
Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special


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Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special


Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

As the saying goes, "the master leads the door, and the cultivation is in the individual", what the master teaches is the same, but the result is to rely on oneself to "realize".

In order to inherit the cross talk, the cross talk master Ma Ji can be described as "working hard".

Others accept apprentices as "apprentices come to the door", but most of Master Ma Ji's apprentices are "begged" by themselves.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Ma Ji, who studied under masters such as Hou Baolin and Guo Baorui, has become a new "leader" in the field of cross talk.

His disciples also became the "mainstay" of the cross talk industry later.

Everyone is well-known to Jiang Kun, Feng Gong, Huang Hong and others.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

treats his disciples, Ma Ji never puts on the shelf of "master", but is more like a mutual learning Xi between friends.

As a "cross talk master" resident in the Spring Festival Gala, he has been contributing to the cause of cross talk all his life.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Master Ma Ji can be called an old artist of "both virtue and art".

Today, let's take stock of the five disciples who have won the personal transmission of Master Ma Ji.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

First place: Jiang Kun

Born in Beijing in 1950, Jiang Kun has had a special interest in literature and art since he was a child.

When he was in middle school, he joined the school's repertory troupe and also participated in the creation of the classic play "In Lenin's Hometown".

After that, Jiang Kun responded to the call of the country, went to the Corps, and became a literary backbone.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

In the soldiers, he met his "cross talk enlightenment teacher" Shi Shengjie, and the two partnered to say cross talk.

After that, he also went to Beijing to participate in the national quyi performance. Unexpectedly, this performance changed his life.

Ma Ji, who was sitting in the audience as a judge, took a fancy to Jiang Kun at a glance.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

After that, Ma Ji found Jiang Kun and asked him if he would like to follow him to learn Xi cross talk.

Jiang Kun suddenly felt "flattered", he didn't expect that the cross talk master would fall in love with him.

But Jiang Kun, who was in the corps, had no way to follow Ma Lao immediately.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Ma Ji, who learned about Jiang Kun's reality, followed Jiang Kun to the corps.

In order to let Jiang Kun learn Xi cross talk with him, Ma Ji took a lot of effort.

Because Jiang Kun is the "pillar" of the art troupe, the leaders really don't want to let him go.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

After all, "gold shines wherever it is", the reluctance of the leaders of the art troupe, Ma Ji naturally understands it very well.

But if you don't bury talents, so that Jiang Kun has better development opportunities, Ma Ji can only "grab people".

In the end, he couldn't resist Ma Ji's repeated persuasion, and even Ma Ji personally went down to give the Corps a free performance.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

That's why Jiang Kun left with him. Facts have proved that Ma Lao's vision is correct! Jiang Kun shines in the cross talk world.

Jiang Kun can be called a disciple who "inherits the mantle of Ma Lao".

He has also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times to perform cross talk, which has deeply influenced a generation.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Today's Jiang Kun also cultivates disciples like Ma Lao in the past.

He also followed the footsteps of his teachers to find potential "good seedlings".

Strive to "contribute" to the cause of cross talk.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Second place: Feng Gong

When Feng Gong mentioned it, all he thought of was his classic greeting, "Dear audience friends, I miss you to death!"

As everyone knows, Feng Gong, who became a master in the sketch world, was the first to speak cross talk.

Feng Gong, who is a native of Tianjin, has an innate sense of humor and a "smooth mouth".

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Feng Gong is still active on the screen today.

With his characteristic appearance and classic greetings, he has become one of the few "old friends" of the Spring Festival Gala today.

Cross talk is no longer Feng Gong's way of meeting everyone, but his efforts in cross talk are also an important part of his achievements.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

And the mentor who had the greatest influence on him was Ma Ji.

When Feng Gong was in middle school, he liked to talk about all kinds of cross talk jokes with his classmates in his spare time, and every time his classmates were amused to laugh.

After Ma Ji heard about this, he felt that this child was a seedling and could be taken along, maybe he could have great development in the future.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

So, Ma Ji found Feng Gong, who was still a student.

Feng Gong was very pleasantly surprised by this, he didn't expect that he could still be favored by a cross talk master like Ma Ji.

Ma Ji told Feng Gong that after graduating from middle school, he could follow him to learn Xi cross talk.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Feng Gong was still young at the time, and he was a little "impetuous" and could not be serious.

In order to let him learn Xi cross talk with peace of mind, Ma Lao also spent a lot of effort.

Feng Gong also did not live up to the teachings of his mentor Ma Ji.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

In 1982, Feng Gong officially joined Ma Ji's sect and began to learn Xi cross talk seriously.

Under the leadership of the master, Feng Gong also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and successively partnered with his senior brother Liu Wei and Niu Qun, and became more and more popular.

Later, the partners left one after another, allowing the lonely Feng Gong to embark on the road of sketches.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

But Feng Gong never let go of cross talk, and also cultivated disciples like Jia Ling and Bai Kainan.

Regarding Feng Gong's career change, Ma Ji did not criticize him, as long as it is a literary and artistic career, it is inseparable.

Feng Gong is very grateful to his mentor, and has been grateful for his mentor's cultivation on many occasions.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Third place: Liu Wei

The name Liu Wei was also a "new star" in the cross talk industry at that time, and he was also praised when he partnered with Feng Gong to talk about cross talk.

Liu Wei can be said to be a disciple that Ma Lao loves very much.

When he worshipped with Feng Gong, he worshiped under Ma Laomen, but Ma Lao ranked him in front of Feng Gong, which shows his love for him.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Liu Wei was once considered by Ma Lao to be the most potential disciple.

At first, Liu Wei also learned cross talk with peace of mind under the careful teaching of Ma Lao, thinking that he would go far on Xi the cross talk road.

However, what happened later was not expected by anyone.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

After Xi learning the basic skills of Ma Lao for two years, Ma Lao transferred Feng Gong and Liu Wei to the radio rap group for exercise.

Feng Gong and Liu Wei, who are friends, are even more "comfortable" as partners, and then the two appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, Liu Wei, who became popular, made a decision that he regretted for the rest of his life.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

He decided to leave his partner Feng Gong behind and go abroad to develop alone.

However, the development of foreign careers was not as smooth as he imagined, and life was difficult for a while.

By the time he came back from abroad "in a gray way" and wanted to continue to partner with his junior brother Feng Gong, it was too late.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

At this time, Feng Gong had already found his "golden partner", and his partner with the herd was popular all over the country.

When Master Ma Ji saw that the beloved disciple who used to have the most "potential" was now like this, he couldn't bear it.

So, I personally praised him, but Liu Wei, who missed the best period, couldn't hold it anymore, it's a pity!

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Fourth place: Wang Qianxiang

Wang Qianxiang can be said to be the one among Ma Ji's many disciples who regards "being a teacher for one day and a father for life" as a creed.

In Ma Lao's later years, Wang Qianxiang also bought a house near Ma's hometown in order to take better care of his master.

Although Wang Qianxiang is not the disciple who has studied with Ma Lao for Xi the longest time, he is grateful for Ma Lao's cultivation from the bottom of his heart.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

As early as 1960, Wang Qianxiang entered the Quyi Troupe to learn Xi, and later studied under Ma Lao's Xi.

Although he has been "crawling" in the music industry for decades, he has always maintained an open mind.

The early learning Xi made Wang Qianxiang's basic skills very solid, and Ma Lao felt that he could take charge of himself.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

So I thought I should find him a good partner and started to exercise on stage.

So, Li Zengrui was selected as Wang Qianxiang's partner, and this partner has been for decades.

The cross talk works are even more hilarious.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Facts have proved that Wang Qianxiang and Li Zengrui are the most suitable partners for each other, and their works are also very outstanding because of their tacit understanding.

In order to make the show more brilliant, the two also came up with the idea of adding some musical instruments to the performance of the show.

Ma Lao agrees very much with this, as long as it is not detached from itself, appropriate innovation can add more artistic charm.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

The two have created a lot of classic programs for the cross talk industry.

Now that Wang Qianxiang and Li Zengrui are old, they rarely appear on stage in person.

Instead, in addition to teaching disciples, more opportunities will be left to the new generation.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Fifth place: Huang Hong

Unexpectedly, Huang Hong, a sketch master who has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 24 times, is also a disciple of Ma Lao.

And Huang Hong is also the most special one among Ma Lao's many disciples, and he also has the rank of major general.

Huang Hong was born in a family of quyi, and his father Huang Feng was a famous Shandong Kuaishu artist, and he was a good friend of Ma Ji.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

So when Ma Ji proposed to accept Huang Hong as a disciple, Huang Feng, who was a good friend, naturally did not shirk it.

But after Huang Hong did his Xi, he did not become a comedian as expected.

On the contrary, he "shined" in the sketch world, and even invited Master Ma Ji to appear in the sketch together.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

But Ma Lao did not accept Huang Hong's invitation, he said that he wanted to guard the cross talk stall.

As the "flag bearer" in the cross talk industry at that time, if he starred in a sketch, the cross talk would be "over".

Although Huang Hong did not make a name for himself in the cross talk world, he still made great contributions to the cause of literature and art.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

The sketches created by Huang Hong make people laugh, and the classic lines are even more familiar.

His talent is undoubted, and he has found an artistic path that suits him better.

For Huang Hong's conversion track, Ma Lao did not feel too much loss, but was pleased with his development.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

In Huang Hong's heart, he has always regarded Ma Lao as his teacher and lifelong role model.

This has always inspired him, and he has accompanied the youth of a generation on the road of sketches.

Although Huang Hong does not appear on the big screen now, his works are still popular.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special


Ma Ji, as a master of the cross talk industry at that time, undertook the heavy responsibility of the transformation of the cross talk era, and the new hope of cross talk was also pinned on him.

In order to inherit the precious culture left by his ancestors, he spared no effort to train new people.

He has made indelible contributions to the development of the cross talk industry.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

As a master, he treats each of his disciples with all his heart and looks for the most suitable partner for them.

He never exalted his status in the face of his disciples, but treated each other like friends.

Let every disciple he has taught mention Master is endlessly grateful, which just shows how noble Ma Lao's character is!

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Ma Lao has always been very tolerant and caring for his disciples.

Regardless of whether the disciple did not go on the road of cross talk in the end, he did not criticize him harshly.

Everyone has their own choice, and when you can't go on, it doesn't matter if you change.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Compared with some "master and apprentice against each other", it becomes an enemy.

Ma Lao's disciples have always been very respectful and grateful to Master.

From the bottom of their hearts, they are grateful to this "teacher and friend" for the teacher they have carefully cultivated.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

Today's cross talk has been loved by more young people.

It is precisely because of the efforts of generations of cross talk masters and the passing of the torch that cross talk shines.

Now Ma Lao has left us, but he has made a strong mark in the history of cross talk.

Ma Ji's 5 most proud disciples, each of them are famous cross talkers, and Huang Hong is the most special

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Content Sources:

[1] Headline Encyclopedia

[2] Baidu Encyclopedia

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