
Pork stewed vermicelli is not only suitable for daily cooking at home, but also suitable for friends gatherings or holiday celebrations

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Pork stew vermicelli is a traditional dish full of home-style flavor that is loved by people. Not only is it delicious and nutritious, but it's also simple to make, making it perfect for making at home. Next, let's learn how to make pork stewed vermicelli.

Pork stewed vermicelli is not only suitable for daily cooking at home, but also suitable for friends gatherings or holiday celebrations

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients. The main ingredients include pork, vermicelli, green onions, ginger and garlic and other seasonings. You can choose a certain amount of fat and lean pork to make the stew more delicious. Vermicelli can be made with potato flour or sweet potato flour for a smoother texture. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare some commonly used seasonings, such as salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, etc.

Next, we start processing the ingredients. Cut the pork into medium-sized pieces and marinate them in cooking wine and pepper to remove the fishy smell. Soak the vermicelli in warm water until soft and set aside. Chop the green onions, ginger and garlic separately and set aside.

Pork stewed vermicelli is not only suitable for daily cooking at home, but also suitable for friends gatherings or holiday celebrations

Then, we start the stew. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, heat it and add the green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Next, pour the marinated pork pieces into the pan and stir-fry until the surface is slightly browned. Add salt, soy sauce and cooking wine to taste, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

Next, add an appropriate amount of water, just over the pork pieces. Cover the pot and reduce the heat to a slow simmer. During the stewing process, you can turn the pork pieces at the right time to avoid sticking to the pan. At the same time, pay attention to adjust the heat to keep the soup in the pot slightly boiling.

When the pork is simmered until it is seven or eight ripe, put the soaked vermicelli into the pot and continue to simmer for a few minutes. The vermicelli will absorb the soup in the pot and become smoother and more delicious. At this point, you can add the right amount of salt and pepper to taste according to your personal taste.

Finally, when the vermicelli is simmered until cooked thoroughly and the soup is thickened, turn off the heat and remove from the pot. Sprinkle with chopped green onions or coriander leaves for garnish to add to the aesthetics of the dish.

Pork stewed vermicelli is not only suitable for daily cooking at home, but also suitable for friends gatherings or holiday celebrations

Although the recipe for pork stewed vermicelli is simple, there are some details that need to be paid attention to. First and foremost, choosing the right ingredients is the key to success. Fresh pork and high-quality vermicelli add to the flavor of the dish. Secondly, in the process of stewing, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of the heat to avoid too much heat leading to stewing paste or stewing. Finally, when seasoning, add an appropriate amount according to personal taste, and avoid being too salty or too light.

In addition to the traditional pork stew vermicelli, we can also try some innovative practices. For example, you can add some other ingredients such as mushrooms and tofu during the stewing process to increase the taste and nutritional value of the dish. Or you can try using different kinds of vermicelli, such as wide flour, fine flour, etc., to see which texture is more suitable for you.

Pork stewed vermicelli is not only suitable for daily cooking at home, but also suitable for friends gatherings or holiday celebrations

In short, pork stew vermicelli is a delicious and nutritious home-cooked dish, not only for family cooking, but also for friends gatherings or holiday celebrations. By mastering some basic cooking techniques and seasoning methods, we can easily make delicious pork stewed vermicelli at home and enjoy the joy of cooking and the taste of food.

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