
These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

author:Li Jiajing shares health knowledge

Blood vessels are the transportation channels of the human body, and it is through the blood vessels that oxygen and nutrients are transported to ensure the normal operation of the human body. Once the blood vessels are blocked, there will definitely be problems in the body, and even serious diseases will be induced.

In recent years, the problem of blood vessel blockage has become more and more common, and many people have varying degrees of blood vessel blockage, especially middle-aged and elderly people.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

Once the body has the following 3 symptoms, it may be a sign of blocked blood vessels, so don't ignore it.

1. Chest

If you often feel tightness in your chest and it is accompanied by symptoms of rapid heartbeat, it is likely to be caused by a blockage of the cardiovascular system, and it is recommended to check the blood vessels immediately.

Once the cardiovascular system is blocked, the blood supply to the heart will be insufficient, resulting in symptoms such as myocardial ischemia and increased heart rate, which in turn will lead to chest tightness and, in severe cases, chest pain.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

2. Limb hemp tree

If you often have symptoms of numbness in the limbs, it is likely to be caused by blocked blood vessels.

The limbs are the farthest part of the heart, and the blood circulation is weaker than other parts, and if the blood vessels are blocked, the blood supply to the limbs will be seriously affected. If the blood supply to the limbs is insufficient, it is easy to become numb.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

3. Sudden decline in memory

As people age, their memory declines gradually, but this decline is slow. And if for a period of time, the memory suddenly declines, and the brain blood vessels are often lost, then it is likely to be caused by the blockage of cerebral blood vessels.

Once the cerebral blood vessels are blocked, the blood flow of the brain tissue will be abnormal, which can easily lead to local blood insufficiency, and when the cerebral cortex is insufficient, it will lead to a sudden decline in memory.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

In short, the problem of vascular blockage cannot be ignored, especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blockage, because there are too many cases of death due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blockage every year.

A large part of the reason why there are so many patients with blocked blood vessels is caused by poor diet. If you usually eat a lot of fish and meat, eat and drink nonsense, then it is easy to lead to high blood lipids, high blood sugar and high blood pressure, which in turn leads to blood vessel blockage.

Therefore, we must pay attention to our usual diet, try to eat less high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-sugar foods, try not to overeat, and should eat a light and healthy diet.

To maintain blood vessels, it is recommended to eat 8 kinds of food on a regular basis. These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers" and are eaten regularly to prevent blood vessel blockages.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

The first food: onions

Eating onions can protect the inner wall of blood vessels, antioxidant, anti-free radicals, reduce blood lipids, reduce arterial tension, and avoid arteriosclerosis.

The second food: eggplant

Eggplant is rich in vitamin P, and eating eggplant can play a role in softening blood vessels, enhancing the elasticity of blood vessels, and preventing capillary rupture.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

The third food: black beans

Black beans are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and anthocyanins, and eating black beans can promote blood circulation, promote cholesterol metabolism in the blood, reduce blood viscosity, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

The fourth food: oats

Oats are rich in soluble dietary fiber, and eating oats can achieve the effect of lowering blood lipids, preventing blood lipids from rising and avoiding blood vessel blockage.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

Fifth food: celery

Celery is rich in potassium and acidic antihypertensive components, and eating celery can have the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids.

Sixth food: kelp

Sea urchin is rich in gelatin, which can bind harmful components in the blood and excrete it from the body.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

The seventh food: natto

Natto contains a large amount of nattokinase, which can dissolve blood clots, and eating natto regularly can promote the dissolution of blood clots in blood vessels and avoid blood vessel blockage.

The 8th food: black fungus

Black fungus contains the active ingredient fungus polysaccharides, which have good anticoagulant activity, and eating black fungus can prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. Note: Do not soak black fungus in water for too long, otherwise toxic substances will be produced.

These 8 foods are known as "blood vessel scavengers", and they are usually eaten to prevent blood vessel blockage!

The above 8 kinds of food are good for blood vessels, and eating them regularly helps to maintain blood vessels, purify blood vessels, and prevent blood vessel blockage.

Of course, eating often does not mean eating more, it should be in moderation, you can't pick up any kind of food to eat, you should pay attention to a balanced diet, healthy diet.

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