
#Retirement life record# Today I earned 2.4 yuan in Toutiao, plus, Toutiao taught me, a few cents is also money, flies and mosquitoes are also meat, a total income of 4.4 yuan. That's much

author:Kitakata Tang


Today, I earned 2.4 yuan in Toutiao, plus, Toutiao taught me that a few cents is money, flies and mosquitoes are also meat, a total income of 4.4 yuan.

That's an extra 4 yuan, I'm really grateful for Toutiao.

The code words on the headlines day and night, the hard work, the interaction with friends, the comments, and staring at the mobile phone screen every day, these few cents are really hard to earn. A lot of the time it's zero eggs.

It made me feel like I really had to be thrifty. Go to the supermarket, buy this and that, a lot of food and drink.

After a week, the lentils, cucumbers, winter melons, dragon fruits, and apples that I didn't have time to eat were rotten and spoiled, so I had to throw them away.

This is a waste, I didn't think there was anything before, but since I joined the headlines, I know that it is not easy to make money, and I don't eat it again, and it is wasted, which makes me feel deeply guilty.

The headlines made me realize what was wrong with me. I began to pay attention to the little things in my life.

Children often shop online, and the cardboard boxes and drink bottles they dismantle are thrown into the trash. Be aware of how hard it is to make money.

I began to pay attention, every time I stared at the empty bottles and express cartons in the children's hands, no, more than a month, the waste products I had saved had just been sold for 4 yuan. I am very happy and full of harvest.

Youyou, do you sell scrap?

#Retirement life record# Today I earned 2.4 yuan in Toutiao, plus, Toutiao taught me, a few cents is also money, flies and mosquitoes are also meat, a total income of 4.4 yuan. That's much
#Retirement life record# Today I earned 2.4 yuan in Toutiao, plus, Toutiao taught me, a few cents is also money, flies and mosquitoes are also meat, a total income of 4.4 yuan. That's much
#Retirement life record# Today I earned 2.4 yuan in Toutiao, plus, Toutiao taught me, a few cents is also money, flies and mosquitoes are also meat, a total income of 4.4 yuan. That's much

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