
Lakers warned not to hire Redick, convenient for coaches and James to start a podcast after the game?


The Lakers' coaching bench is now empty, like a treasure lot in downtown Los Angeles, and whoever builds the building will collect rent. But it's not for anyone, especially JJ Redick, a goalscorer who has just taken off his jersey from the pitch and is now considered a popular candidate for coaching. However, there are warnings that this may be a bad idea, and why? Because the rookie coach might have a podcast with LeBron James!

Lakers warned not to hire Redick, convenient for coaches and James to start a podcast after the game?

First, let's take a look at Reddick's situation. When it comes to him, the first thing that comes to mind is those accurate three-pointers, rather than directing the game. However, he is not without coaching potential, and let's not forget that his career on the pitch is quite glamorous. The problem is, jumping straight from player to manager, the span can be a little scary, isn't it? Moreover, LeBron James's side may not be so easy to convince the public.

Lakers warned not to hire Redick, convenient for coaches and James to start a podcast after the game?

Besides, LeBron James, the big man of the Lakers, has a lot to offer in those wonderful interviews and comments after every game, which is like a podcast host. If there is a Redick who likes to start a podcast in the coach's seat, will the two of them start a live broadcast directly after the game, chat while drinking tea, and then forget about the team's tactical arrangement? It's a bit funny when you think about it, but it's no joke!

Lakers warned not to hire Redick, convenient for coaches and James to start a podcast after the game?

Haslem has been vocal about Redick's concerns, feeling that Redick's role as coach could be divisive in the locker room, as it is not easy to change from a teammate to a team-mate. And, what the Lakers need now is a coach who can get the hang of the locker room and keep the team together under pressure, not a novice who might go on a podcast with a star.

Lakers warned not to hire Redick, convenient for coaches and James to start a podcast after the game?

The current Lakers are indeed at a crossroads. Although LeBron is still a big name on the court, after all, the years are not forgiving, and his career has entered the countdown stage. Anthony Davis, the young powerhouse, is also plagued by injuries. What the Lakers need is a solid master tactician, not just a coach who can bring the conversation.

Therefore, the choice of coach this time is not only about a person's future, but also a turning point in the fate of the entire team. Are we going to see a coach distracted by tactics and set-ups trying to figure out how to increase the number of clicks on his podcast? Apparently not. What the Lakers need is a true leader who can bring every part of the team together and move toward the championship goal.

Therefore, the Lakers really have to be cautious in the choice of coaches this time. Don't let the coach become a podcast host, and don't make the basketball court a live studio for podcasts. What LeBron needs is a coach who can give tactical guidance in key moments, not a podcast partner who might be better at being behind the mic.

In short, this coach selection is not only related to the Lakers' immediate record, but also a key decision on the direction of the next few seasons. Lakers management should know that any choice should not be just driven by media heat or temporary excitement, but should be based on long-term strategic considerations and a deep understanding of the team.

Hopefully, the Lakers can find a true tactician, a coach who can stabilize the morale of the team under pressure and take the team to greater heights. As for Redick, perhaps he could consider starting as an assistant coach after retiring from the game, gradually understanding and mastering the complexity and challenges of the coaching role.

And for us fans, no matter who becomes the new coach, we should give enough support and time, after all, rebuilding is a long and challenging process. Hopefully, the Lakers can regain their glory under the right leadership.

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