
After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

author:Taste the food on the tip of your tongue
Hi everyone! I am the tip of the tongue to taste food, "taste all over the world, everything is very right stomach", every day for the family to make food, enjoy healthy and delicious food, today to share with you is a "peanut eyebrow bean chicken foot soup", like this dish friends welcome to pay attention to me.

When stewing soup, I especially like to match a variety of beans, than the soup stewed with vegetables will taste better, peanuts, white beans, etc. are often used by me, after the annual cold dew festival, it is the season of white beans freshly listed, its one pound 9 yuan, with pork, peanuts and chicken feet to stew soup, the taste is good, there is nothing to say, nutrition is also particularly sufficient, every year after the cold dew festival can see fresh white beans, this time of course can not miss to eat, this time to share with everyone is a peanut white bean chicken foot soup, the production needs skills, But there is no difficulty, I believe that the kitchen white can also be done, and then I will share the method with you.

After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

Spare ingredients: 300 grams of chicken feet, 200 grams of pork bones, 30 grams of white beans, 30 grams of peanuts, 3 slices of ginger;

After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

Production process: The first step, the chicken feet cut off the nails, carefully cleaned, the pig bones are chopped into pieces, water is added to the pot, cold water is added to the chicken feet and pig bones, plus a few slices of ginger, blanched into the water;

After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

The second step, after the pot is opened, continue to cook for 2 minutes, fish out, rinse with cold water, wash the white beans and peanuts, and soak the peanuts in hot water for a few minutes;

After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

In the third step, after the ingredients are all processed, the pork bones, chicken feet, peanuts and white beans are put together in the saucepan, add enough water at one time, and add 3 slices of ginger at the same time;

After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

The fourth step, start the stew, after the pot is opened, you need to turn to a low heat and slow stew, force out the nutrients in the ingredients, it took almost an hour and a half, the chicken feet, pork bones are stewed;

After the cold dew, you can see the fresh beans, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutrition foot introduction: every year cold dew, this fresh bean listed, a pound of 9 yuan, stew soup to drink delicious flavor, nutritious enough peanuts white bean chicken foot soup method: cooking tips:

The fifth step, this time the peanut beans and white beans are also particularly tender and soft glutinous, plus a little salt seasoning, like pepper can also be matched with a little, turn off the heat, the prepared chicken foot soup can be served, while eating while drinking.

Editor's summary: fresh white beans to eat dishes are very delicious, and dried beans are more suitable for porridge, every year in the cold dew festival, fresh white beans listed, I will buy more, used to match the chicken foot stew soup to drink, tender and delicious, white beans a pound of 9 yuan, is more affordable, like to eat beans friends can not miss, this soup uses peanuts, white beans, chicken feet and pork bones, etc., the nutrition of each ingredient is very sufficient, used to match the stew soup is a very good choice, in the dry season, There is a hot soup on the table, warm up and relieve autumn dryness, especially for friends who usually like to drink soup, you should grasp the soup, stew with fresh white beans, the taste will be more delicious.

1, chicken feet and pork bones in advance blanched water, can help remove fishy smell, remove impurities, eat more clean and hygienic, if you want the soup is white, remember to blanch the peanuts, or put in hot water to soak for a while, the effect will be better, otherwise the red coat of peanuts will fade, the color of the boiled soup is not pure;

2, like to drink a relatively thick soup, you can use an ordinary casserole to stew, like to drink a lighter can be used to use electric stew cup, but relatively speaking, with a casserole slowly simmering, can better release the nutrition in it, the nutritional value of stewed soup will be higher;

3, casserole stew, you need to add enough water at one time, it is best not to add water in the middle, if it is a water-separated stew, you do not need to add too much water, it will not be very water-intensive, stewed soup out of the pot and then add salt to season, do not add salt too early, of course, like the original taste, there is no need to add seasonings.

After the cold dew, you have to eat white beans, if you also think that the practice of white bean stew chicken foot soup is not bad, welcome to collect it to learn, or share it with more people who need it!

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