
Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Original | Pregnancy

Heartache, so heartbreaking!

Recently, a tragedy occurred in a community in Chengdu, Sichuan, where a boy was hit by a car and died while playing alone at the entrance of the community.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Witnesses at the scene said that the boy was about seven or eight years old, and a person was playing scooter at the entrance and exit of the community car at the time of the accident, and the accident occurred.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

After the child was knocked to the ground, the people next to him thought that the baby had no problems, but after a while, a pool of blood was shed.

By the time 120 arrived, the child had no vital signs.

Seven or eight-year-old children, it's really heartbreaking.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

After the news was issued, it triggered heated discussions among netizens, and many netizens said: "Really don't think that you don't have to watch dolls in your own community!" ”

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

"Parents' responsibility, why don't they do a good job of safety education for their children."

"If the driver is responsible, trouble putting the guardian on the same responsibility."

"From a young age, children are taught not to stop when they walk to the entrance and exit of the garage, and to observe carefully, in my opinion, safety education is more important than cultural education."

Many netizens said: "There are really many parents who do not pay attention and let their children play in the garage exit and underground garage, which is really dangerous." ”

"There are children playing in the garage in our community, it is dark, even if the lights are turned on, it is not very clear, I don't know which parents think."

"I really don't understand whether the guardian will take the child, the basement mouth is generally driven out at an elevation angle, not to mention the car, I drive an SUV and do not necessarily notice the child, firstly, because in my cognition there can be no play, even unreasonable stay, and second, if the child's height is low, it is really a blind spot."

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

At the moment, it is pointless to blame parents for their dereliction, and they must be the saddest at the moment, but this tragedy is enough to sound the alarm for all parents.

Garage exits, underground garages are really not places for children to play, and children's safety education really cannot be ignored.

A 2-year-old girl died after being run over by a car in a garage

These places are really dangerous

Parents, take your children through garage entrances or underground garages, really pay attention.

Pregnant mothers should emphasize that the garage is by no means a place where children can play and stay.

In the above news comments, many netizens shared their experiences of seeing, which is really very dangerous:

"I also saw a 6-year-old sister in the community playing with her 3-year-old sister at the garage door today, and there was no adult supervision."

"There are too many kids playing scooters and bicycles in the garage, and the parents' hearts are too big."

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

"There are a few boys in our community playing balance bikes in the basement, which is naturally lit and they are very fast. The owner group said several times and did not see the parental control. ”

That's right, the underground garage itself is not strong, plus there are many right-angle curved cars, and there are many vehicles coming and going, which is really not a safe place.

There have been more accidents at garage entrances and exits and underground garages than can be counted.

The pregnant mother has seen a very thrilling scene with her own eyes in the community.

A grandmother took her granddaughter to the garage for a walk, and when entering the garage entrance, a car just turned in, just less than a meter away, if the driver did not brake in time, the consequences could not be believed.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

It's lucky to have a thrill, but not everyone has it.

In Yingcheng, Hubei Province, in a small area, a mother and her 2-year-old daughter were waiting for her husband in an underground parking lot, but were crushed by an off-road vehicle that was too fast, and her daughter unfortunately died.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

In Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, a 3-year-old boy was hit and killed at the exit of an underground parking lot, and the child's father squatted for several days at the scene of the incident, refusing to leave.

A nearby merchant said that the child's father did not want to leave when it rained heavily, "The rain kept falling, and he was waiting for his baby in the rain." ”

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

It's heartbreaking.

Parents, garage entrances and exits, underground garages, are hidden dangerous places, please be sure to pay attention, but also tell your children that you must not play in these places.

4 major travel safety hazards

Parents must take care of their children

A very heart-wrenching statistic:

In 2019, according to the statistics of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, there were more than 20,000 traffic accidents with child casualties across the country, resulting in the death of more than 2,200 children and teenagers, which means endless grief behind more than 2,000 families.

Every time I see a young child injured, the pregnant mother is very distressed.

In fact, with a little more attention, all tragedies can be avoided.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, and the most important thing at the moment is to hope that all parents can pay attention to travel safety, and at the same time take good care of their children.

The following 5 points parents must keep in mind:

First: Keep your child away from the car

When you see cars, trucks, buses, be sure to take your children away and go as far as you can.

Because the car really has a blind spot, you must not play near the car, and the driver also has times when he is distracted.

The safety of children can only be guarded by parents in all aspects.

As long as the child can communicate, tell the child not to play on the road, not near the vehicle, at any time, stay away from the car.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Second: Don't cross the road

Children walk by running, and crossing the road like this is really very dangerous.

A while ago, a little girl in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, was hit by a car while crossing the road and running towards her parents, and although the parents shouted "don't come" to the child, the child ran across the road.

As a result, he was hit by a van and fell to the ground, but fortunately the child was not harmed.

Red light stop, green light line, yellow light on and so on, this is a must teach children.

At the same time, if there is no traffic light on the road, also look left and right, do not run when crossing the road, and look around.

Remember, for young children, be sure to hold your child's hand and don't let your child cross the street alone.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

(Image source: @百姓关注)

Third: Don't linger or play in the parking lot

Garage entrances and exits, underground garages, are hidden dangerous places.

For safety, do not take your children in the garage or play in the underground car park.

Fourth: Never leave your child alone in the car

If you want to get out of the car, be sure to bring your children with you and never leave them alone in the car, even if you think you will be able to return soon.

A while ago, a baby was locked in a car alone, and her parents left to get information, thinking she would be able to return soon.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

As a result, when the traffic police arrived, and when the parents rushed back, the child was already so hot that he was soaked and crying.

Parents, there are too many children who die in the car every summer to count, don't be so big-hearted.

Experiments have shown that when the temperature reaches 35 ° C, the sun shines for 15 minutes, and the temperature inside the closed car can be as high as 65 ° C, which can be fatal in half an hour.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

(Image source: @央视新闻)

Leaving a child alone in the car puts your life at risk.

Fifth: Don't let children ride these on the road

Scooters, balance bikes, and electric skateboards are almost available in every home.

Parents, please be sure not to ride these on the road.

These cars can still be ridden in parks and open spaces without vehicles, and once on the road, it is easy to get out of control!

A 9-year-old child crossed the road on a scooter, rode straight through without confirming the left and right vehicles, and then was hit by a small car and fell to the ground.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Parents, please keep your children in mind:

● Do not ride a sliding tool on the road, it is easy to lose control.

● Do not ride a scooter to wander in the community, even in the community, it is also a car coming, the scooter is fast, the braking ability is not strong, it is very dangerous.

● Places with many people are not suitable for riding, and in the community where the pregnant mother lives, a little boy rides a scooter and knocks down a little girl, the little girl was hit by the nose bleeding and crying, and finally went to the hospital for a detailed examination and compensation.

The scooter slides really fast, and sometimes the child really can't control it.

If you want to play, you can choose to go to the park and play in the open space without vehicles.

In this pass, parents must be careful and comprehensive for their children.

The 5 most dangerous places in the community

Be sure to keep the kids away

In addition to the garage entrances and exits, underground garages hidden dangers, there are some places in the community are also dangerous, parents must be vigilant, but also advise their children to avoid risks.

First: life-threatening landscape lamps, ground lamps

Every community and park has floor lights and landscape lights.

Don't let your child touch these casually, especially during the hottest summer months.

Because the temperature of the exposed floor lamp is extremely high, it is very easy to burn.

A one-year-old female treasure in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, was burned all over her hands because she touched the floor lamp.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Firefighters once did a test:

When the landscape lamp works for 5 minutes, the surface temperature can reach more than 70 degrees, the internal temperature can reach more than 100 degrees, and the temperature of the ground lamp can reach 196.7 degrees.

Beat the egg on the floor lamp, and in just 2 minutes, the egg is cooked, in this case, if the child touches it, it is tantamount to grilling it on the fire.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

In addition to burns, touching floor lamps and landscape lights at will also carries the risk of electric shock.

Remind all parents: whether at home or outdoors, pay attention to keeping children away from dangerous floor lamps and landscape lights.

Second: dangerous fountains

A little girl in Siping, Jilin, walked her dog in the landscape fountain, unfortunately electrocuted and fell to the ground, the child's mother and grandmother came to the rescue, both were shocked, and the little girl died that night.

The fountain is at risk of electric shock, and every parent must tell their children to stay away, in addition, the impact of the fountain cannot be ignored.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

There is such an experiment: a 10-kilogram watermelon is placed at the spring, and the moment the fountain erupts, the watermelon is rushed straight up to 3 meters in the air.

The water pressure of the low-pressure fountain is 1-2 kg, the spray height is 3-4 meters;

The water pressure of the high-pressure fountain is 10-15 kg, and the spray height can reach 50-60 meters.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

For the fountain, parents must remind their children to watch from afar, do not play and play at close range, and do not touch it with your hands and step on it with your feet.

Third: fitness equipment will bite

Most communities will have supporting adult fitness facilities, note that they are adults, which also shows that these fitness equipment is not suitable for children to play.

A 4-year-old boy from Guangdong sat on a fitness equipment in reverse, but his small hand was clamped, and eventually the bone of the first knuckle was shattered and he needed to have his limb amputated.

The fitness equipment in the community, as long as parents pay more attention, will find that there are warning words and age restrictions on the fitness equipment.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Swings, waist swivel machines, seesaws, walking machines, etc. are not suitable for children to play, parents must have this awareness.

Fourth: window sills and balconies are not places to play

The recent incidents of children falling from buildings have really stung the hearts of countless people and sounded the alarm for everyone.

A 5-year-old girl in Fujian Province fell from the bathroom on the 9th floor and died due to her injuries, and the video of her mother throwing herself on her child and crying made countless people cry.

A 2-year-old child in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, was left at home for a nap, and his mother went out to buy vegetables and make hair, and as a result, the child fell to his death from the 31st floor, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Falling from a building, the pain of high altitude that life cannot bear!

For young children, parents must strictly warn them:

Do not climb windowsills or balconies, whether at home or in the community.

Eliminate window sill safety hazards and do not pile up debris.

Don't stand by an open windowsill with your child in your hands too often.

At any time, do not leave your children alone at home, fall off buildings, and focus on prevention.

Fifth: manhole covers that eat people

Sewage manhole covers and power manhole covers are safety hazards in every community.

It is what parents must teach their children to avoid, manhole covers can not be stepped on, let alone play.

In May 2022, a 3-year-old boy stepped on a broken manhole cover and fell down for a moment, but fortunately his father quickly dragged it back.

In May 2022, a 3-year-old girl in Yulin stepped on the manhole cover and fell into a sewage well, and her grandfather went to rescue the unfortunate double death.

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

Manhole covers must not be stepped on, let alone played.

When we call for a safety net for manhole covers, adults must also tell children: don't step on manhole covers! Don't play with manhole covers!! Dangerous manhole covers can really eat people.

Keep the following safety guidelines in mind at all times:

Do not step on the manhole cover when you encounter it on the road, walk around the manhole cover next to it.

Not all manhole covers are firm, and some poorly maintained manhole covers collapse as soon as they step on them.

Do not set off fireworks or use open flames near manhole covers.

The last thing to say is: safety is no small matter, please parents must keep their children safe!

Boy killed while playing at the entrance and exit of the car: 6 most dangerous places in the community, take the child away

In life, we must also set a good example for our children.

Tell your child what can and cannot be done.

What can be touched and what cannot be touched.

Where to play, pay more attention to where to play.

Safety education is a lesson that every parent must teach their children.

May every child grow up safely and healthily!

Reference article

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