
5 blood vessel age self-test!Prevent blood vessel blockageThe 5 major blood vessels on the table "scavenger" eat

author:Korean Health Science

On the scales of vascular health, time is a relentless weight. Year after year, this irreversible timer leaves its mark on the blood vessels in our body. Blood vessels, as the body's transportation network, have a direct impact on our quality of life. Unfortunately, the aging of blood vessels often occurs silently, and by the time signs of discomfort appear, the problem can already be quite serious. It's like a silent health crisis lurking in each of our lives.

5 blood vessel age self-test!Prevent blood vessel blockageThe 5 major blood vessels on the table "scavenger" eat

In this race against time, knowing your "vascular age" has become a key step in preventing vascular diseases. Vascular age, a concept that, while not as precise as biological age, provides a way to measure the health of blood vessels. Compared with actual age, the age of blood vessels can more intuitively reflect whether our blood vessels are "older than years". If your blood vessels are much older than your chronological age, then this could be a warning sign that you need to make lifestyle changes.

However, how to measure this seemingly abstract "vascular age"? This article will introduce several simple and practical self-testing methods to help readers assess their vascular health. At the same time, in order to prevent clogged blood vessels, a common vascular disease, we will also explore some strategies that can be adopted in the daily diet, especially those foods that are known as "scavengers" of blood vessels. Through these hands-on practices, we are not only able to understand the age of our blood vessels, but also take steps to keep them young and healthy.

Vascular age is important

Human blood vessels are like a meandering river, which is an important cornerstone of life and health. The age of blood vessels is often out of sync with their biological age, and the degree of aging of blood vessels directly affects the overall health of people. Poor vascular health can lead to various diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart disease, etc. Therefore, it is more important to know and control the chronological age of blood vessels than a seemingly simple age number. The health status of blood vessels can be assessed from multiple dimensions, such as the elasticity of blood vessels, blood flow, and the cleanliness of blood vessel walls. Together, these factors form the concept of vascular age, which becomes a key indicator of physical health.

5 blood vessel age self-test!Prevent blood vessel blockageThe 5 major blood vessels on the table "scavenger" eat

5 self-measurement methods for vascular age

Pulse wave velocity measurement: The speed at which the pulse wave produced by the heart's pumping blood is measured through the blood vessels by a specialized device. A faster wave velocity usually means hardening of the blood vessels or a decrease in the elasticity of the blood vessels.

Blood pressure monitoring: Blood pressure is a basic indicator of vascular health. Maintaining blood pressure within the normal range for a long time indicates that the blood vessels are well adapted and elastic.

Arteriosclerosis index test: Measured by a blood test or a specialized device, to assess the degree of hardening of the arteries. A high index indicates increased vascular aging.

Blood fluidity test: High blood viscosity increases the burden on the heart and accelerates the aging of blood vessels. Blood tests to understand blood flow.

5 blood vessel age self-test!Prevent blood vessel blockageThe 5 major blood vessels on the table "scavenger" eat

Vascular elasticity test: Using a blood pressure cuff or specialized equipment, measure the degree of expansion and contraction of blood vessels under the impact of blood to assess the elasticity of blood vessels.

Prevention of blockage of blood vessels

To prevent clogged blood vessels, we must start with daily habits. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are basic precautions. Healthy eating habits, such as reducing the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods and increasing the intake of dietary fiber and antioxidants, can help lower blood lipids and improve blood mobility. Regular physical activity can enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve blood circulation efficiency, and slow down the aging of blood vessels. In addition, maintaining a normal weight, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, and avoiding excessive pressure are also important measures to prevent blood vessel blockage. Regular physical examination, especially the monitoring of blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar and other indicators, is also a non-negligible part of the prevention of vascular diseases.

5 major blood vessel "scavenger" food

Oats: Rich in soluble fiber, it can effectively lower cholesterol and clean up deposits in blood vessels.

Deep-sea fish: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, it helps to reduce triglycerides in the blood and prevent hardening of the arteries.

Vegetables and fruits: Contains a lot of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, which can slow down arteriosclerosis.

Garlic: Contains high amounts of sulfur compounds that help lower blood pressure and reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Nuts: such as walnuts and almonds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can regulate blood lipids and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.

Through the reasonable combination and intake of these foods, we can effectively maintain the health of blood vessels and prevent the occurrence of diseases such as blood vessel blockage. Each food has its own unique nutritional value, and when properly incorporated into the daily diet, it can provide support for vascular health.

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