
Uncover the thrilling journey of a Canadian journalist who was imprisoned and gang-raped in Somalia for 460 days and gave birth to a child!

author:Xiao Li Forum
{"info":{"title":{"content":"揭秘加拿大记者在索马里遭囚禁轮奸460天,生下孩子的惊心历程!","en":"Uncover the thrilling journey of a Canadian journalist who was imprisoned and gang-raped in Somalia for 460 days and gave birth to a child!"},"description":{"content":"来自索马里的报道令人震撼!一位勇敢的加拿大记者在艰难险恶的环境中,为了揭露真相和追求正义,付出了巨大代价。她不仅在被囚禁...","en":"A brave Canadian journalist has paid a huge price to uncover the truth and pursue justice in difficult and treacherous circumstances. Not only is she in captivity..."}},"items":[]}

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