
Autumn love - chrysanthemum maintenance strategy

author:Senior technician Lao Song
Autumn love - chrysanthemum maintenance strategy

Chrysanthemums are loved by people for their independent character and colorful flowers. Do you want to make chrysanthemums bloom the most beautiful brilliance at home? The following chrysanthemum maintenance strategy may bring you a lot of help.

Autumn love - chrysanthemum maintenance strategy

Choose the right breed

There are many varieties of chrysanthemums, each with its own characteristics. When choosing, you can choose according to your preferences and growing environment. For example, if you like large-flowered chrysanthemums, you can choose puff flowers, dahlias, etc., and if you prefer small-flowered ones, daisies, gerberas, etc. will be a good choice.

Light and temperature

Chrysanthemums are light-loving plants that need sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis and promote flower bud differentiation. In home maintenance, it should be placed on a sunny windowsill or balcony. At the same time, chrysanthemums are also relatively hardy, but in order to ensure their normal growth and flowering, it is best to keep the indoor temperature between 10-25 degrees Celsius.

Watering and fertilizing

Chrysanthemums like moisture and are afraid of waterlogging, and when watering, we should follow the principle of "seeing dry and wet", that is, watering after the surface of the potting soil is slightly dry, and each watering should ensure that the soil is wet. During the growing and flowering periods, fertilization can be increased appropriately to provide adequate nutrients. It is recommended to use well-rotted organic or compound fertilizers, which should be fertilized every two weeks.

Pest and disease control

Chrysanthemums may encounter pests and diseases such as aphids and powdery mildew during their growth. When these problems are encountered, a combination of biological and chemical control methods can be used. For example, you can spray some environmentally friendly biopesticides or remove pests manually. At the same time, maintaining a good ventilation environment and proper plant spacing also helps to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.

Pruning and shaping

In order to maintain the beauty of chrysanthemums and promote their better growth, regular pruning is essential. During the growth period, diseased and weak branches, overly dense branches and long branches should be cut off to maintain the symmetry and beauty of the plant shape. After the flowering period, it is also necessary to cut off the residual flowers and dead leaves in time to reduce the consumption of nutrients.

Propagation and repotting

The propagation methods of chrysanthemums mainly include cuttings, dividing and sowing. In home maintenance, cuttings are the most commonly used method. Choose healthy shoots, cut them into cuttings of about 10 cm, insert them into loose and breathable soil, keep them moist, and they will soon be able to take root and survive. In addition, chrysanthemums should be given a change of potting soil every one to two years to ensure that they have enough space to grow.

Maintaining chrysanthemums is not only a gardening activity, but also a kind of life interest. Taking time out of your busy life to take care of these little flowers and plants and watch them grow and change is also a way to relax and heal. Moreover, when autumn comes and chrysanthemums are in full bloom, the sense of accomplishment cannot be expressed in words.

Autumn love - chrysanthemum maintenance strategy

In general, it is not complicated to maintain chrysanthemums, as long as you master the above key points and put them into practice, I believe you can also become a qualified "gardener". May your chrysanthemums bloom with the most beautiful brilliance under your careful care.

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