
Cold dew autumn strong: drink chrysanthemums to admire the autumn leaves

author:People's Daily News

"Cold dew frightens autumn evening, looking at the chrysanthemum gradually yellowing", today's cold dew is the first of the twenty-four solar terms with the word "cold", representing the official debut of late autumn. After that, the weather will be colder than a day, condensed into frost, and the footsteps of winter are not far away.

Phenology: Autumn dew heavy beard

Cold dew autumn strong: drink chrysanthemums to admire the autumn leaves

Part of Zhao Mengfu's "Quehua Autumn Color Map" of the Yuan Dynasty. Infographic

Cold dew and white dew, both named after dew. White dew is "dew condensed and white", while cold dew is "dew is cold, will condense also". A word difference highlights how the weather changes from cool to cold. Liu Cang of the Tang Dynasty wrote, "The cold dew is full of branches and branches", which vividly depicts the picture sense of cold dew frost.

Han Lu has three waits: "One waits for the Guest of the Wild Goose; the second waits for the bird to enter the water as a clam; and the third waits for the chrysanthemum to have Huang Hua." "The wild geese flew south, and at this time it was the last batch; the wind was cold, and the ancients thought that the birds hid in the water and became clams; the flowers withered, while the chrysanthemums competed to open. The unique landscape also heralds the arrival of late autumn.

As the saying goes, "White dew does not show the body, cold dew does not show the feet". With the temperature falling, autumn pants have become the "standard" for many people to withstand the cold. In ancient times, people also expressed in various ways "it is cold, to add clothes."

In the Book of Poetry, it is said that "september is given clothes", and by September, silk and linen have been harvested, and the women in charge of the family prepare autumn and winter clothes for the family. Wang Anshi wrote in "August 19th Trial Courtyard Dream Chongqing", "The empty court has a long autumn, and the cold dew is in the twilight of the clothes list", worrying about the problem of "changing seasons" of clothes.

In ancient times, there was generally more than one coat in autumn and winter. If it is a layer and a layer of silk, it is called "coat". Su Shi wrote in "Early Autumn Sending Sons", "Zi qi looking for clothes, sighing and holding my hand", the tunic of the coat is similar to the current trench coat, which is a great weapon to resist the cold. If it is colder, it will also be cushioned with flocculents on the inside of the clothes, which is light and warm. These clever tricks can be described as the "late autumn dressing guide" of the ancients.

Customs: Enjoy the autumn leaves, autumn fishing edges

As the saying goes, "after the cold dew, the autumn grain is put into the warehouse" "The autumn equinox is early, the frost is late, and the cold dew is the right time to plant wheat", and the cold dew is the three autumn busy seasons of "autumn harvest, autumn ploughing, and autumn planting". At this time, the cotton producing areas began to grasp the harvest, the north China region accelerated the sowing of wheat, pomegranates, hawthorns, persimmons, etc. have also matured and hung on the branches, a fruitful scene.

Cold dew autumn strong: drink chrysanthemums to admire the autumn leaves

Part of Zhang Zongcang's "White Cloud Red Leaf Map" in the Qing Dynasty. Infographic

During the cold dew season, autumn is colorful and beautiful, and the time of chongyang festival is similar, so climbing high and enjoying the autumn leaves has become a "major play". Du Mu wrote a famous sentence when he was looking up at the distance: "Parking and sitting in love with the maple forest at night, frost leaves red in February flowers." "Nowadays, in Beijing, Jingshan Park, Badachu, Xiangshan, etc. are all good places to ascend. In particular, the beautiful autumn leaves of Xiangshan attract a large number of tourists every year.

In addition to ascending to the heights, the douqi is also a popular folk custom in old Beijing. People think that when the moth reaches the cold dew, it looks mighty and majestic, the sound is agitated, and it loves to fight. Generally speaking, hearing the clams call means that it is autumn, and it is time to prepare winter clothes.

The north is a good time to fight, and the south is a good time to fish. Because the temperature drops, the temperature of the shallow water area of the sun is higher, the plankton is more abundant, and the fish like to gather in such a place to feed, and it is easy to hook at this time, so there is a "autumn fishing edge".

Diet: Drink chrysanthemum wine, eat persimmons

Cold dew autumn strong: drink chrysanthemums to admire the autumn leaves

Part of Shen Zhou's "Bonju Appreciation Map" of the Ming Dynasty. Infographic

The ninth month of the lunar calendar is also known as the "chrysanthemum month", so enjoying chrysanthemums and drinking chrysanthemums has become a graceful thing for the cold dew festival.

Wang Changling wrote in "Zhai Xin", "Purple Kudzu Vine Yellow Flower, JuanJuan Cold Dew", showing the beauty of chrysanthemums in a pleasant way. The "Miscellaneous Records of Xijing" records that "chrysanthemums are at a time, and the stems and leaves are picked, and the miscellaneous is brewed, so it is called chrysanthemum wine." Tao Yuanming is a loyal "fan" of chrysanthemum wine, he has a poem: "Chrysanthemum wine can prolong life, two sideburns around the crane hair", believes that chrysanthemum wine has the effect of prolonging life.

There is a folk proverb that says, "Cold dew persimmons are red in the skin". Dry in late autumn, proper consumption of persimmons has the effect of clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs, supplementing deficiency and coughing. The Northern Song Dynasty poet Zhongshu praised persimmons: "Taste hualin fangdi, color and yangjing Shen Zhu." Lightly evenly salted in the puff pastry, no more than the manna of the world. In addition, persimmons are harmonized with words such as "things" and "world", and there are auspicious meanings.

Sesame seeds, because they can strengthen the spleen and stomach, have also become a seasonal food for cold dew. In Beijing, such as sesame crisp, sesame mung bean cake, sesame baked cake, etc., are all popular commodities at this time. In addition, people also eat flower cakes, because "cakes" and "high" are harmonized, and "eat cakes" are used instead of "ascending", so as to pray for peace and auspiciousness and high everything.

"Cool wind moving, miserable cold dew zero", after the cold dew, the temperature difference between day and night increases, at this time it is easy to cause a cold, to add clothes at the right time, strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness. At this time, the key to health care is to nourish the yin and prevent dryness, moisturize the lungs and benefit the stomach, and eat more foods that moisturize the lungs and purify the heart to meet the upcoming winter.

(Comprehensive Xinhua Net, Guangming Daily, Beijing Evening News, etc.) )

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