
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be

author:Shadow to plate Chinese food

No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickle sauerkraut to use washing rice water, this step is very critical, pour into the pot and boil, blanch the mustard greens for about 20 seconds to slightly change color, take out to dry the water. Remember that mustard greens must not get oily. Add a bowl of coarse salt to the rice water of the hot vegetables, let it cool and pour it into the mustard greens of the sun-dried water, press it with a plate, seal it, find a place where no one hides it and soak it, it can be eaten completely discolored in about a week, soak for 15 days to be more delicious, make it yourself to eat boldly and rest assured, and quickly collect it. [Bixin]#What are your specialty dishes# #Parents' specialty dishes# #Talk about pickles# #Headline home time# #Natural green dishes# #微头条日签 #

No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be
No need to buy a tank, no need to step on it, and the sauerkraut you make at home can also be delicious. Prepare a few mustard greens in water, adjust them to thick bones and leaves, it is best not to break them open and clean them with some salt. Pickled sauerkraut to be

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