
Have you noticed that the young people around you seem to be entering an era of "amorous consumption"? From the previous single-mindedness, it has become more amorous, whether it is in the time season of major platforms

author:Thoughtful CS

Have you noticed that the young people around you seem to be entering an era of "amorous consumption"?

From the previous single-mindedness, it has become more affectionate, whether it is in the time nodes of major platforms, or in the choice of channels, today's young people no longer seem to be as "simple" as before.

For example, in the past, many people consumed only one or two fixed platforms, such as Tmall and I think that such a large platform can already meet almost all needs. But now, everyone has become amorous, in addition to Tmall and, they have also installed Douyin, Vipshop, Pinduoduo, and even started a set of smooth slips, life department store Tmall, home appliances digital, novelty things Douyin, clothes and shoes Vipshop, fruits and vegetables Pinduoduo. Everyone began to choose the areas that the platform is good at to precise consumption.

In the past, many people would wait for a carnival on Double 11, whether they needed it or not, they would buy it home. But now, it is true that there are many nodes on several platforms that are very strong, and the main one needs to start, not only will I care about Tmall Double 11, but also Jingdong 618 and Vipshop 419 special sale conference. Consumption is no longer "up", but is becoming more and more budget-conscious, choosing just needs.

Obviously, young people's consumption has shifted from staring at the "single-mindedness" of a certain platform and a certain node to the "amorous" of choosing different platforms and more nodes. The reason behind it is also very simple, in the current trend of "consumption to the left", the consumption concept of young people is completely different from the past, and there is a hurricane of quality and cost performance among young people.

Have you noticed that the young people around you seem to be entering an era of "amorous consumption"? From the previous single-mindedness, it has become more amorous, whether it is in the time season of major platforms
Have you noticed that the young people around you seem to be entering an era of "amorous consumption"? From the previous single-mindedness, it has become more amorous, whether it is in the time season of major platforms
Have you noticed that the young people around you seem to be entering an era of "amorous consumption"? From the previous single-mindedness, it has become more amorous, whether it is in the time season of major platforms

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