility. )

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter 4 How to Crack Rumors in the Internet Age

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In the face of endless rumors, the government, scientific researchers, and news media have all responded and clarified as soon as possible, but the efforts to debunk the rumors are far from enough. On the one hand, we need to strengthen the popularization of genetically modified science so that the public can understand the scientific nature and application prospects of genetically modified technology. Create a good atmosphere of public opinion and eliminate unnecessary panic.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

On the other hand, we need to improve laws and regulations and severely punish the creation and dissemination of rumors. At the same time, network control should be strengthened, and those lawbreakers who fabricate and hype rumors should be tracked down to the end and severely punished. Only when the truth stands tall will there be no way out of lies. Let us work together to create a network ecology conducive to the development of science, and use scientific rationality to defeat the fog of rumors.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Rumors about genetically modified foods causing cancer and causing infertility are intensifying in the current Internet age. However, the power of science is a powerful nemesis of rumors. We must adhere to the attitude of seeking truth from facts, being scientific and rational, looking at new technologies from the perspective of development, and accepting new things with an open and inclusive attitude. At the same time, we must also take the initiative to safeguard the online ecology and resolutely resist those alarmist and confusing rumors.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter 5 Scientific Evidence from Authoritative Institutions

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In the face of the rampant rumors, authoritative institutions in various countries have also shown their swords of scientific research.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

The World Health Organization released a report in 2016 concluding that "genetically modified foods pose no particular risk to human health". The reporting system evaluated a large amount of data on genetically modified foods and found no association with cancer or other diseases.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In mainland China, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has launched a three-year "GMO Risk Assessment and Evidence Exchange Project" since 2014. The results of this large, multi-million dollar study, which focused on multiple risk areas, including carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity, once again confirmed the safety of genetically modified crops.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In addition to government departments, scientific research institutions also play an important role in this "bright sword". The Institute of Crop Science of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has been carrying out biosafety assessment of genetically modified products for a long time, and its research results have been published in authoritative journals at home and abroad for many times.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

And a new study by French scholars directly refutes the "Séralini experiment" of that year. After following the basic principles of scientific experimental design and statistical analysis, they came to the conclusion that genetically modified corn does not trigger tumor growth. The power of objective data is enormous. In the face of the indiscriminate bombardment of rumors, we have reason to believe the results of scientific research released by authoritative institutions, and use this to restore the truth of the facts.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter VI: Equal emphasis on regulation and innovation

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In addition to scientific evidence, a strict regulatory system is also a solid barrier to ensure the safety of genetically modified food.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

The mainland has established a whole-process supervision system for new genetically modified organism varieties from breeding, environmental release to product safety evaluation. Any new genetically modified breed must pass rigorous testing, including a 90-day animal breeding test, before it is put on the market to ensure that it is absolutely safe. At the technical level, a number of scientific research units in mainland China are also working on the research and development of a new generation of genetically modified technology, aiming to further improve the quality and nutritional level of crops. The application of cutting-edge technologies, such as gene editing, will improve food safety while achieving accurate and efficient breeding goals.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

At the same time, it is also a top priority to intensify the publicity and popularization of science to eliminate the public's unnecessary panic about genetically modified food. Local governments and industry institutions should make full use of new media and new channels to explain the knowledge of genetically modified science in an easy-to-understand way, dispel doubts, and disseminate scientific rationality. Only under the two-wheel drive of strict supervision and continuous innovation can genetically modified foods be stable and far-reaching, and make due contributions to food security and sustainable agriculture.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter VII: Overseas Public Opinion Field

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In addition to China, the topic of genetically modified food is also the focus of heated discussions in foreign countries.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

As a leader in genetically modified technology, the United States also has quite different views on genetically modified in the field of public opinion. Proponents insist that GM is good for increasing agricultural yields and helping to achieve food security; Opponents are concerned about unpredictable potential risks.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Some European countries are also wary of GM technology. Environmental groups in France, Germany and other places have repeatedly launched anti-GMO campaigns. However, the EU food safety agency has reiterated in a number of studies that GM crops approved for marketing have no concerns about human and environmental safety.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

It is encouraging to note that more and more developing countries are also actively embracing genetically modified technology. Bangladesh, Sudan and other countries have successively approved the commercial cultivation of genetically modified cotton and other crops, and India also passed the first edible genetically modified crop in 2022. The differences between different countries on the topic of GMO reflect the tension between scientific and technological development and risk prevention and control. On the basis of scientific research and public education, we need to make the GMO cause move forward in an inclusive manner.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Chapter 8 The Strange Power of the Folk Confusion

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

On the road of maintaining the safety of genetically modified food, in addition to the resistance of rumors, there are also some irrational forces like "strange forces and gods". Some people have claimed that they can judge whether genetically modified food is safe by feeding animals genetically modified food and eating and living with it in a very "romantic" way.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Some people also claim that through "non-scientific means" such as asking hexagrams, they can accurately determine whether genetically modified foods are harmful. There are also some self-media influencers, relying on the so-called "personal experience" and "inside information", hyping up the conspiracy theory that GMO is "genetic pollution".

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

These non-scientific and irrational words and deeds will undoubtedly bring great misleading public perception of genetically modified food. We need to use scientific theories and data to speak, and return the facts to what they are, instead of listening to some nonsense. Only on the basis of solid scientific practice can the safety of genetically modified organisms be judged fairly. The government, including scientific research institutions, should be more determined to eliminate these "feudal superstitions" and clear the way for scientific development.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!


Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

In general, rumors about genetically modified foods such as carcinogenicity and infertility lack scientific and factual basis. We need to be open, inclusive, but also skeptical, about the new, and abandon excessive fear of GMO technology. Adhering to scientific rationality is the key, but at the same time, we must also maintain a moderate attitude of supervision and prudence.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Only on the basis of rigorous scientific testing and responsible field experiments can new technologies be truly used and accepted by human beings. It is believed that with the joint efforts of the government, scientific research, enterprises and the public, genetically modified food will surely contribute to human food security and sustainable development.

Genetically modified foods can cause cancer and cause infertility are all rumors!

Finally, we sincerely invite all readers to continue to discuss this topic in the comment section and share your unique insights. Looking forward to your wisdom crystallization!#转基因食品会致癌 Infertility is a rumor#

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