
Google wants "Bard" to learn more about individual users so that they can provide personalized recommendations when asked


In the race to perfect AI chatbots, Google seems to have decided to start working to make Google Bard more human. After all, each of us has our own preferences, things we want others to remember, and even situations we want others to know.

Google wants "Bard" to learn more about individual users so that they can provide personalized recommendations when asked

When you chat with Google Bard, each conversation starts from the beginning. This means that if you ask Bard the same question every day, you're likely to get the same answer. But now, Google seems to be working on a new feature for Bard that lets chatbots remember important details and preferences about you.

The feature, called Memory, will let Google Bard remember specific details you've shared with the chatbot in order to improve future results. Google even shared some examples that you can ask chatbots to remember.

As you can see from the image above, Google Bard seems to be able to remember things about you very quickly, and even remind you of things mentioned to the chatbot. If you rely on a chatbot and often ask it for advice, this will come in a lot of convenience. While this may be a bit creepy for some, this feature is fantastic for those trying to simplify their lives.

Google wants "Bard" to learn more about individual users so that they can provide personalized recommendations when asked
Google wants "Bard" to learn more about individual users so that they can provide personalized recommendations when asked

Users can also add new preferences for Google Bard. You can also remove preferences. Sadly, this feature isn't fully operational yet, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing how Google develops it. For those who are concerned about privacy, the feature can also be turned off without worrying about important information leaking out.

Google Bard's "memory" feature can be seen as an impressive achievement by Google in the field of AI chatbots, and other chatbots are likely to follow quickly. But what is uncertain is how people would react if this feature became standard on Bard and other chatbots on the market.

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