
Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

author:Free writer Xiao Chao

The Korean ethnic group is an ethnic group with profound cultural heritage and unique customs, mainly living in Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning and other northeastern provinces of China. With the changes of the times, the customs and habits of the Korean people are constantly blending between tradition and modernity, and today let us walk into the world of the Korean people and reveal their customs and habits.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

1. Clothing culture: the beauty of plain white

The traditional costume of the Korean people is plain white, and short clothes and trousers are their signature attire. Men's tops are unbuttoned, knotted with strips of cloth, and shoulders are kempt, showing a simple yet generous style. Women's clothing is more exquisite, the short placket is also without buttons, knotted with ribbons, long skirts are elegant, more tube skirts are worn before marriage, and more wrapped skirts are worn after marriage, with bright colors, showing the softness and dignity of Korean women.

This plain white clothing culture not only reflects the Korean people's aesthetic concept of advocating simplicity and nature, but also implies their pure and kind national character.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

2. Food culture: the symphony of rice and miso soup

The food culture of the Korean ethnic group is also unique. They eat rice as their staple food, especially large rice and second rice, and they must have soup for every meal, among which miso soup is very popular. Korean dishes are spicy in taste, make good use of various spices to enhance the flavor, and cook in a variety of ways, including stew and cold dressing.

It is worth mentioning that the drinking utensils of the Korean ethnic group are also quite distinctive. Generally, there are two pots in one stove, the pot is deep and the bottom is wide, and the special iron lid is convenient for stewing rice. This unique kitchenware design not only reflects the wisdom of the Korean people, but also adds a lot of color to their food culture.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

3. Residential culture: the charm of horsetail houses

Traditional Korean houses are mostly horsetailed with wooden frames, plastered with braided mud walls, and roofs sloped on all sides and covered with straw. This kind of residential design not only adapts to the cold climate of the Northeast region, but also embodies the living wisdom of the Korean people. Each room has four or five doors (which are also windows), and the indoor house is a kang, and you can sit cross-legged when you enter the house, take off your shoes, and sit cross-legged, which also reflects the living customs and etiquette culture of the Korean people.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

However, with the development of the times, the living culture of the Korean people has also changed. The number of brick houses is increasing, the ethnic style of interior design is decreasing, and everything is moving towards modernity. Despite this, we can still see those well-preserved horsetail houses in some traditional villages, and feel the charm of the ancient and simple.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

Fourth, etiquette culture: the tradition of respecting the elderly and respecting the virtuous

The Koreans are a people with very strict etiquette. Juniors must use honorifics when speaking to their elders, and they must also use honorifics when they meet each other for the first time. When walking with the elderly, the younger person must walk behind the elder. When you meet an elderly person you know, you should greet and give way. During the meal, a single table is set for the elderly, the father and son are not seated, and the daughter-in-law waits respectfully, and the whole family can eat only after the old man finishes eating. These seemingly cumbersome rituals actually embody the traditional virtues of the Korean people of respecting the elderly and respecting the virtuous.

In addition, in the funeral customs of the Korean people, respect and nostalgia for the deceased are also reflected everywhere. The head of the corpse was carried westward to the seven-star board, and it was placed in the house to place offerings and make shrouds.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

The coffin is parked according to the specific situation, and the family carries the coffin of the deceased during the burial and puts it in the dug grave for burial, and the immediate family members have to sacrifice the deceased for three consecutive years. Although these funeral customs have a certain religious color, they also reflect the Korean people's reverence for life and remembrance of the deceased.

Fifth, the blend of modernity and tradition

Today's Koreans are actively integrating into modern society while maintaining their traditional customs and habits. The Korean people living in the city wear modern clothes, live in modern houses, and enjoy modern conveniences. However, when traditional festivals arrive, they still wear traditional national costumes, prepare traditional food, and hold traditional celebrations. This blend of modernity and tradition not only enriches the cultural connotation of the Korean people, but also allows them to maintain their national characteristics in the changing times.

Uncover the customs of the Korean people: the perfect combination of traditional charm and modern style, find out!

The customs and habits of the Korean nationality are an important part of their national culture, and they carry the historical memory and national spirit of the Korean people. In today's era of rapid change, we should cherish these precious cultural heritages even more, so that they can continue to develop and continue to be passed on in the process of development. Let's walk into the world of the Korean ethnic group and feel the unique national customs and cultural charm!

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