
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root

author:Health Allison 54

At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So without further ado, the thriller disaster drama (Lime) feature film based on the European hit bestseller begins now.

Riding a Norwegian fisherman to fish in the early morning, he found a suitable spot and threw his net, but when the time was ripe to retrieve it, an accident occurred. Because no matter how hard he dragged it, the fishing net did not move, and the next second an unknown force directly brought him into the sea. At this time, the fishing net in his hand also began to sink gradually, and when he saw a fierce son, he plunged down, and he took out a knife and prepared to cut the stuck fishing net. At this moment, he suddenly felt a darkness above his head, and when he looked up, he instantly fell into despair.

Because countless sea fish have surrounded him, soon he was "swallowed" by the fish, leaving only a lone boat with the sea. But the weird things don't stop there.

Early the next morning, the carcass of a killer whale weighing 30 tons also appeared inexplicably on the beach, and its body was already scarred. Seeing this, the two marine life investigators were both confused: "What kind of divine can kill such an ocean overlord"? The first perpetrator Leon could think of was the fishermen near here. So they drove to find an old man. After Leon explained his intentions, the old fisherman did not say anything, but led them to the port, and soon a small boat that had been attacked by killer whales came into view.

Just this morning, they were attacked by killer whales. The usually docile killer whale suddenly turned uncharacteristically and behaved unusually crazy. Such a big killer whale such a small boat, in order to save their lives, the fishermen on the boat have no choice but to take out their weapons and choose to fight back, but that's all. Because their means were simply not enough to kill an adult killer whale, apparently it died "for another reason."

After the old fisherman left, Leon's heart began to worry, "Why would the killer whales suddenly attack humans?" As night fell, Charlie, who was in charge of seabed exploration, also noticed that something was wrong, because at this time the buoys on the sea surface had already sent her an early warning signal. She had to dive into the sea to check the situation, and soon she found out why. It turned out that the detector had been wrapped in a fishing net, but just when she wanted to untie the fishing net, she suddenly heard a strange sound not far away, and she quickly untied the fishing net and swam to the sea with the detector.

But when she came out, a strange thing happened again, because the boat that had been fixed to the buoy by her was no longer there. After searching around, she saw the small boat, she quickly tied the probe to the buoy, and then swam desperately in the direction of the boat. This time there was no accident, she successfully boarded the boat, but I don't know why she gasped, and there was a feeling of escaping death in her heart.

But her mission isn't over yet, as she throws the probe back into the sea. This time she asked her boyfriend to help, and after determining the location, the two put the detector down. However, just as the two were about to return home, Charlie's boyfriend saw something on the sea that she had never seen before. Soon Charlie hooked it with a hook, and then she used her boyfriend's lighter to change a "trick" for him. The boyfriend was directly frightened.

This is methane hydrate. When the dead algae sinks to the bottom of the sea, it will decompose, producing methane, which in turn freezes under pressure, so that there is "fire ice" in her hands. Originally, Charlie did not take this seriously, but her expression froze when she looked at the sea, because there was already a lot of fire and ice floating on the sea, and occasionally one or two were normal. But this situation was very strange, she immediately reported to her superiors, and their superiors were also extremely shocked when they saw it.

If something goes wrong, there will be a demon, and she ordered Charlie to observe the situation in the sea area in real time, and if something is wrong, he must report to her as soon as possible. In recent days, Leon has been observing the movements of killer whales in the nearby waters, but nothing has been achieved. It wasn't until this day that she finally heard the whales approaching, and she decided to go to sea to verify the whales' status for herself. At the same time, the sightseeing boats here are already full of tourists and heading in the direction where the whales are about to appear.

A behemoth appeared on Leon's side, a giant humpback whale, it didn't seem to mean to hurt Leon, and after saying hello, she dived to the bottom of the sea. Leon heard, "This fish is not as hostile as the old fisherman said." But is that really the case? Soon four adult killer whales appeared in the area, while tourists were aware of the dangerous day to come.

Tourists were very excited when they saw this, and they took out their mobile phone videos to take pictures, but they did not know that the seat head who had just greeted Leon had swam over, just in the next second. This "shower" made them more and more excited. (Ready?) The next battle is coming)

At this time, Leon, who was not far away, also saw this mouth, and the bareboat was smashed in two by humpback whales, and tourists fell into the sea one after another, instantly falling into sparks. When Leon arrived, several killer whales had also arrived, and some tourists escaped death, and some unfortunately became the final food of killer whales, including Leon's best friend Circle Sha.

So the question is, are killer whales and humpback whales going to attack humans? Is it because the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea on a small day angered them? I'm afraid it's not as simple as it seems. This five-star Michelin-starred chef was about to slaughter the lobster on the board, but he suddenly stopped the movement in his hand, and his expression became a little dull, because he saw the lobster spit out a large amount of slimy white liquid. In more than 30 years of practice, this is the first time I have seen such a strange thing.

Who knew that in the next second, a large amount of white liquid sprayed out again. The chef was so angry that he immediately asked the apprentice to dispose of the lobster, and then wiped the white liquid clean. I saw that he picked up the lobster and handed it to a female knifeman on the side. He then cleans the liquid from the board, and the (knife) hand disassembles the lobster and shrimp into the shredding tank. But when she pressed the switch, the white liquid in the lobster's body splashed on her body. Seeing that the powder had been washed into the sewer, she walked away without taking it seriously.

At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root
At the end of February 2023, another thriller disaster blockbuster "is born, and the old irons will earn it when they brush it, because the plot of this drama is simply exciting." So less gossip and not much to say, root

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