
"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

Recently, someone in a friend group threw in a picture of the "new filial piety standard".

When several of our old mothers saw it, they wanted to cry and laugh:

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

Filial piety level reference:

Up to 8 - family pride;

Up to 6 - special filial piety;

Reach 4 - passing filial piety;

Up to 2 - biological;

Less than 2 - unfilial piety;

One does not occupy - full level inverse.

Don't look at only 8 simple conditions, there are really very few who can meet the standard!

Light rhinitis can knock down a piece.

Coupled with orthodontics and glasses, few can stand.

There is nothing else to raise a baby, the main one is "costly" + "Fei Mama".


Playing "booster shot":

Spend 100,000-200,000

Let's talk about growth hormone first, the height of children, has always been the center of parents' attention.

In order to make their children grow even one centimeter taller, many parents do not hesitate to spend a lot of money.

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

"Growth hormone injection", commonly known as "height booster injection", has become a very popular method.

For children with indications, "booster injection" does have a good effect.

But once you go down this path, it means that your wallet will become more and more deflated.

A girlfriend of mine has taken her baby to the Union Hospital for many years for "height enhancement injections", and according to her, the cost of monthly re-examination and medication is five or six thousand.

In a year, it will be 60,000 or 70,000.

The injection has been given for 2 years, and it has cost a small amount of 200,000 yuan.

However, the cost of growth hormone injections for each child is not exactly the same.

Specifically, the dosage should be calculated according to the results of your own examination, and the cost of the injection is different depending on the type of injection.

Currently, HGH injections are divided into:

powder injections, about 19,800 per year;

water injections, about 57,400 per year;

Long-acting injections, 195,200 per year.

Taking water injections as an example, it generally takes 1-2 years, and it costs at least 100,000 yuan a year.

If your baby's height doesn't worry about you,

So congratulations,

It can save 100,000-200,000.



Thousands to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands

Today's children seem to have some problems with their eyes.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, amblyopia, strabismus, astigmatism...

For example, getting myopia glasses for children is really expensive and troublesome.

Three or four hundred, we are suspected;

Three or four thousand, and too expensive.

With an out-of-focus prevention and control, I'm afraid it's an IQ tax.

At present, the two most effective glasses on the market are Xinlexue and Interest Control, with 5,000 glasses.

Don't say 5,000, as long as it can be good for the child, 10,000 is willing.

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

If it is replaced once every six months or a year, you think, how much does it cost a child to wear glasses, at least thousands to tens of thousands, right?

This is only myopia glasses, astigmatism, amblyopia correction glasses, generally more than a thousand.

Coupled with the cost of various examinations, the preparation for a trip to the hospital is 3,000 yuan.

If your baby's eye vision does not have any problems,

So congratulations,

It can save thousands to tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.


Dental Care:

As few as a few thousand, as many as tens of thousands

According to the survey, the caries rate of 5-year-old children in mainland China is as high as 70.9%, and the average number of caries is 4.24.

That is, 7 out of every 10 preschoolers have dental problems.

How difficult it is to take children to see their teeth, I believe that mothers know it.

It is simply more difficult to get a child of a few years old to lie down honestly and obediently open his mouth.

Old mothers are even more difficult, and it is really expensive for children to see their teeth!

Small hole filling 100-500/piece;

Large hole with a crown 1000+/pcs;

Root canal treatment 1000-2000 yuan / capsule.

If the child does not cooperate, coupled with the deep cavities and many rotten teeth, the child needs to be given general anesthesia and all the teeth are treated at once.

The cost of general anesthesia dental treatment is not cheap, generally 10,000-50,000 yuan / time.

Here's a reminder to the girls:

Regular fluoride + pit and fissure closure + brushing + flossing can prevent 98% of dental caries.

If the child has bone development problems such as reverse jaw, partial jaw, and retraction of the lower jaw, or tooth deformity caused by bad habits such as lip biting, finger sucking, and mouth breathing...

Then you also need to do orthodontics, which costs more.

CCTV Finance has done a survey on children's orthodontics, and more and more parents have done orthodontics for their children in the past two years.

Most of the orthoses parents choose for their children are traditional fixed aligners and bracketless invisible aligners, which cost between 20,000-60,000.

Dental problems really involve the whole body, the child suffers, the dental treatment cycle is long, and the treatment cost is high.

If your baby's teeth are fine,

So congratulations,

Not only can you toss less,

It can also save thousands to tens of thousands.


Rhinitis and allergies:

The old mother was physically and mentally exhausted

Compared with the previous few expensive ones, rhinitis and allergies not only cost money, but also cost mother.

For every 10 children, basically 2-3 have rhinitis.

The child does not talk about the snot every day, and often does not sleep well at night because of a cough caused by nasal congestion or nasal discharge.

The child coughed and suffered, and the old mother broke down.

As soon as the season changed, the whole person began to be anxious, the child sneezed, coughed, and the old mother's whole person became nervous.

Especially in autumn and winter, every day is terrifying.

Rhinitis is really the most testing disease of the mother's mentality, the child needs medicine every day, not necessarily effective, it is hard to see good, and it is aggravated when I go to school.

Over and over again, the old mother will really go from anxiety to collapse.

The sadness of allergic babies is no less than that of babies with rhinitis.

How difficult it is for a child with allergies to bring is clear only to the one who brings them.

It is really a thunder without paying attention, and various unexpected reasons may trigger allergies in children.

While carefully taking care of the child every day, you also have to bear the accusations of others: "You take the child too delicately, this does not give food, that does not give food." ”

Only I know that every time I see my child with an allergic attack, I am itchy, scratch my ears and rub my eyes, cry in the middle of the night...

How frightened the old mother is, how exhausted, how distressed and collapsed!

If your home does not have rhinitis and allergies,

So congratulations,

Children can suffer a lot less sin,

The old mother can also worry a lot less,

Being a few years younger is not a problem.


Learning without mom:

Health and longevity

There is no need to say how painful tutoring assignments are, right?

In order to help with homework, the old mother was so angry that her hands and feet twitched:

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level
"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

There is "heartbreak" (myocardial ischemia) caused by gas:

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

Some were so angry that they almost died of acute cerebral infarction:

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level
"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

And those who were so angry that they jumped into the river:

"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level
"New filial piety 8 standards" burst the mother's circle! Quick check your baby's filial piety level

If your baby learns consciously,

Never bother mom,

So congratulations,

And live a few more years.

If you add that you don't play with your phone, you don't get overly obese,

The old mother specified to be able to smile and blossom.

A little curious, is there a big filial piety that can be all 8?

That must have been an angel who came down to repay the favor!

Girls, tell me in the message area,

Is your baby "up to standard"?

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