
From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home (1)丨Martina: Learn Xi practice ecological translation to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania

author:Great River Network

Editor's note: In 2001, Hu Gengshen, a distinguished professor at Zhengzhou University, first proposed ecological translation. After more than 20 years of development, the research of ecological translation has attracted extensive attention from the international community, and has also contributed Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to the construction of global ecological civilization, and has become a model for telling Chinese stories well with Henan's practice. In recent years, ecological translation has attracted a number of international students to study Xi and research in China. From now on, Henan International Communication Center and, together with the School of Foreign Chinese and International Relations of Zhengzhou University and the Institute of Ecological Translation Studies of Zhengzhou University, will jointly launch a series of reports on "From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home" (Hugs-Class → Global Family), and listen to their stories with readers at the forefront of "teaching, learning, research and application" of international ecological translation studies. The first issue of "Martina: Learning Xi and Practicing Ecological Translation to Promote the Construction of Ecological Civilization in Tanzania" is launched today.

I don't know who is flute in the sky, blowing down Qionghua all over the world. Winter snow falls into the ripples of Meihu Lake of Zhengzhou University, embellishing the campus into a world of ice and snow. On the evening of December 12, the fifth conference room of the School of Foreign Chinese and International Relations of Zhengzhou University was full, and a unique academic seminar was underway.

From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home (1)丨Martina: Learn Xi practice ecological translation to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania

Seminar site

The theme of this symposium is "Research on the Path of Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization in Tanzania from the Perspective of Ecological Translation", which is to find out the path to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania through ecological translation. At the seminar, Martina, a student from Tanzania, took the podium and spoke eloquently about the purpose and preliminary results of her research topic, and analyzed the significance and research ideas of ecological translation in promoting the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania in simple terms. The participating teachers and students actively participated in the exchange and interaction, and the sparks of knowledge collided to dispel the cold of the winter night, and before they knew it, the two-hour lecture was over, and everyone had a deeper understanding of ecological translation studies.

After the seminar, the reporter got up close and personal with Martina. Yes, she is a warm, cheerful, confident and generous Tanzanian girl. "In my free time, I like to watch the documentary "Beautiful China". In recent years, China has made many achievements in the field of ecological civilization construction, which have attracted worldwide attention. If you want to explore the 'code' of China's ecological civilization construction in the new era, you must come to China. "In recent years, a new picture of beautiful China with beautiful mountains and clear waters, blue sky and green land has been slowly unfolding, and Martina's recognition of China's ecological civilization construction concept and contribution has also been continuously enhanced.

From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home (1)丨Martina: Learn Xi practice ecological translation to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania


"I first came into contact with ecological translation at an academic seminar, when I became interested in this new translation theory, and later I was honored to be a doctoral student of Professor Hu Gengshen, the founder of ecological translation studies. When she recalls her relationship with ecological translation, Martina remembers it vividly.

It is understood that ecological translation is dominated by the theory of neo-ecology, the metaphorical and practical references of ecological translation as the research orientation, and the exploration and revelation of ecological rationality and ecological significance in translated texts and translation activities as the academic priority, and its goal is to guide and observe translation behavior and translation research with an ecological worldview and methodology, which is a research paradigm that comprehensively and describes translation from the perspective of neo-ecological theory, which was first proposed by Hu Gengshen, a distinguished professor of Zhengzhou University in 2001. In short, ecological translation studies is an emerging paradigm of translation studies under the leadership of the new ecological concept of translation, which aims to "make a difference in translation" for the progress of human ecological civilization. In the first half of this year, the third edition of the Encyclopedia of China was released in the form of an online, paper and foreign language edition, and ecological translation was included in the first article, which is one of the three Chinese translation theories included in the Encyclopedia of China.

From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home (1)丨Martina: Learn Xi practice ecological translation to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania

Seminar site

Martina's hometown, Tanzania, is rich in natural resources, diverse ecosystems, diverse species and many rare and endangered species, and the construction of ecological civilization faces many challenges. "In the process of research, I was pleasantly surprised to find that ecological translation, as an interdisciplinary research, advocates the concept of green translation, which can stimulate people's awareness of environmental protection and guide people to adhere to a circular, low-carbon and environmentally friendly green lifestyle in their lives. Therefore, ecological translation is not only a translation theory, but also a life concept, which can effectively promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania. ”

During the conversation, the reporter learned that Martina had taught at a school in Zhengzhou. Now, although she has been away from the podium for more than five years, she still maintains her enthusiasm for education, and when it comes to her career plan after graduation, Martina firmly says: "I will go back to Tanzania to open a course on ecological translation, so that more Tanzanians can understand and understand ecological translation studies." "The belief in the spread of ecological translation studies strengthened Martina's determination to return to China to teach.

From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home (1)丨Martina: Learn Xi practice ecological translation to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania

Professor Hu Gengshen (second from right)

At the seminar, Professor Hu Gengshen, the doctoral supervisor, fully affirmed Martina's research plan. "Martina's choice of research topic is of great relevance. How to explore and practice human ecological civilization from the perspective of ecological translation, and how to fulfill the historical mission of ecological translation to promote ecological protection and the development of ecological civilization? Obviously, she has found the relationship between ecological translation and the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania.

No pain, no gain. "I often stay up late reading Chinese literature, and I often encounter problems that I can't figure out, and thinking until the early hours of the morning is the norm. "Due to language issues, Martina's scientific journey was full of hardships and challenges, from the initial formulation of the thesis framework to the finalization of the research plan. "Whenever my research is recognized, I feel that all the effort is worth it. These achievements will also motivate me to keep overcoming difficulties and constantly climbing higher mountains. ”

From Ecological Translation to Ecological Home (1)丨Martina: Learn Xi practice ecological translation to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania


The significance of theoretical research is to guide practice, and Martina's plan to use the theory of ecological translation learned in China to promote the construction of ecological civilization in Tanzania is actually a collision and exchange between different cultures. As the construction of ecological civilization has gradually become the consensus of the international community, more and more foreign students have begun to devote themselves to the study of ecological translation. As an independent and dynamic theoretical discourse system in China, ecological translation studies is in the ascendant and continues to expand to the international community, contributing Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to the construction of global ecological civilization, and becoming a model for telling China's story well with Henan's practice. (Yang Jiaxin)

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