
#TiannandibeibeiNew Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together> When I was a child, my family was very poor, and the Chinese New Year was the most anticipated day of the year, because there was money to collect and meat to eat during the New Year. Twenty-nine of the Lunar New Year

author:On the way

#TiannandibeibeiNew Year's greetings# Get red envelopes together >

When I was a child, my family was very poor, and the Chinese New Year was the most anticipated day of the year, because there was money to collect and meat to eat during the New Year.

On the twenty-ninth day of the new year, I followed my father to paste couplets and followed my mother to clean the house. Then, when my mother steamed steamed steamed buns, stewed pork, and fried fruits, I rubbed around, and stuffed some into my mouth when my mother was not paying attention.

In the thirtieth year of the Chinese New Year's Eve, I got into the bed early, waiting for the next morning to get up and touch the money under the pillow. My mother would usually wait for me to fall asleep and put the New Year's money under my pillow.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, as soon as I woke up in the morning, I happily turned over the pillow and happily looked at the New Year's money.

When I was a child, although my family was poor and I couldn't eat meat a few times a year, I was very happy and happy. The taste of the year in my memory is really evocative.


#TiannandibeibeiNew Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together> When I was a child, my family was very poor, and the Chinese New Year was the most anticipated day of the year, because there was money to collect and meat to eat during the New Year. Twenty-nine of the Lunar New Year
#TiannandibeibeiNew Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together> When I was a child, my family was very poor, and the Chinese New Year was the most anticipated day of the year, because there was money to collect and meat to eat during the New Year. Twenty-nine of the Lunar New Year
#TiannandibeibeiNew Year's greetings#Get red envelopes together> When I was a child, my family was very poor, and the Chinese New Year was the most anticipated day of the year, because there was money to collect and meat to eat during the New Year. Twenty-nine of the Lunar New Year

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