
How beautiful can Chinese age?

How beautiful can Chinese age?

In ancient times, people were gentle and elegant, no matter how popular the noun had many elegant names, and age was no exception.

In ancient China, even different genders and different ages may have different titles. Come and see how beautiful the ancients' pronouns about age are~


Early childhood

How beautiful can Chinese age?

degree: also known as "first degree", refers to the time when a child is born, and later it is also extended to "birthday". From "Leaving the Trouble": "Huang Yan Yu was first in Xi, and Zhao Xiyu was named Jia." ”

The period of soup cake: refers to the three days of the birth of the baby, the three days of the birth of the old custom child, and the feast is set up to entertain relatives and friends called "soup cake bande", also known as "soup cake banquet" and "soup cake party".

Chizi: Li Ciming said in "Yuemantang Reading Book": Because the ruler character Gutong "chi", the person who is naked is called the first child, only one foot long.

Swaddling: Originally meant a quilt for a baby, later referring to a baby under the age of one. "Analects of the Child": "Then the people of the four directions are swaddled by their sons." ”

Tooth: Onomatopoeia, the sound of babies learning language, children beginning to learn, referring to 1-year-old children.

Children: refers to children who are still in infancy with laughter at the first time, and refers to children aged 2-3. "Mencius: Dedication to the Heart": "A child who loves his relatives, knows not to love his relatives." ”

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Tong Gong [chèn]: refers to childhood and adolescence, and in the "Shuowen", there are "boys who give birth to teeth in August and are eight years old; A woman gives birth to teeth in July and is seven years old". This means that the boy is 8 years old and the girl is 7 years old, when the baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth come out.

Total horn: originally refers to the hairstyle of children in ancient times when boys were not crowned and women were not crowned, and their hair was combed into two buns, such as the top two corners of the head. The descendants are called childhood, that is, teenagers between the ages of 8 and 9 and 13 and 14.

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Yellow mouth: refers to children under 10 years old, and another layer means to refer to the mouth of the chick, borrowing from the chick. "Huangkou children are just learning to practice, only knowing the sun and the moon." ——Xu Yuan, "Titled Nanyue Zhaoxian Guan Wall"

Preschool: 10 years old. "Li Ji Qu Li Shang": "Ten years of life is early childhood learning", which was later extended to early childhood studies.


Teenage years

Grandmother's Year: Children 10 years old. Waifu refers to the teacher who the children of ancient nobles went out to study at a certain age, as opposed to Inner Fu. "Li Ji Nei Rule": "Ten years, go out to work as a foreign fu, live outside, and study secretary." ”

The year of the golden puppet: refers to the age of 12 for women, and ancient girls should bring plutonium when they are 12 years old, and the golden puppet is used as a code name. Southern Dynasty Liang Wudi "Water Song in the River": "Twelve lines of gold on the head, five articles of silk under the feet." ”

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Cardamom: refers to a woman who is 13 or 14 years old, from Tang Dumu's "Farewell" poem: "More than thirteen years old, cardamom head in early February." "Cardamom is a plant that blooms in early summer, and because early summer is not yet midsummer, metaphors are not yet adults, so the adolescent years of minors are called "cardamom years".

The Year of the Dancing Spoon: Refers to boys between the ages of 13 and 15, also known as the "Year of the Dancing Spoon". "Liturgy. Internal Rule": "Three out of ten years to learn to recite poetry and dance spoons." Adult children dance elephants to learn to shoot. ”

Ji Xuan: refers to the age of 15 years old, ancient women generally after the age of 15, their hair is coiled up, and tied with a hairpin, indicating that they have reached adulthood and reached the age of marriage. From the Book of Rites and Inner Rules: "Women have five years out of ten. ”

How beautiful can Chinese age?

The year of zhixue: zhixue means to be determined to learn, which means that when a person reaches the age of 15, Confucius said, "I have five out of ten and are determined to learn"; Cao Zhi's "Wudi Zhi": "Years in Zhixue, old and successful." ”

The year of the dancing elephant: refers to the man 15 to 20 years old, "dancing elephant" is synonymous with adult children, originally meaning ancient martial dance name, learned by ancient adult children.

Jasper Nianhua: also known as "melon seed punishment", "twenty-eight years old", "the year of breaking melons", refers to the woman's 16 years old, just young and young, from "Popular Compilation Women": "Song Xie young words: 'broken melon young waist'. According to the custom, a woman breaks her body as a broken melon, not also. The word melon is broken into two eight characters, and it is said that it is twenty-eighty-six years old. ”

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Crowning: Also known as weak crowning, in ancient times, men performed crowning ceremonies at the age of 20, indicating that they were adults. In ancient times, both men and women had to grow long hair, and when they reached a certain age, they had to hold a "rite of passage" ceremony, and the men's crowning ceremony was to coil their hair into a bun called "knotting hair" and then put on a hat.

Taoli Nianhua: The woman is 20 years old, which means that the women in this period are as bright and moving as when the peach and plum are in full bloom.

How beautiful can Chinese age?


In the prime of life

Huaxin Nianhua: The woman is 24 years old, which refers to the period of blooming flowers, and generally refers to the time when women are young and beautiful.

The Year of Plum: Plum refers to the fall of plums after ripening, metaphorically indicating that a woman has reached the age of marriage. From "The Book of Poetry • Zhao Nan • Holding Youmei": "Holding Youmei, in fact, Qixi." Please, my gentleman, be auspicious. ”

And Li: refers to 30 years old, Li means "standing up, determined". Refers to the year of thirty, learning achievements. Confucius said: "Five out of ten are determined to learn, thirty are standing, forty are not confused, fifty are aware of the destiny of heaven, sixty are obedient, seventy are obedient to the heart's desire, and do not exceed the rules." ”

Shi Room: refers to 30 years old, from the "Li Kei Nei Ze": "(Men) have a room at thirty, and start to take care of men's affairs." ”

Kezhuang: refers to 30 years old, just in the prime of life, "Li Ji Qu Li": "Thirty years strong." ”

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Half-old: A woman 30 years old, refers to a middle-aged woman who still has style. Xu Niang was the concubine of the Liang Yuan Emperor Xu clan, which generally refers to women. "Nanshi • Houfei Handed Down Liang Yuan Emperor Xu Concubine": "Although Xiao Liyang's horse is old, Xu Niang is still amorous although old. ”

Not confused: refers to the man is 40 years old, which means that he can clearly distinguish and not be confused when encountering things.

Ai: Refers to 50 years old, from "Fifty Ai in Li Ji Qu Li Shang".

The year of knowing fate: refers to 50 years old, also known as "knowing the fate of heaven" and "half a hundred", knowing fate means the age of knowing one's destiny. Confucius said: "Fifty knows the destiny of heaven." ”


Old age

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Ear shun: refers to the age of 60, also known as the "year of ear shun", which means that listening to other people's words at the age of 60 can judge whether it is true or false. Confucius said: "Sixty and obedient." ”

Huajia: refers to 60 years old, the ancient mainland used dry branches to record time, the heavenly stem has ten, the earth branch twelve, the ten heavenly stem and the twelve earth branches are arranged into sixty units in order, usually called "sixty flower jiazi", also known as "flower armor". Tang Zhao Mu's poem "On Wine": "Sixty flowers and nails in hand, the cycle falls like a bead." ”

Senior: refers to a 60-year-old person, also known as "Shoukao", Southern Dynasty Qi Wang Rong's "Preface to the Three Days of March Qushui Poem": "The journey of the city well in the elderly, the childish tooth is good for the carriage and horse." ”

Seniority: Honorifics, referring to very old people, mostly over 60 years old.

Lower life: The ancients took 60 as the lower life, which refers to 60 years old. From "Zhuangzi • Rogue": "A person lives a hundred years old, a middle life is eighty, and a lower life is sixty." ”

Also lifespan: 61st birthday. Since according to the dry branch chronology, 60 years is a round, and 61 years old is the time when a new round is recalculated, so it is called "returning the calendar".

How beautiful can Chinese age?

From the year of the heart: refers to the age of 70. Confucius said: "Seventy and do what the heart desires, do not exceed the rules." ”

Gu Shi: refers to 70 years old, from the second poem of Tang Dufu's "Qujiang": "Wine debts are commonplace, and life is rare for seventy years." "It means that in general, it was not easy for ancient people to live to be 70 years old.

The year of the hanging car and the year of the cane: both refer to the age of 70.

Age: refers to the age of 70 or 80 years old, generally refers to old age. "Yi Li" "The departure of the sun, if not drumming and singing, it is a great singing." ”

Xi Shou: refers to the 77th birthday, and the cursive "joy character" seems to be 77 years old, so it refers to 77 years old.

The year of the dynasty: also known as the year of the dynasty and the year of the elderly, refers to the age of 80 or 90.

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Umbrella birthday: refers to the 80th birthday. Because the grass shape of the word "umbrella" resembles "eighty", it is called "umbrella life".

Zhongshou: second to Shangshou is Zhongshou, and the age is different, generally referring to over 80 years old.

Yoshi: Refers to 88 years old. Because the word "rice" is taken apart, it is eight above and below, and ten in the middle, which can be read as eighty-eight, and it also means that although he is old, he has a strong appetite.

Qibei: refers to 90 years old, generally refers to longevity of the elderly, also refers to the elderly, also known as "back", "platform back".

How beautiful can Chinese age?

Bai Shou: refers to 99 years old, because the word "hundred" removes the upper word "white", and the number of "hundred" is ninety-nine, so Ya calls ninety-nine years old "white life".

The Year of Expectation: Also known as "Renrui", it refers to a hundred years of high life, which means that life is a hundred years.

Shangshou: The highest lifespan, which refers to more than 100 years old. From "Zhuangzi • Rogue": "A person lives a hundred years old, a middle life is eighty, and a lower life is sixty." ”

Chashou: Refers to 108 years old. Because the cursive prefix of the word "tea" is double "ten", the sum is "twenty", and the "person" in the middle is separated as "eight"; The "wood" at the bottom is "ten" and "eight", and the sum is "eighteen". The middle bottom is connected together to form "eighty-eight", plus the prefix "twenty", a total of "one hundred and eight", hence the name.

How beautiful can Chinese age?

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Synthesized from: Poetry World, Mizuki Country Academy, Beauty Meter, Baidu Encyclopedia, etc., some pictures come from Mizuki Country Academy and Poetry World

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