
Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them

author:Smiling Fish Kitchen


1. Lotus seed beef soup

A delicious soup with lotus seeds, beef, and various spices. Lotus seeds have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and stomach, while beef is rich in protein and a variety of nutrients, which can enhance physical strength and improve immunity. Combining the two can give full play to its complementary role in nutrition, and has a good tonic effect on people with weak bodies and insufficient spleen and stomach.

Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them
Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them
Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them

2. Lotus seed mung bean soup

A soup suitable for drinking in summer, mung beans have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating heat and water, while lotus seeds can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. The combination of the two can effectively relieve the summer heat, and at the same time, it can also play a role in nourishing the body.

Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them
Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them

3. Lotus seed soup

A soup suitable for autumn drinking, the gourd has the effect of strengthening the kidneys and astringent essence, tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, while lotus seeds can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. The combination of the two can effectively nourish the body and at the same time play a role in tonifying the kidneys.

Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them
Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them
Lotus seeds are known as "Ganoderma lucidum in water", and there are many benefits to eating often, and winter is just right, so don't know how to eat them

Lotus seed is a medicinal herb with a variety of effects, which can nourish the body, enhance immunity, clear heat and detoxify, etc. Beef, mung beans, and gourd seeds are also common ingredients, and lotus seeds can be used to make a variety of delicious soups.

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