
"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

author:BRTVi lives

Cold dew

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

Cold dew is the seventeenth of the twenty-four solar terms. The climate turns from hot to cold, and everything grows with the cold and gradually declines, which is the season of alternating heat and cold. After the cold dew festival, the day becomes shorter, the night becomes longer, the sunshine decreases, the heat slowly recedes, the cold gradually rises, the temperature difference between day and night is larger, and the morning and evening feel a little chilly. From the perspective of climatic characteristics, the southern autumn is getting thicker, the air is cool and cool, and the northern part is entering or about to enter the winter from late autumn with little rain.

The arrival of the cold dew festival means that it has officially entered the late autumn, and the weather is very cold at this time. In the dry autumn, we should drink more soup to nourish the body, one can get rid of dryness, and the other can enhance physical fitness. The following is to introduce you to five kinds of cold dew festival must drink nourishing health soup, let's take a look at it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney</h1> pear

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

Chuanbei stewed Sydney pear believes that many people have stewed in life, is recognized as a good moisturizing tonic, regular consumption can achieve the effect of clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs; Sichuan shellfish taste sweet and bitter, slightly cold, return to the heart, lung meridian, Sichuan shellfish bitter cold, can clear the heat, its quality is moist, into the lungs can moisten the lungs phlegm. Sydney pear is also a moisturizing product for heat. Pear has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough and sputum, nourishing blood and muscle, and has a good effect on dry throat, itching, pain, hoarseness, sputum thickness, constipation and red urine in patients with acute tracheitis and upper respiratory tract infection.

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

Ingredients: 1 sydney pear, 25 grams of rock sugar, a little scallops.


1: Wash the pear, cut off the top cover, and use a hard spoon to dig out the core with the middle to form a pear cup.

2: Put a few sichuan shellfish, rock sugar, an appropriate amount of water in the pear cup, cover the pear cover, and fix it with a toothpick.

3: Put the sydney pears in a bowl, put the bowl into the steamer basket, and simmer for 30 minutes in water.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > soybean winter melon stewed carp</h1>

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

Chinese medicine believes that soybeans, winter melon, carp have a water-benefiting effect, especially suitable for the summer heat, humid alternating southern season to drink; this soup taste delicious, aromatic, in addition to the autumn and summer of the family soup, or chronic nephritis medicinal soup drink Oh.

Ingredients: 1 or 500 g of fresh crucian carp, 600 g of winter melon, 80 g of lean pork, 50 g of soybeans, 4 slices of ginger.

1: Slaughter the crucian carp, remove the internal organs, scales and gills, wash them and put them into a hot oil pot and pour a little hot water.

2: Soak the soybeans softly and wash them; peel and cut the winter melon; wash and cut the lean pork into chunks.

3: Put the other processed ingredients together in the crucian carp soup, add a sufficient amount of water and bring to a boil over high heat.

4: Then simmer for 1 hour, season with salt, sprinkle with appropriate amount of green onion and enjoy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > lotus root fungus rib soup</h1>

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

If you want to moisturize the skin care, then you can drink some lotus root fungus rib soup in moderation; lotus root is an autumn festival ingredient, and eating at this time can achieve the effect of getting rid of annoyance and moisturizing the lungs; the fungus is rich in vitamins, trace elements iron, and edible can improve the body's immunity, replenish the effect of blood and nourish qi; ribs are a good ingredient to supplement the daily energy substances needed by the human body. The three are combined together to make this lotus root fungus rib soup to supplement the body, enhance the body's resistance at the same time, but also supplement nutrition.

Ingredients: 500 g lotus root, 500 g pork ribs, black fungus, dates, cooking wine, ginger, green onion, a little salt.

1, wash the ribs, chop the pieces, cool water into the pot, after heating, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, boil the water for 1 minute, pour off the water and then wash.

2: Put the ribs into the gauze pot, add the water that has not been materialed, add a little cooking wine, ginger slices, bring to a boil on high heat, turn the heat down and continue to cook slowly for 30 minutes.

3. Wash and cut the lotus root into pieces during this period; soak the black fungus, wash and tear it into pieces.

4. After half an hour, put the lotus root, black fungus and jujube into the soup and continue to cook for 40 minutes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > sea cucumber goji soup</h1>

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

Sea cucumber goji berry soup has the effect of nourishing the lungs and stomach, nourishing the yin and moisturizing dryness, and is suitable for those who have dry oropharynx, hot stomach and thirst, dry cough and no sputum, dry intestines and constipation in autumn. This formula is not greasy, moist but not cold, especially suitable as a cold dew festival health care medicinal diet.

Ingredients: 150 g dried sea cucumber, 15 g sand ginseng, 15 g goji berries, 6 red dates, 2 slices of ginger.

1: Soak the dried sea cucumber in clean water, wash it, cut it into strips, put it in boiling water and blanch it slightly, then fish it out and set aside.

2: Wash sand ginseng, goji berries, red dates and ginger and set aside.

3: Put the sea cucumber and sand ginseng, red dates and ginger together in a stew cup and simmer in water for 2 hours.

4: Add goji berries and continue simmering for 20 minutes.

5: Add an appropriate amount of fine salt to taste, you can make it edible.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > crucian carp tofu soup</h1>

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

Crucian carp tofu soup is a traditional famous dish, and the nutritional value is quite high, whether it is tofu or crucian carp is rich in protein, and crucian carp has an excellent effect on postpartum recovery and prolactin. It is a good tonic dish, nutritious and delicious and calcium supplement.

Ingredients: 1 crucian carp, old tofu to taste, salt, cooking wine, ginger, shallots, coriander

Preparation steps:

1, crucian carp to scale, gills, remove internal organs and clean.

2: Cut off the crucian carp head, and then cut the fish body into small pieces.

3: Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, dip the fish pieces with a little dry starch, put it in the pan and fry until the surface is slightly charred.

4: Use a spatula to mash the fish.

5: Add hot water, add a few slices of ginger and a little cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer, skimming off the foam.

6: Cook for 10 minutes and turn off the heat when the soup turns white.

7: Filter out the fish residue and put the soup in a casserole dish. Add the chopped old tofu and continue to cook for 10 minutes, add a little salt to taste, stir well and turn off the heat.

"Cold dew a bowl of soup, no need for a doctor's help", five kinds of warm and nourishing health soup, hurry up to make Sichuan shellfish stewed Sydney pear soybean winter melon pot carp lotus root fungus rib soup sea cucumber goji berry soup crucian carp tofu soup

(Source: People's Daily, Taste world cuisine)

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