
Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer



Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

Due to eating habits, steamed bread has become a must-have staple food on the table of many families, but recently someone has come forward to say that frozen steamed bread should not be eaten more, otherwise it will cause cancer.

This statement has caused many people to panic, after all, steamed bread is really a very common food, if there are carcinogens in steamed bread, it will endanger the lives and health of many people.

So will eating frozen steamed buns cause cancer? CCTV has given the final answer through scientific experiments, and I will tell you the results after reading this article.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

1. Does steamed bread cause cancer?

As a northerner, Uncle Liu can't do without steamed buns at almost every meal, and for Uncle Liu, you can't eat steamed buns without vegetables.

On this day, Uncle Liu saw a news on the Internet that made him very anxious, the news said that long-term consumption of frozen steamed buns in the refrigerator is likely to cause cancer, so don't eat it for more than three days.

Uncle Liu panicked all of a sudden, his usual favorite is to steam a big pot of steamed buns, and then put them in the refrigerator to eat slowly, sometimes a pot of steamed buns takes ten days and half a month to eat.

was suddenly told that the steamed buns in the refrigerator could not be stored for more than three days, which can be imagined what a big blow it was to Uncle Liu.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

There are many people like Uncle Liu, and they have also questioned this statement, can steamed buns in the refrigerator really cause cancer? If there is such a statement, why are many people fine after eating it for the rest of their lives?

CCTV reporters also came to a professional laboratory with this question to test these frozen steamed buns in the refrigerator to see if they contain carcinogens.

The researchers set up several sets of controlled experiments, and the reporter bought steamed buns that were freshly out of the pot that day from outside for several days, and some of them were kept in the refrigerator and some of them were stored at room temperature.

After another five days of experiments, the researchers found that there was not much difference between steamed bread placed in the refrigerator and steamed bread placed at room temperature.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

In particular, the so-called claim that steamed buns placed in the refrigerator can cause cancer was denied by the researchers. They believe that there is not much difference between the two states of steamed bread.

The reason for this statement is that some people believe that steamed buns are placed in the freezer layer of the refrigerator, which will breed aflatoxins.

This toxin is particularly harmful to the body, and in severe cases, it can cause cancer and various tissue lesions.

The researchers pointed out that there is no scientific basis for this claim, because aflatoxins grow in a special environment, requiring a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

Obviously, the refrigerator is far from meeting such requirements. Therefore, the previous argument is untenable, and you don't need to be bothered by these arguments.

If there is any difference between steamed bread in the refrigerator and outside the refrigerator, it is that there is a difference in the water loss in the steamed bread.

The study found that in the first three days, steamed bread left at room temperature lost water much faster than steamed bread placed in the refrigerator.

After three days, there is not much difference between the two, and the moisture remains at a relatively stable level.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

Therefore, you don't have to worry, you can store steamed buns in the refrigerator. Researchers also said that uneaten steamed buns are best kept in the refrigerator.

Because at room temperature, steamed bread will be more likely to mold and deteriorate and breed bacteria. If you eat this kind of steamed bun by mistake, it will really cause cancer.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

Second, how should steamed bread be preserved?

If you want to keep the taste and nutrition of steamed bread in a high state, you also have certain skills.

There are many people like Uncle Liu. They like to steam a big pot of steamed buns every time and eat them slowly, but most people will feel that the taste of the steamed buns has dropped greatly in the end.

Nutritionists also said that if steamed bread is stored in the refrigerator at will, then its nutrients will be lost quickly, and long-term consumption may lead to malnutrition.

In fact, how to store steamed bread is also very important, learn the following tips, so that you can eat the same taste as fresh steamed bread every day.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

First of all, don't put the steamed buns in the refrigerator immediately after steaming. The steamed buns that have just come out of the pot are very hot, and if you put the steamed buns in the refrigerator immediately, the refrigerator will need to consume a lot of electricity to cool down these steamed buns.

This will cause a lot of unnecessary losses and is not conducive to protecting the environment. What's more, the steamed bread suddenly enters a sub-zero environment in a very hot state, and the large temperature difference will stimulate the appearance of the steamed bread.

The rate of water loss will be accelerated, and the taste of the steamed bread will become worse and worse.

Therefore, it is still necessary to wait for the steamed buns to cool and put them in the refrigerator when they are not hot to the touch, which is also a double win.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

Secondly, before putting the steamed bread in the refrigerator, you can wrap the steamed bread in plastic wrap. Because as the storage time gets longer and longer, the water loss in the steamed bread will also increase.

Many people feel that steamed bread is becoming more and more dry and difficult to swallow, and wrapping the steamed bread in plastic wrap can slow down the loss of moisture inside.

And it can also better ensure a healthy diet, after all, the things stored in the refrigerator are more messy, vegetables and fruits, raw meat, etc.

These ingredients are very likely to carry viruses and bacteria, and it is difficult for the food in the entire refrigerator to escape this contamination, so it is safer to wrap it in plastic wrap for protection.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

During the storage process, the steamed buns can also be divided into several portions for storage. The refrigerator is divided into two parts: freezing and refrigeration, and generally speaking, the freezing temperature is too low.

Foods that need to be stored for a long time are stored in the freezer, while foods that are eaten within a few days are stored in the freezer.

The same is true for storing steamed buns, you can store the amount in the refrigerator layer for two or three days, and put the rest in the freezer layer.

In this way, you can avoid repeated thawing caused by putting all of them in the freezer, and you can also avoid the spoilage of the food caused by not being able to eat it all in the refrigerator.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

There is also the safest way, which is to store the raw steamed buns directly in the freezer, and then take them out and steam them when you eat them.

The taste of steamed bread steamed by this method is almost no different from that of freshly steamed steamed bread, and the steamed bread is fully heated in the process of being steamed, and the steamed bread produced in this way is healthier.

The steamed buns stored in the refrigerator are very likely to carry germs both on the surface and inside, and must be fully heated before eating to achieve the effect of sterilization and disinfection.

Many people often do not strictly heat and sterilize, but simply heat the steamed bread. Long-term consumption of such steamed buns is not conducive to physical health and may cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

3. Be cautious when storing food in the refrigerator

As a commonly used household appliance, the function of the refrigerator is to delay the deterioration of food, but it is not to terminate the deterioration process of food.

Many people have a cognitive misconception that as long as the food is in the refrigerator, it can be eaten, and there is no possibility of spoilage.

But in fact, it is this misconception that leads to many diseases, some foods are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, and some foods have a very short shelf life, which are all things that need everyone's attention.

Although the claim that steamed bread stored in the refrigerator for more than three days will produce aflatoxin has been refuted, there is still a big problem in the refrigerator, and that is listeria monocytogenes.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

If the domestic household refrigerators are spot-checked, then nearly eighty percent of the household refrigerators will not meet the standard, and the content of listeria will seriously exceed the standard.

These bacteria come from a variety of vegetables, fruits, and meats stored in the refrigerator, as well as some leftovers, which are breeding grounds for listeria monocytogenes.

Long-term consumption of foods with excessive levels of Listeria monocytogenes can cause gastrointestinal diseases, resulting in diarrhea, nausea, etc. In severe cases, it can also cause meningitis and even sepsis, and its harm should not be underestimated.

Therefore, the refrigerator must be cleaned regularly, the inside must be sterilized and disinfected, and the food taken out of the refrigerator must also be heated and sterilized or rinsed repeatedly before eating.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

Of course, you can't put everything in the fridge, and some foods in the fridge can be counterproductive. Foods such as tomatoes and bananas are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator.

These foods are not fully ripe when they are harvested, making them easier to transport and store.

After buying bananas and tomatoes, most of them need to be left for a while to slowly ripen, and this is when the taste is also the best.

If you put it directly in the refrigerator, the low temperature will inhibit the further ripening of these foods, and the lower temperature will also frostbite or even freeze these ingredients, which will outweigh the losses.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer

In addition, some root vegetables are not suitable for storage in the refrigerator, but are more suitable for indoor storage in a dry place.

Ingredients such as sweet potatoes and potatoes have a thick crust that ensures that they lose water more slowly during storage, so the taste remains at a relatively good level.

But some people keep them in the refrigerator, where the temperature is low and the humidity is higher. In such an environment, these vegetables will become soft and lose their original taste.

In addition, sweet potatoes themselves are not suitable for storage in a lower temperature environment, they will be frozen, and sweet potatoes are generally stored in a warmer cellar, which is also the most suitable way to preserve it, and it is not as simple as stuffing it into the refrigerator.

Frozen steamed buns can cause cancer, and you can't eat them for more than three days, CCTV Lab tells you the answer


Although most of the families have refrigerators, do we really use refrigerators? How many people know about the potential safety hazards in refrigerators?

Therefore, it is necessary to learn to understand the relevant knowledge of refrigerators, be able to use refrigerators correctly, and let refrigerators play a greater function. It makes sense what you can and can't put in the fridge.

And how to put these foods that can be put in the refrigerator, and how long they can be stored, is also a problem that everyone should pay attention to. Learn these tips and let your refrigerator play its true value in everyday life.

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