
Diet therapeutic herbs to treat your constipation problems

author:Folk Chinese medicine Dr. Yin
Diet therapeutic herbs to treat your constipation problems

1) Qi deficiency and constipation

Clinical manifestations: Qi deficiency refers to fatigue and weakness, poor spirit, no desire to speak, shortness of breath, and more sweating.

Therapeutic diet:

(1) Sesame astragalus honey paste: 60 grams of black sesame seeds, 20 grams of astragalus, honey to taste. Mash the black sesame seeds into a paste, cook them and mix honey and astragalus decoction water to remove the dregs.

(2) Milk japonica rice porridge: milk 250 grams, japonica rice 100 grams, sugar to taste. Mix the porridge with milk and sugar and take it on an empty stomach.

(2) Blood deficiency and constipation

Clinical manifestations: blood deficiency finger dizziness, panic and heartbeat, insomnia and dreams, numbness of hands and feet, lip nails fade, etc.

(1) Shouwu red jujube porridge: He Shouwu 20 to 30 grams, rice 60 grams, red dates 10 pieces, rock sugar to taste. First, he Shou Wujia water is fried to obtain the medicinal juice, and then add rice and red dates to cook porridge, and the porridge is dissolved into rock sugar and then served.

(2) Sea cucumber fungus pig intestine soup: 30 grams of sea cucumber, 20 grams of fungus, 150 grams of pig intestine, wash the pig intestine, stew with fungus and sea cucumber, seasoned and eaten.

(3) Yin deficiency and constipation

Clinical manifestations: yin deficiency refers to dry throat and dry tongue, facial hot flashes, hot hands and feet, night sweats, red lips and tongue, etc.

(1) Lily honey drink: 50 grams of lilies, honey, sugar and sugar. Add water to the lilies and cook until cooked thoroughly, add honey and sugar and mix well.

(2) Black sesame peach pine paste: black sesame seeds, walnut kernels, pine nut kernels 20 grams each, honey appropriate amount, a total of mashed and honey mixed well, warm water to serve.

(4) Yang deficiency constipation

Clinical manifestations: Yang deficiency refers to the symptoms of general qi deficiency, as well as cold intolerance, difficult to warm limbs, long urine and other symptoms.

(1) Cistanche lamb porridge: 15 grams of cistanche, 60 grams of lamb, 100 grams of rice. First fry the cistanche and lamb, remove the residue to get the juice, add rice to cook the porridge, season and serve.

(2) Dog meat stewed red dates: 250 grams of dog meat, 250 grams of red dates. 1 tbsp cooking wine with a pinch of salt. Peel the dates and cut into pieces and set aside. Wash and cut the dog meat into small pieces, add 1 spoonful of cooking wine to the pot, an appropriate amount of water, a little salt, bring to a boil over low heat, remove the foam, simmer for about 1 hour and then add the dates, until rotten, and serve.

(3) Sesame walnut powder: black sesame seeds and walnut kernels are divided into equal parts, and the two flavors are fried, ground into fine mince, and bottled. 1 time a day, 20 grams of honey, mix well and serve warmly.

(5) A single prescription common for the treatment of senile constipation

(1) 60 grams of white art, 30 grams of raw land, 3 grams of cohosh, decoction in water; or 60 grams of white art alone, decoction in water.

(2) Citrus aurantium 6 to 10 grams, fried in water. The elderly should not be overdose.

(3) 30 to 60 grams of lyceum, taken with warm boiled water, 2 to 3 times a day, for the treatment of senile habitual constipation.

(4) Wangjiang South 30 grams, single flavor 1 decoction oral, for the treatment of habitual constipation, the next day can be soft stool. It is especially suitable for elderly patients with hypertension who are constipated and some patients who cannot defecate too hard.

(5) Angelica 20 grams, cistanche 20 grams, brewed water instead of tea, for the treatment of yin deficiency blood loss, dry intestines and constipation.

(6) 1 cup of light salt water boiled water, drink every morning on an empty stomach.