
Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

author:Love Yinan

Winter is not only synonymous with cold and dryness, everything is depressed nature, but also makes people feel very bad, the cold makes sleep very poor, many people feel that winter is too difficult, especially women who are afraid of cold, but also feel that the winter is long.

Winter is a season suitable for tonic, and this kind of discomfort is actually caused by a lack of qi and blood, which can be adjusted through diet!

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

A woman's lack of qi and blood will manifest itself in various physical problems, such as paleness and weakness, especially in the cold winter, dull face, fatigue, and even cause a disease.

A doctor friend recommended Wuhong soup to me, and I have studied it recently.

The traditional wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine is really not bluffing, and the red dates in the five red soup are rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of nourishing the blood and calming the nerves, beautifying and nourishing the skin

Red peanut coat is rich in proanthocyanidins, resveratrol and anthocyanins, which can not only directly play a role in moistening the lungs, but also strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs, and dissolve phlegm.

Red beans are a high-protein, low-fat, high-dietary fiber food, and red beans also contain high niacin, which can regulate blood sugar, diuresis and swelling, clear heat and detoxify.

Drinking Wuhong soup often can improve the symptoms of dizziness, because Wuhong soup contains wolfberry, and the dizziness caused by liver and kidney blood deficiency is well improved.

In the cold winter, it is really not suitable for soup, and it is not easy to stick to boiling soup every day, so I made five red ingredients into pastries, as breakfast as snacks, and ate two a day, which is simple and convenient.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

In order to make the five reds more effective, I replaced the brown sugar with honey.

"Morning to the morning salt, late to the evening honey" is the way to eat and maintain health in winter, and honey is particularly rich in nutrients. The main components are glucose and fructose, which contain 70% of the content, in addition, it also contains protein, amino acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc. Honey has the effects of strengthening the body, improving intelligence, increasing hemoglobin, improving myocardial function, etc., and the energy required by brain neurons is the highest in honey among all natural foods. The fructose and glucose in honey can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the body to improve the nutritional status of the blood.

Honey is also the ideal skincare product. It can provide nutrients to the skin to make the skin elastic, kill or inhibit the bacteria attached to the skin surface, eliminate the pigmentation of the skin, promote the regeneration of epithelial tissue, repair the skin damaged in summer, and the beauty effect is much safer than cosmetics.

Therefore, insisting on eating honey can not only nourish the skin from the inside out, but also recover fatigue well.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Fragrant glutinous five red cakes

Ingredients: 125 grams of red beans, 200 grams of red dates, 80 grams of wolfberry, 200 grams of red-skinned peanuts, 100 grams of red rice, 130 grams of sticky rice flour, 150 grams of glutinous rice flour

Excipients: 160 grams of honey

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

The ingredients are ready, five kinds of red ingredients, in fact, you can also add red rice, different seasons, sugar can be exchanged, warm up with brown sugar in winter, rock sugar in summer, no fire, dry in autumn, use honey to moisten the lungs and dry.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

I put the peanuts and red beans in the oven and bake them at 180 degrees for about 8 minutes.

Don't be lazy, peanuts and red beans are roasted separately and will roast better.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Roasted peanuts and red beans, let's process the red dates, cut the red dates a few times, and remove the core.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for about 8 minutes.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Goji berries also use the same temperature as red dates, and the time is slightly shorter.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

The color of roasted red dates and wolfberries will be a little dull, and they will become dry after being completely cooled, and they will be a little soft when they are just baked.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Pour the roasted peanuts and red beans into the wall breaker, beat them into powder and come out, and then pour the wolfberries and red dates into the wall breaker.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

After everything is played, it comes out. It is recommended to beat for a few minutes a little longer, the more delicate the powder, the better the taste, and it is a little stiff when it just arrives.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

I pull it a few times with chopsticks and see, it is very fluffy. Add honey or refined brown sugar, add sticky rice flour and glutinous rice flour. Mix well.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Then knead the dough directly by hand into a dry flour-free state.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Then divide the black sesame ball into small balls of about 40 grams each, pinch them slightly with your hands, and arrange them slightly.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Put the finished cakes in a steamer with rice dumpling leaves.

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!

Cover the lid and steam over high heat for 20 minutes, hot and cold taste is great!

Women want to be full of qi and blood, and eating red dates and longan is not as good as it! 2 pieces a day, and the complexion is ruddy and younger!


All ingredients should be roasted separately, because different ingredients have different ripening times, and they can be roasted one by one to meet their most perfect state. Red dates and wolfberries are relatively moist, the temperature of baking should be slightly lowered, and when baking for six minutes, you should pay attention to observation, and red dates and wolfberries should be baked quickly if they change color slightly. When it first comes out of the oven, it is still soft, and when it cools, it becomes crunchy.

Editor丨Zheng Wei

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