
Don't laugh, I really can't afford it M9, although I don't deny it at all that it's a good car, and high-tech things are like that, and the cost is high when it first comes out

author:WKE Black Code

Don't laugh, ask the world it M9 I really can't afford it, although I don't deny it at all that it's a good car, and high-tech things are like that, when it first came out, the cost was high and the price was definitely not cheap, which was the same as Tesla at the beginning, but it will sink later.

After watching the press conference of the M9 of the world, I do have a new understanding of this market, and then I will see Rebus's big move, to be honest, this appearance has attracted me, now look at what interesting technology can be brought out by the conference, more than 3400 engineers and more than 1000 days and nights What is the material, it is indeed very curious.

If Xiaomi also takes the high-end route, at the end of this year, Wang Chuanfujia may have to choose Wang Chuanfu's car, and the most anticipated brands are these few at present! And strictly speaking, BYD is also the most technically advanced, and all aspects have been recognized by the market, and reliability is more guaranteed#评论区出主意大赛! #

Don't laugh, I really can't afford it M9, although I don't deny it at all that it's a good car, and high-tech things are like that, and the cost is high when it first comes out
Don't laugh, I really can't afford it M9, although I don't deny it at all that it's a good car, and high-tech things are like that, and the cost is high when it first comes out
Don't laugh, I really can't afford it M9, although I don't deny it at all that it's a good car, and high-tech things are like that, and the cost is high when it first comes out

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