
Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a few Chinese patent medicines that will help you recover quickly. 1. If evil enters the body, there will be cold and sometimes heat, bitter mouth, dry throat, migraine,

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a few Chinese patent medicines that will help you recover quickly.

1. If evil enters the body and there are symptoms such as cold and heat, bitter mouth, dry throat, migraine, high body temperature, etc., this is often the second and third stages of a cold. At this time, you can choose small chai hu soup granules.

As an antidote, Xiao Chai Hu Tang granules are medicated and peaceful, mainly dredging ventilators. It is not only suitable for colds with weak qi or poor qi flow, but also for menstrual periods, just after menstruation, postpartum colds after blood donation, and colds with no upper heat and lower cold.

2. Next is the parsnip, which is composed of parsnip, nepeta spike, mint, etc. Among them, there are not only partial heat drugs for carminative and surface relief, but also cold drugs in heat relief. In addition, Chuanxiong, angelica, white peony, atractylodes and other medicines that protect the middle coke and nourish the blood circulation.

It is mainly used for the situation of cold outside and heat inside, such as "cold package fire" (there is fear of cold outside, runny nose, stool inside is blocked, and urine is yellow). However, it should be noted that the parsnip must be used in plain and strong people, and it is not suitable for people who are weak.

3. Finally, there is Tongxuanli Lung Tablets, which are mainly used to regulate cough. If you have a lot of phlegm and white sputum, fear of cold, nasal congestion and other cold cough, Tongxuanli Lung Tablets will be your best choice.

Hope these Chinese patent medicines can help you. If you have any questions or need further help, please leave a message in the comment section and I will do my best to reply. However, please note that the above herbs should be used under the guidance of a TCM practitioner. #TCM# #健康#

Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a few Chinese patent medicines that will help you recover quickly. 1. If evil enters the body, there will be cold and sometimes heat, bitter mouth, dry throat, migraine,
Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a few Chinese patent medicines that will help you recover quickly. 1. If evil enters the body, there will be cold and sometimes heat, bitter mouth, dry throat, migraine,
Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a few Chinese patent medicines that will help you recover quickly. 1. If evil enters the body, there will be cold and sometimes heat, bitter mouth, dry throat, migraine,

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