
Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse

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Practical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine

Symptoms: Diarrhea.

Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea if you are oily, or even like water, abdominal pain. I have been treated by Western medicine on and off for more than a year, but there is no improvement. Western medicine says that it is chronic enteritis, if the effect of floxacin + montmorillonite is okay, but it can only last no more than a week before returning to the old way, and Chinese medicine has seen a few so-called professors who are basically ineffective.

In the fall of 2023, I spent more than 3,000 to see a TCM health care doctor, I had two brushes to check the pulse, and 15 medicines basically stopped the diarrhea, mainly because eating a little spicy and drinking cold will cause abdominal pain and loose stools, and a day and a half of normal diet can be recovered. After the follow-up adjustment, I ate 30 payments, and there was no further improvement.

At the beginning of 2024, the neighbor introduced a professor surnamed Wang in the Chinese Medical Hall, who is said to have cured acute leukemia, I read the online profile, nothing special, only spent 20 yuan on the registration fee with the psychology of trying it, the old man is 85 years old this year, his face is ruddy, and it happens to be the last day to sit in the clinic, and he is going to his daughter's house for the New Year. Opened the 10-day amount. There is a picture attached to the prescription, I took a look at the medicinal materials, and they are very similar to other Chinese medicines, so I bought 5 to try. As a result, after the second payment, I happened to eat a spicy restaurant, and I felt bad, and I was psychologically prepared for abdominal pain and diarrhea#How much do you know about traditional Chinese medicine#, there was no abdominal pain that night, and there was no the next day, and the third payment was finished, I specially stopped the medicine, or normal, in order to verify the efficacy, I ate boiling fish and spicy chicken, and the effect was extremely reliable. I finished the last medicine today.

Summary: I compared the previous recipes, and the basic herbs of this recipe are all stir-fried (two techniques and two buds) or coke (hawthorn). Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions should not only look at the ingredients, but also the medicinal properties of the concoction are very important. In short, a recipe that works is a recipe that is good.

This experience strengthened my confidence, Chinese medicine is not slow, and the poor effect of Chinese medicine is the doctor's problem. #Share the experience of traditional Chinese medicine# #Traditional Chinese medicine is to work quickly# #Traditional Chinese medicine continues to work hard# #浅谈中医性味#

Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse
Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse
Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse
Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse
Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse
Symptoms of TCM practical efficacy: diarrhea. Process: It can be divided into two stages, 2022-2023, loose and soft stools, as long as you catch a cold, drink slightly cold water, or have diarrhea when you are oily, or even worse

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