
#MyLifeDiary# Today I decided to try a new baked dessert because baking is one of my hobbies. Prepare a variety of ingredients and tools to start this delicious adventure. First of all



Today I decided to try a new baking dessert because baking is one of my hobbies. Prepare a variety of ingredients and tools to start this delicious adventure.

First, I decided to make a strawberry mousse cake. The sweet and sour taste of strawberries is always irresistible. I prepared the crust, crushed the biscuits and mixed them with melted butter, and pressed them into the bottom of the cake mold. Refrigerate the crust. Next, I prepared a bowl of fresh strawberries, washed them and cut them into small pieces for later use.

Next comes the most important part: making the mousse. I put the whipped cream and granulated sugar in a blender and blend until smooth. I then toss the gelatin powder with cold water in a separate bowl and subsequently add it to the whipped cream. I continued to stir until the mixture began to thicken.

Now it's time to add the chopped strawberries. I gently stirred the strawberry chunks into the mousse mixture, making sure each strawberry was completely encased. Then, I pour the mousse over the base of the cake and smooth the surface with a knife.

When my strawberry mousse cake is done, I put it in the fridge and refrigerate it for a few hours until the mousse is completely set. While waiting, I cleaned the workbench and sorted out the materials.

A few hours later, I couldn't wait to open the fridge and remove the cake from the mold. It looks perfect and has a strong strawberry aroma. I decided to garnish the cake with a couple of fresh strawberries to add some extra color and beauty.

Finally, the baking process was over and I couldn't wait to enjoy a small slice of strawberry mousse cake. It has a light mouthfeel, and the sweet and sour flavor of strawberries blends perfectly into the crust and mousse. This dessert is intoxicating and a visual treat.

#MyLifeDiary# Today I decided to try a new baked dessert because baking is one of my hobbies. Prepare a variety of ingredients and tools to start this delicious adventure. First of all
#MyLifeDiary# Today I decided to try a new baked dessert because baking is one of my hobbies. Prepare a variety of ingredients and tools to start this delicious adventure. First of all
#MyLifeDiary# Today I decided to try a new baked dessert because baking is one of my hobbies. Prepare a variety of ingredients and tools to start this delicious adventure. First of all

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