
Do you know the benefits of eating more mustard greens in spring? Nutritional value is better than milk calcium tablets!

author:Shame to find

In spring, the temperature rises, and everything recovers, and all kinds of flowers bloom, which is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and all kinds of vegetables in season also grow verdant, including the mustard greens that are common on our tables.

What the! Don't you know the benefits of eating mustard greens? Benefit the lungs and phlegm, reduce swelling and dissipate knots, and sharpen the diaphragm and appetizer These are its benefits, of course, not only these! Also for gum swelling!

We can make it into a flower clam mustard soup, which is a more authentic home-cooked dish, and many people like to drink this soup, because it is sweet and not greasy, rich in nutrients, and can also clear heat and reduce heat and moisturize the lungs, and the method is also simple.

The steps are as follows:

1: Wash the clams, drop 2 drops of oil and sand and wash them, and cut the mustard stalk into chunks

Do you know the benefits of eating more mustard greens in spring? Nutritional value is better than milk calcium tablets!

2. Add water to the hot oil in a hot pan until boiling

Do you know the benefits of eating more mustard greens in spring? Nutritional value is better than milk calcium tablets!

4: Bring the clams to a boil and cook for about 9 minutes

Do you know the benefits of eating more mustard greens in spring? Nutritional value is better than milk calcium tablets!

5. Add mustard greens and cook for about two minutes

Do you know the benefits of eating more mustard greens in spring? Nutritional value is better than milk calcium tablets!

6. After boiling, add a little salt to get out of the pot

Do you know the benefits of eating more mustard greens in spring? Nutritional value is better than milk calcium tablets!

The boiled "flower clam mustard soup" has a refreshing and pleasant feeling, and is fragrant and delicious. It is very suitable for making it for your loved ones, healthy and delicious!

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