
"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

author:Mei Piaopiao
"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded


‬太离谱了,武汉一女子7千元买的手机,根据百度上的店铺指引,找到线下维修商家,但维修费高达1万4,不得已女子将手机抵给维修店,还倒给他们500元。 Afterwards, the woman called the police and complained to the Market Supervision Bureau, and finally the woman spent 2,300 yuan to get her mobile phone back!


This is a Somali repair shop

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Does anyone still remember him, Baidu advertising hurt him

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

This is darker than the landlord of Jiangxi lantern damage

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

It's normal, it's just that we haven't encountered it

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

I just bought a new phone for her, and I still made money, and what kind of phone did I repair

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Call the police to give a four-fold discount [I want to be quiet]

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Brother, I gave a total of 2300 before I got my phone back [witty]

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Chips, I haven't heard of anyone in the world who can fix this thing

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

I don't want 10,004 for brand new ones

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Baidu only recognizes money and not people, and it has long been exposed, so it can only be said that this girl believes in Baidu too much

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

So, these two repair shops are really too dark

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Baidu is still somewhat useful, such as watching movies that can't be watched with normal software

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Therefore, after the family became dominant, it began to go downhill

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

It's better to buy a new one

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

The strategy of the repair shop, repair ten minutes to tell you that the parts are broken, and quote you a price [呲tooth]

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

"China Apple Repair Service Center searched on Baidu" I was not surprised when I saw Baidu [flash of inspiration]

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

Good question, why didn't you shut down this black shop

"Somali repair shop", the repair fee of 7,000 Apple mobile phones costs 10,004, and the netizen comment area exploded

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