
Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

author:Kitchens in Amyoya
Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

The climate turns from hot to cold during the white dew season, the body is affected by nature, the yang energy is adducted, and the yin qi gradually rises, so what should be paid attention to in the diet during this period? According to the principle of "autumn and winter yin nourishment", it is recommended that women should often eat 5 kinds of food, which have a good effect of nourishing yin and beauty, so as to lay the foundation for the growth of yang qi in the coming year.

★ Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are a nutritious food, rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, help to maintain the elasticity and moisture of the skin, eat some black sesame seeds every day, have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, moisturizing the intestines and laxative.

Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

Recommended recipe – black sesame cake

1. Put the sesame seeds directly in a wok and stir-fry them slowly until fragrant, and then put them in a blender with pure milk to beat into sesame paste, it is best to sift it once to be more delicate.

2: Pour sesame paste into a bowl, add sugar, cornstarch and glutinous rice flour and stir well.

3. Line the bottom of the bowl with oil paper, pour in the stirred sesame batter, then steam for 25 minutes, let cool after steaming, cut into small pieces and eat.

★ Black beans.

Black beans are known as the "king of beans", which have the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, and are suitable for autumn consumption. Black beans also contain a lot of antioxidants, which are able to fight free radical damage and slow down the body's aging process.

Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

Recommended recipe – black beans soaked in vinegar

1. After cleaning the black beans, soak them for four to five hours, control the moisture, and steam them in the steaming drawer for about an hour.

2. Then spread the steamed beans flat to dry the moisture on the surface. Put the steamed and cooled beans into a clean and sterilized bottle, and put some rock sugar in the middle to combine the sour taste of vinegar.

3. Add an appropriate amount of rice vinegar to the beans, then cover and soak for about three days before eating. Eating eight to nine black beans every morning is both nutritious and healthy.

★ Chinese wolfberry.

Goji berries are a traditional tonic food in mainland China, and it is suitable for eating goji berries in autumn to maintain health. Goji berries are sweet, flat in nature, and can replenish yin deficiency. Goji berries are rich in polysaccharides and polyphenols, which can enhance immunity and brighten the eyes.

Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

Recommended recipe – brown sugar and red date goji berry paste

1. First soak the goji berries in water to soften, and the red dates are pitted and diced or crushed in a blender.

2. Put the red dates and goji berries into a non-stick frying pan and pour a small amount of water. After boiling over high heat, turn to medium-low heat and simmer slowly, stirring frequently during the simmering process.

3. Simmer until the water is dry, turn into a paste, and let it cool and bottle. Refrigerate and eat 10-15 grams a day.

★ Mulberry.

Mulberry is the dried fruit ear of the mulberry plant, also known as mulberry fruit, sweet and sour, rich in anthocyanins and mulberry polysaccharides, with the effect of nourishing blood and yin, nourishing and moisturizing, and has the reputation of "black ginseng".

Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

Recommended recipe – red jujube and laurel mulberry soup

1: Soak the mulberries in salt water for 10 minutes and pass through the water. Wash and pit the red dates, and shell the laurel balls for later use.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add mulberries, laurel balls and red dates after boiling, and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Open the lid and add brown sugar, and add dried osmanthus after leaving the pan.

★ Silver fungus

Autumn is a season suitable for eating silver fungus, silver fungus is a common edible fungus in life, rich in protein, plant collagen, has the effect of nourishing and moisturizing, nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, often eating can relieve cough, sore throat and other discomfort caused by autumn dryness.

Today's Bailu, rich and rich, should often eat 5 kinds of "yin" foods to nourish and invigorate qi and spend autumn

Recommended recipe – purple sweet potato fungus paste

1. A small piece of dried silver fungus is soaked with water in advance, then cut off the yellow root, cut the silver fungus into small florets, one purple sweet potato, peel and cut into small pieces for later use.

2. All materials are put into the wall breaker. Friends who like thick can also add some glutinous rice, add water, and choose the rice cereal function.

3. About half an hour, the purple sweet potato fungus paste full of collagen is ready, if you drink sweet, you can add some rock sugar.

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