
After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

Many people like to eat bacon, so try rolling up asparagus and seafood mushrooms to make it an unexpected delicacy! Today make a bacon asparagus mushroom roll, bacon is a pork breast meat processed by smoking and other processes, evenly distributed fat and not greasy, moderate saltiness, full of flavor! The crisp asparagus and tender seafood mushrooms on the charred bacon roll are not only simple to prepare, but also have excellent taste and are very good-looking, which is a classic dish in many Western restaurants. Fried in olive oil, the aroma of bacon and asparagus and seafood mushrooms is combined, and the caramelized aroma is tender and tender, and when you take a bite, it makes people feel endlessly evocative! Only food and love can not be disappointed, like to learn to do it!

By Minnan Diners 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Bacon 4 tablets

Asparagus to taste

Seafood mushrooms / enoki mushrooms to taste

A little olive oil

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

1: First, cut the asparagus into small pieces of about 5cm, and wash the seafood mushrooms (or enoki mushrooms) and asparagus together.

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

2: Pour water into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, drizzle with a little olive oil, pour in asparagus and seafood mushrooms, and blanch for about 3 minutes. (So that the blanched asparagus is more emerald green)

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

3: Cut 4 slices of bacon in half.

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

4: Place asparagus and seafood mushrooms on each slice of bacon, and then wrap and roll up.

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

5: Use bamboo skewers to roll up the bacon so that it does not spread out when frying.

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

6: Pour in an appropriate amount of olive oil in the pot, put in the bacon roll, fry slowly over low heat, fry until set, and the skin can be caramelized.

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

7. A caramelized and tender bacon asparagus mushroom roll is complete!

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

8, delicious so simple, one bite at a time, endless aftertaste!

After eating this bowl of bacon asparagus mushroom rolls, I felt super warm in one bite

9, especially suitable for breakfast!


The bacon itself is salty enough, so without adding additional salt, prefer more flavors, and grind some black pepper.

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