
#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way


#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In such a season, everything comes back to life and everything seems so vivid and vibrant. This reminds me of couplets, the kind of rhythmic beauty and profound artistic conception unique to Chinese characters, which can always outline infinite imagination space in a few words.

When it comes to couplets, it is not only a literary form, but also a cultural inheritance and the crystallization of wisdom. The upper couplet "the grass grows and the warbler flies in spring" depicts the scene of spring, and the lower couplet naturally echoes it, not only to show the vitality of spring, but also to reflect the neatness of the couplet. I tried to conceive of it, and a few possible links came to mind:

"Flowers bloom and butterflies dance and daylight is new"

This couplet continues the theme of spring, with flowers blooming and butterflies dancing, which is a common scene in spring, while "Sunshine New" contrasts with "Spring", conveying a fresh and bright feeling.

"The willows are weeping and the water is clear"

The willow tree was chosen as the representative of spring, the weeping willows are clinging, the green shadows are swaying, and the water waves are clear, such a picture not only complements the scenery of Shanglian, but also forms a quiet beauty visually.

"Peach Willow Green Bird Singing"

The "peach and willow green" here is a depiction of the colors of spring, while the "bird's song" is a capture of sound, and the whole lower couplet is full of the excitement and joy of spring.

"The wind sends the fragrance and the rain nourishes the field"

This couplet shifts the perspective, starting from the sense of smell and touch, the fragrance of flowers brought by the wind and the fields moistened by the drizzle are indispensable elements of spring.

"Yun Shuxia scroll drawing width"

If the upper panel is describing spring on the ground, then this lower panel is to zoom out the perspective, depicting the spring scenery in the sky, the clouds stretching, and the glow curling, giving people a wide field of vision and infinite reverie.

Each of the lower couplets has its own unique charm and artistic conception, and they reflect each other with the upper couplet, and together form a perfect couplet. The charm of the couplet lies in its ability to show infinite imagination and far-reaching meaning in a limited number of words. That's why, even in modern times, couplets are still captivating to create and appreciate. ##寻绝妙下联!# #快来对个下联把#

#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way
#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way
#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way
#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way
#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way
#草长莺飞春意浓, you are on the next couplet# With the caress of the spring breeze, on the green grass, the warbler song and swallow dance painted a vibrant picture, and the breath of spring became more and more intense. In this way

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