
Don't be fooled by pharmacies! Middle-aged and elderly people eat more blueberries, which is more effective than health care products? The doctor said the reason

author:Kangsir medical science

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In a small community square full of festive atmosphere, the neighborhood committee specially organized a free clinic activity to celebrate the upcoming New Year's Day.

Don't be fooled by pharmacies! Middle-aged and elderly people eat more blueberries, which is more effective than health care products? The doctor said the reason

Residents come in an endless stream, some with minor problems for advice, others with curiosity.

In the crowd, there was a retired teacher named Aunt Liu, who came to the scene of the free clinic with her concern for health and some questions.

Aunt Liu has recently been fooled by the promoter of the pharmacy to buy a lot of health products, but she always has mixed feelings in her heart, and she doesn't know if these health products are really useful?

Don't be fooled by pharmacies! Middle-aged and elderly people eat more blueberries, which is more effective than health care products? The doctor said the reason

The protagonist of the free clinic was an elderly doctor named Dr. Wang, who is known in the community for his humor and rich medical knowledge.

When Auntie Liu asked her question, Dr. Wang smiled and said, "Oh, you are confused by the 'packaging' of modern health products. In fact, for middle-aged and elderly people, eating more blueberries is more effective than those health products. ”

When Aunt Liu heard this, she immediately became interested: "Really? Why?" Dr. Wang began to explain:

"First of all, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which have a significant effect on protecting eyesight and improving memory. This is very important, especially for middle-aged and older people. ”

Dr. Wang cited some research data in detail to support his view, which made Auntie Liu listen to it with relish.

"Secondly, blueberries also help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease. This is because blueberries are able to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. ”

Don't be fooled by pharmacies! Middle-aged and elderly people eat more blueberries, which is more effective than health care products? The doctor said the reason

Dr. Wang continued his explanation while giving examples of how blueberries can protect the heart by reducing arteriosclerosis.

"In addition, blueberries can help control blood sugar and are also good for diabetes prevention. Dr. Wang again highlighted the benefits of blueberries and recounted some actual cases illustrating the positive effects of blueberries in blood sugar control.

Don't be fooled by pharmacies! Middle-aged and elderly people eat more blueberries, which is more effective than health care products? The doctor said the reason

Throughout the lecture, Dr. Wang interspersed some humorous words and vivid examples from time to time, making the lecture both interesting and full of knowledge.

After listening to this, Aunt Liu felt that she had benefited a lot. She decided to return home to reduce her reliance on supplements and instead increase her intake of natural foods such as blueberries.

Don't be fooled by pharmacies! Middle-aged and elderly people eat more blueberries, which is more effective than health care products? The doctor said the reason


At the end of the story, Dr. Wang asks a seemingly unrelated question: "Do you know why people who eat blueberries regularly are less likely to get angry?" This question aroused everyone's curiosity.

Dr Wong explains, "In fact, the antioxidants in blueberries are not only good for the body, but also help reduce stress and anxiety. When the body is in good shape, the mood will also be more stable. ”

He also analyzed in detail the role of blueberries in mood regulation and how to maintain a good mood through diet.

Through this story, Dr. Wong not only conveys important knowledge about healthy eating, but also makes it more accessible to people through humor.

Through this activity, Auntie Liu and other residents not only learned how to make the right choices of healthy food, but also gained a deeper understanding of how to maintain good physical and mental health.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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