
The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

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In 2021, words like demons, ghosts, and exorcisms are unlikely to be seen in serious news.

In Russia, however, the Orthodox Church's theological committees are racking their brains on how to get ordinary people to learn how to properly exorcise demons.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

Hilarion, the head of the church's ministry of external relations, recently said on Russian television that the church was already preparing a proposal to provide a uniform set of exorcisms throughout the country.

At that time, the people need to strictly follow the regulations to handle exorcism related matters.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

He also said that the focus of the specification was to "give the work of exorcising the devil to professional clergy" and could not operate it at will.

After the church sends priests to investigate the site, they decide whether to exorcise demons.

Hey, wait, how could anyone be so serious about this?

...... Is there really someone who has nothing to do to exorcise demons?

Yes, Russian folk are indeed obsessed with exorcism.

The church promulgated this new regulation because too many people are fooling around and even causing human lives...

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

Historically, exorcism has been a traditional project of the Orthodox Church. When people think that a person is possessed by an evil spirit, they ask the priest to recite the scriptures, sprinkle holy water, and drive the evil spirit out of the other person.

According to modern scientific concepts, the possession of evil spirits does not exist in itself, and people are more likely to have mental illness, or are too emotionally agitated and fall into hysteria.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

But since the 1990s, exorcism culture has flourished in Russia.

Every household stared at the small anomalies that might appear in the home, thinking that the devil was playing a ghost.

Last year, a video of a family exorcism circulated on Russian social media. A pair of parents took turns pressing their 10-year-old son, clasping his hands behind his back and pressing his head against the couch and bed.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

In the video, the boy can be heard shouting in pain, and his mother shouting, "Peel the garlic!" Demons hate garlic! ”。

The boy's younger brother sat uneasily on the side, and his father asked him to draw a cross on his brother's head.

The reporter said that the reason why they did this was because they heard strange noises in their homes and saw objects floating up.

Clergy told them that their eldest son might have been possessed. The two men felt that it made sense, so they forcibly locked him and poured holy water and garlic cloves on him.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

After the video broke, the Russian church condemned the behavior, believing that the boy was obviously very normal and healthy.

Church spokesman Vladimir Legoida said what the family needed was a psychiatrist.

"A lot of people see exorcisms as a panacea for everyday problems.

Alcoholism? Exorcism.

Kids don't write homework? Exorcism.

Choosing a random person, especially for a child, saying that he is possessed by a demon is really dangerous and harmful. ”

But the boy was lucky, at least the man was fine.

Last year, another little boy was directly expelled to death.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

(The boy who died under the pseudonym David.K.)

In Yekaterinburg, the Jesuit Christian disciples believed that there was an evil force among the members, and that the source of the power came from a 9-year-old boy.

In order to purify him, the sect had the boy's mother hold his body down, and let the father and other parishioners take turns beating him with a whip and covering his mouth with a cloth.

They believed that beatings could drive the demons away, and the worse they beat them, the cleaner they walked.

When hitting a child, one should not care about his pain at the moment, because in hell he will suffer even more.

So beat him to save him.

Then the boy was beaten to death.

The sect initially thought that the demon was gone and the boy was still alive. They spent two days reviving the boy, but of course failed, and had to bury the body in a lakeside forest in the eastern Ural Mountains.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

(Where the body was found)

The boy's aunt learned of the incident and secretly reported it to the police. The boy's father was arrested and his mother was detained in Belarus and is being extradited.

Zemfira Gaiina, the sect leader who pushed for the matter, said they had done nothing wrong.

"Countless times people have persecuted us in the name of Jesus Christ, but no one can blame us for doing these things because we are not guilty. No one can forbid us to live the life led by Jesus Christ. ”

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

(Arrested sect leader Zemfira Gaiina)

Alexander Neveev, a religious scholar who studies the sect, bluntly says that this is the person with a diseased brain. "People whose heads are full of strange fallacies do not understand that children themselves should not be harmed."

In addition to this murder, in 2019, there was also a middle-aged man who was strangled alive by his mother because he was obsessed with occultism.

Because she suspected that her son had been seduced by the devil.

In the other day, a 5-year-old boy was burned to death by his mother with boiling water and his body was left on the balcony of his apartment in St. Petersburg.

The reason is also that he is suspected of being possessed by demons.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

Of the many horrific exorcisms, the most brutal occurred on Christmas Eve 2011.

In voronezh, taxi driver Sergei Koshimbetov, 49, and teacher Elena Antonova, 50, suspect their daughter is married to a demon.

They thought her husband was behaving weirdly and forced her to divorce, but the 26-year-old refused.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

So, on Christmas Eve, they tied up their daughter, beat her for hours, and then forced her 5 liters of holy water.

After that, the mother pulled out part of her daughter's intestines with her hands, and then the couple stomped her body with their feet, trampling her to death.

The next day, their young daughter called an ambulance, and the tragic situation in the family stunned the medical staff.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

(The youngest daughter, Olga, who was only 13 years old when she reported the crime)

The woman's body was in human form, her internal organs were cut out of her body, and her arms were held up like they were tied to a cross.

But the couple insisted they had done nothing wrong and believed they were saving their daughter. After the daughter stopped breathing, they even wrapped her up in a blanket and told relatives that she would be resurrected in three days.

The morbid fear of the unknown has led Russians to turn exorcism into domestic violence and even murder.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

To stop all this, the Russian church banned the exorcism of children and last year expressed disapproval of family exorcism, with little success.

Now they had to issue canons prohibiting ordinary people from exorcising demons without permission, and only "spiritual priests" could do it. Moreover, this must also be carried out with the approval of the Church.

The Russian Church forbade the people to exorcise themselves at home, demanding that "it be left to the professionals"... Wait, what?

Hilalion, a senior church executive, said it was not convenient to disclose specific measures at present, but he believed that after the regulations came out, these folk exorcisms could be effectively curbed.

Saying that it is an exorcism, the person who feels these exorcists is the most terrible demon...


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