
Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

author:Lao Xu's medical science

Text: Dr. Xu

Edited by Chi You

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In the lobby of the hospital, where the family was crowded, Mr. Zhang received a call from the doctor: "Mr. Zhang, your father can be discharged from the hospital.

By the way, there are some things that need special attention in your daily diet. ”

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

In this way, a seemingly ordinary reminder started Mr. Zhang's in-depth exploration of healthy eating.

Mr. Cheung, an enthusiastic secondary school history teacher, is second only to his love for history and his care for his family.

When he greeted his father, who had just recovered and been discharged from the hospital, the simple reminder on the phone was like a seed that took root in his heart.

So, on their way home, Mr. Zhang decided to have a more in-depth exchange with the attending doctor, Dr. Li.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

Dr Lee, an experienced cardiologist, told Mr. Zhang, "Many people think that people with high blood pressure can't eat eggs, but this is a misconception.

However, if you want to control your blood pressure, you do have the principle of '2 don't eat, 2 don't do'. ”

2. Don't eat:

Dr. Lee explained that the first "don't eat" refers to excessive salt and sugar.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

A high-salt diet is the "number one enemy" of high blood pressure because too much salt causes the body to increase water and increase blood volume, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

The second "don't eat" is too much animal fat, especially saturated fatty acids, which will increase the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and increase the burden on blood vessels.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

2 Don'ts:

The first "don't" is excessive drinking, because alcohol can directly raise blood pressure, and long-term drinking can also damage the heart muscle.

The second "don't" is to avoid sitting still for long periods of time, as lack of exercise can slow down metabolism and promote weight gain, which increases the risk of high blood pressure.

Mr. Zhang listened intently, and the information was both fresh and important to him.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

He asked, "What about the eggs?"

Dr. Lee replied with a smile, "Eggs are a nutritious food, and for most people, it is okay to eat them in moderation.

But for people with high blood pressure, it's important to keep your overall diet balanced. ”

Later, Dr. Lee shared several patient stories to support his point

For example, a patient with high blood pressure successfully controlled his blood pressure within the normal range by adjusting his diet, reducing his intake of salt and unhealthy fats, and increasing his physical activity.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

These stories left a deep impression on Mr. Zhang.

To further corroborate these claims, Dr. Lee also mentions some research data.

For example, a study of 10,000 adults showed that increasing aerobic exercise was effective in lowering systolic blood pressure by 5-7mmHg.

Another study showed that reducing salt intake to less than 5 grams per day significantly reduced the incidence of hypertension.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

As the conversation deepened, Mr. Zhang realized that a healthy diet and lifestyle changes are essential to control and prevent high blood pressure.

He decided to put these principles into practice in his own life and share this knowledge in the classroom to help students develop the right concept of health.

At this point in the story, we can't help but ask:

Why is the incidence of hypertension still high in modern society, even with so much health knowledge and scientific data to support it?

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

The answer to this question can be complicated.

First of all, the pace of life in modern society has accelerated, and the pressure of work has increased, resulting in many people eating irregularly and not exercising enough.

Second, unhealthy eating habits are deeply ingrained, and it takes time and willpower to change.

In addition, the popularity of health education is not enough, and many people do not have enough understanding of how to eat healthily and how to effectively prevent high blood pressure.

Can't eat eggs for high blood pressure? Doctors repeatedly remind: if you want to control pressure, keep in mind "2 don't eat, 2 don't do"

In response to this problem, we need to start from many aspects, including raising public health awareness, improving dietary habits, increasing physical exercise, and at the same time, we also need the joint efforts of the government, society and individuals to form a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to and support a healthy lifestyle.

Only in this way can we effectively reduce the incidence of chronic diseases such as hypertension and improve people's quality of life.

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