
Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

In the blink of an eye, the National Day holiday ushered in the last day, this year's October seems to be colder than in previous years, there are snowfall in many places in our country, I believe everyone feels the obvious coolness, which is also closely related to the cold dew festival that will come tomorrow.

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Cold dew is the 5th festival of autumn, is the transition from cold to cold, is an important node from autumn to winter, so since ancient times it has been deeply valued by people, folk popular a lot of traditional customs, climbing mountains, viewing chrysanthemums, seeing maple leaves, eating sesame seeds and so on. Of course, in the important festivals, there is also a traditional food, the following will share with you the cold dew season, the old generation of traditional emphasis on "drinking longevity wine, eating flower cakes, eating 3 fruits", conforming to the seasons healthier, this is also the wisdom of the ancestors crystallization, do not miss.

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Each season has flowers that represent its characteristic temperament, and autumn is in the ninth month of the lunar calendar, which is the time when the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, so September is also called the chrysanthemum month, the more frost and dew, the more brilliant the chrysanthemums bloom. Therefore, during the cold dew season, the folk custom of viewing chrysanthemums is popular.

In addition to admiring chrysanthemums, the ancients also liked to pick chrysanthemums with dew and drink wine. Therefore, in many areas, the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine is spread during the cold dew season. The so-called chrysanthemum wine is made by washing the chrysanthemums, drying them, adding glutinous rice, and brewing koji. Due to the blessing of chrysanthemums, chrysanthemum wine tastes cool and sweet to drink, and it is more beneficial to the body, so it is called "longevity wine". Friends who like to drink may wish to try this delicacy.

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

During the cold dew season, the weather is getting cooler, and the flowers and trees have entered the stage of withering, which the ancients called "Ciqing". Soon after the cold dew, it is the Ninety-Nine Chongyang Festival, paying attention to ascending and looking far, but also eating "flower cake", because of the "cake" and "ascending" of the "high" harmonic sound, so this festival to eat the cake is called "Chongyang Flower Cake", with the beautiful meaning of "step by step".

Flower cakes mainly include "rough flower cake", "fine flower cake", "money flower cake" and "osmanthus flower cake", etc., and the practice varies from region to region. October is also the season of osmanthus flowers, and making the osmanthus flowers of the season into osmanthus cakes is a delicious and meaningful seasonal snack. Let's share with you a homemade version of the osmanthus cake recipe.

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Ingredients: 50 grams of glutinous rice flour, 140 grams of sticky rice flour, 30 grams of powdered sugar, 80 grams of water, appropriate amount of sugar osmanthus flowers, appropriate amount of dried osmanthus flowers

1, first of all, the glutinous rice flour, sticky rice flour, powdered sugar into the basin, while pouring water, while stirring by hand, first stirred into a large gnocchi, and then rubbed open, the state of the powder in the basin is loose, you can hold it with your hands, but you can spread out with a light touch.

2, stir the good powder through the filter sieve, this step can not be omitted, so that the steamed osmanthus cake texture is delicate, there will be no sandwich and gnocchi, and after the sieve, do not grasp or press by hand.

3, prepare a mold, I use a live bottom baking pan, and then we prepared the powder with a spoon scooped in, pay attention to the action to be light, do not press, so that the powder has been in a fluffy state. Finally, gently scrape flat with a spatula.

4, add water in advance in the steamer, bring to a boil on high heat, put into a baking dish, steam on medium heat for 15 minutes, continue to steam for about 3 minutes, no corn flour on the instructions cooked, the rice high steaming set, take out the mold.

5: Remove the rice cake and scatter the water vapor, then cut into small pieces. Decorate the sugar osmanthus flowers with a framed flower bag and sprinkle with dried osmanthus flowers.


Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Chestnut is one of the earliest nuts eaten in China, and it is also a nut native to China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. Every year in October, when chestnuts are on the market, the streets are filled with the aroma of sugar-fried chestnuts, which is one of the specialties of autumn. Fresh chestnuts, crisp and sweet, after cooking, sweet powder glutinous, since ancient times has been deeply loved by people, but also has "yellow chestnut in autumn full of light" good sentence widely spread. In addition to being fried and eaten, chestnuts are often used in soups, porridge, or dishes, and are very delicious.

Recommended recipe: Chestnut roasted shiitake mushrooms

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Ingredients: 200 grams of chestnuts, 150 grams of shiitake mushrooms, half a green and red pepper, garlic slices, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, a little salt, cooking oil

1, the chestnut clean, and then on the surface of the cross knife, pay attention to the chestnut shell through, and then boil in boiling water for about 10 minutes, and then fish out in cold water soaked again, peel out the chestnut meat for later.

2, shiitake mushrooms clean, with a knife to carve out the shape of the five-pointed star, if it is troublesome, you can also not engrave.

3: Wash the green and red peppers separately and cut into small pieces for later.

4: Pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil in a frying pan, sauté the garlic slices until fragrant, add the shiitake mushrooms, sauté until soft, then add the chestnuts, pour into 1 small bowl of water, bring to a boil over high heat.

5: After the water is boiled, add soy sauce, soy sauce, and a little salt to taste and continue to simmer for 10 minutes.

6: Finally, add the green and red peppers for quick stir-frying, collect the juice on high heat, and then turn off the heat and put it out.


Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

There are two persimmon trees in the yard of my hometown, and now the large persimmons hanging from the branches are golden and attractive. Persimmons are one of the representative fruits of autumn, and the persimmons hanging from the branches are like small red lanterns. The juice of the ripe persimmons is sweet and very delicious, making it a good choice for moisturizing in autumn. Of course, in addition to direct consumption, large persimmons can also be made into a variety of pasta, and can also be improved in baking to achieve more delicious taste.

Recommended recipe: Persimmon nut cake

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Ingredients: 1 large persimmon, 120 grams of ordinary flour, 55 grams of butter, 25 grams of brown sugar, 25 grams of white sugar, nuts, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of baking powder, 1 gram of baking soda

1, persimmons to choose a grinding plate persimmon, and has been cooked thoroughly, you can also use fire persimmons, but to increase the amount. Make a small opening in the persimmon peel and pour out the gravy water, the peel is not.

2: Heat the butter in advance to soften, add brown sugar and sugar and mix together. Then pour into the persimmon juice.

3: Add various powders to the persimmon juice, add various nuts and stir well.

4, brush oil in the mold or pad oil paper, easy to remove the mold, pour in the mixed batter, smooth with a spatula, sprinkle the surface with nut decoration.

5: Preheat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius, put it into the mold, continue baking for 25 minutes, then turn 180 degrees to continue baking for 5 minutes, bake until colored.

6: After baking, take it out, let it cool slightly, cut it into your favorite shape and enjoy it.


Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

During the cold dew season, the weather turns cold, and it is suitable to eat more sour foods in the diet to help promote digestion and increase appetite. Hawthorn, on the other hand, is a typical example of sour foods. In the autumn of October, it is also the season when hawthorns are on the market, and many small red fruits are displayed on various fruit stalls. Hawthorn sour, few people will eat directly, more used to make rock sugar gourd, rock sugar snowball, hawthorn cake and other snacks to consume, in fact, the hawthorn boiled water is also very good, very suitable for dry autumn, delicious and moist.

Recommended recipe: Hawthorn apple water

Tomorrow cold dew, the old tradition to "drink longevity wine, eat flower cake, eat 3 fruits", ancestral wisdom do not forget to drink longevity wine——— chrysanthemum wine eat flower cake ——— osmanthus cake eat 3 fruits——— chestnuts, persimmons, hawthorn

Ingredients: 200 g hawthorn, 1 apple, yellow rock sugar to taste, 1 tsp of honey, dried osmanthus flowers to taste

1. Choose fresh hawthorn, wash it, cut off the head and tail, and use a chopstick to remove the hawthorn core.

2: Prepare a fresh red Fuji apple, wash it, peel it, cut it into small pieces and soak it in lightly salted water.

3: Put the hawthorn and apples together in a pot, add the appropriate amount of water, add yellow rock sugar, bring to a boil on high heat, and continue to cook for 20 minutes. Make a variety of ingredients fully flavorful.

4: Sprinkle osmanthus flowers in boiled hawthorn apple water to increase the fragrance.

5: Put the boiled sugar water into a bowl, let it cool slightly, add the right amount of honey, stir well, and enjoy.

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