
AI chatbots: ChatGPT or Bard, who is better?

author:Free and open lake AI

Both ChatGPT and Bard are AI chatbots based on large language models that generate natural language responses based on user input. They all make use of machine learning and vast amounts of textual data to train themselves to be able to produce useful, informative responses.

AI chatbots: ChatGPT or Bard, who is better?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI, which builds on OpenAI's GPT 3.5 model with a large language model optimized through supervision-based reinforcement training. GPT, or generative pre-trained converter, is able to respond in detail to the user's inquiry. While the answer is not always correct, it is able to provide detailed explanations and self-correction as needed. ChatGPT also includes an audit API that assists with query filtering and lets AI responses avoid discrimination such as racism, sexism and other offensive questions. In its current form, AI has no internet access, and the knowledge it gains is based entirely on previously trained data. Therefore, it only knows information and events as of 2022.

AI chatbots: ChatGPT or Bard, who is better?

Bard is another AI-powered chatbot created by Google. It's a conversational AI service that leverages Google's conversational application language model, also known as LaMDA. Bard was launched on February 6, 2023, and will soon be available to the public. According to what Google has revealed so far, Bard can perform a variety of tasks, including text generation, information retrieval, and analysis and synthesis.

AI chatbots: ChatGPT or Bard, who is better?

While ChatGPT and Bard operate on basically the same principle, there are one or two details that are different. Both provide natural language responses to natural language input, leveraging machine learning and millions of data points to generate useful, informative responses. Most of the time. These AI tools aren't perfect yet, but they bode well for the future of AI assistant search and learning tools.

The main difference between ChatGPT and Bard is that they use different training methods to optimize their output. ChatGPT uses a training method of Human Feedback Reinforcement Learning (RLHF), which uses human feedback in training to minimize unhelpful, distorted, or biased output. This approach consists of three steps: supervised tuning, simulated human preference, and proximal policy optimization (PPO). Bard used Google's own Conversational Applied Language Model (LaMDA), which uses a technique called multi-task federated learning (MTJL), which trains multiple tasks simultaneously and shares knowledge between different tasks.

All in all, both ChatGPT and Bard are AI chatbots based on large language models, both of which generate natural language output based on user input with a degree of interactivity and creativity. The most significant difference between them is that they use different training methods to optimize their output and have different advantages and limitations.

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