
Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

author:CCTV News
Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

△ Click me, listening to the sound of the thousand-year-old piano to read this article is better

In a program at the closing ceremony of the Asian Para Games in Hangzhou

The elements of the guqin run throughout

When it first sounds

The picture in front of me is drinking tea and catching up with the past, and it is also a chess opponent

Today, we get to know the "leaders" in the guqin industry

Luoxia style "Caifeng Mingqi" lyre

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty


Wind and snow mountains and forests listen to the sound of trees

"Tangqin No. 1" is different from the selection of materials

The guqin is one of the oldest plucked musical instruments in China

There used to be ten-stringed and five-stringed harps

By the end of the Han Dynasty, it had been roughly finalized

That is, what we usually see nowadays as the lyre

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

△ The ten-stringed and five-stringed piano (replica) excavated from the tomb of Marquis Yi of the Warring States period (left), as well as a modern guqin. (Photo source: Zhejiang Provincial Museum)

to the Tang Dynasty

Sichuan Lei's piano making, three generations of nine people

It has experienced the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Middle Tang Dynasty, and the late Tang Dynasty

Rewe is the most famous luthier

Legend has it that whenever a heavy snowstorm falls

And he drank the wine, and put on his robe, and put on his hat

To the deep forest of Mount Emei

Listen to the sound of the trees

If its sound is continuous and melodious, it is chosen as the material for the chopping (zhuó).

In the second year of Kaiyuan

Lei Wei made the Luoxia style "Caifeng Mingqi" lyre

And carved his name in the dragon pool on the belly of the piano

Guqin master Yang Zongji

On the back of this piano is inscribed a seven-character long poem

The first sentence is "Tang Qin's first push Lei Gong"

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

△ The opening two sentences of Yang Zongji's seven-word long poem are "Tang Qin is the first to push Lei Gong, and the nine thunders in Shu are the only heroes." There are also two sentences, "Luoxia antique goddess system, such as knocking the chime and hitting the bell", which describes the shape and timbre of this piano.


Broken lines are not "broken"

It makes the sound of the piano as you wish

Guqin has a long history and many forms

The name of the form is also elegant

There are Luoxia type, Zhongni type, Fuxi style and so on

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

△ Zhejiang Provincial Museum collection of Luoxia-style "Caifeng Mingqi" lyre (left), Zhongni-style "Laihuang" lyre (middle), and the Palace Museum's collection of Fuxi-style "Jiuxiao Huanpei" qin.

The "Caifeng Mingqi" lyre adopts the Luoxia style

The body is vermilion

The body shape is like a wave, zigzag and symmetrical

Like a sunset, there are thousands of changes

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

"Caifeng Mingqi" exemplifies the "Chinese" and is regarded as an auspicious omen

This is how it is named

It should be that when you want to express the high song, it will attract the phoenix to sing in unison

The meaning is beautiful and peaceful

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

The broken lines on the body are the marks of time

Like flowing water, like cow hair, like ice patterns

The experience and material ratio of each guqin are different

The fracture lines formed are unique

This is not an expression that the piano is worn out

It is an important basis for guqin appreciation

With broken lines, the timbre of the guqin is more loose and elegant

Pluck as you like, round and turn as you wish

Guqin master Ding Chengcheng once said

"Anyone who knows how to do it wants to have a broken piano"


Activating protection

Recorded a CD for Tang Qin's concert

"One or two strings are like bells,

Six or seven strings like a golden chime,

Four strings and five emblems above such as drums"

This is the guqin master Yang Zongji

Evaluation of the sound of the piano "Saiho Naruki".

After 1,300 years, will it still be playing?

Can the sound still be like a bell and a drum?

Wenbo calendar丨This guqin is in the shape of a sunset, blowing through the wind of the Tang Dynasty

△2010 Phoenix Harmony - Zhejiang Provincial Museum Collection of Tang Dynasty Leiqin Concert.

More than 10 years ago, with the theme of "Phoenix and Ming".

A guqin recital

Zhejiang Provincial Museum Collection

"Caifeng Mingqi", "Laihuang" and other guqins

Play the music of the prosperous age

This is a bold attempt

Let the guqin in the museum no longer be silent

According to the ancient method of the Song and Yuan dynasties, experts used silk to develop strings

After winding, the sound of "Caifeng Mingqi" is clear and elegant

It has achieved the effect of Yang Zongji's account

In 2019, the thousand-year-old sound of "Caifeng Mingqi" was played again

Tang Yun has traveled through the millennium and is included in contemporary CDs

This is the revitalization, protection and inheritance of the guqin

Mountains and rivers look for soulmates

Knowing each other for thousands of miles is still neighbors

The sound of the piano is long

It opened up a wilderness

Waiting to meet you

Producer丨Tang Yi

Producer丨Wu Huifeng


Vision丨Zhu Lingmeng


Proofreading丨Zhu Dongmei

Co-ordinator丨Liu Ying, Shuai Carillon

Special thanks 丨Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Zhejiang Station, China Cultural Relics News

Editor in charge: Jia Hongwei

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