
After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

author:The breeze is blowing at great speed

Hello dear readers, today, I would like to share with you a story about an interesting and ancient tradition in rural weddings - bridal shoes. This story will not only give you a taste of the unique charm of a rural wedding, but also give us a sense of traditional culture that has faded away.

After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

In many rural areas of the mainland, weddings have always been a time of joy and warmth. One of the most striking sessions is a series of events related to bridal shoes. Although these activities are simple, they contain profound cultural significance and wishes for a better future.

After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

Traditionally, the bride's shoes are given a special meaning. On the night of the wedding, young friends and family play a series of cheerful games around the bride. Among them, the most famous is the "shoe throwing" link. One of the bride's shoes is gently thrown over the beams of the house, predicting the bride's future fertility based on the direction in which the shoes land. Although this custom is unscientific, it is a good wish for a happy life for newlyweds.

After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

However, with the development of the times, many traditional wedding customs have gradually been replaced by modern culture. Nowadays, there are many new customs in rural weddings, such as "whole in-laws" and other interesting links, and the bride's "hidden shoes" have also become an indispensable part of the wedding.

After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

Although the customs are constantly changing, the story of the bridal shoes is still passed down in different forms in different regions. In some places, the custom of "wearing out" shoes is a symbol of the beginning of a new life, while in others the custom of "stealing shoes" is popular, which signifies the love and care of the bride.

After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

Dear friends, is there a similar wedding custom in your hometown?Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share, let us explore and inherit these beautiful and unique cultural heritages together. Thank you for reading and look forward to communicating and sharing with you!

After marriage, "giving birth to a boy and a girl", you can know it by looking at the bride's shoes, which is a custom spread in the ancient village

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